-<,.\ s r\ CO'-l.!A~ ( '''7, B Ii CDlUMBIA ~ ~ Q;J .... 17 UTiliTIES CO MISSION ~ 1: C &' 07ur~'1\( :z . , (-'-~~~m,/ ,,~ 0 """'"' 2 __~ ~ ~:<£i;- ~ Z c:_ ~ " /~ ~C:> /~S CO'N\~ ORDER NUMBER U-G-4-80 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BRITISH COLUMBIA UTILITIES COMHISSION IN THE MATTER OF the Utilities Commission Act, SBC 1980, c. 60 and IN THE MATTER OF an Application pursuant to Section 64 of the Act by Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. BEFORE: M. Taylor, ) Chairman; ) R. Smith, ) Deputy Chairman; ) October 31, 1980 D.B. Kilpatrick, ) Commissioner; and ) J.D.V. Newlands, ) Commissioner ) o R D E R WHEREAS Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. ("Pacific Northern") applied May 9, 1980 to amend its filed tariffs to increase by 3.7%, on an interim basis, rates for natural gas service within its service area; and WHEREAS the British Columbia Energy Commission issued Order No. G-26-80 dated May 23, 1980 which authorized Pacific Northern l on an interim basis, to increase filed rates to all classes of service by 2.8% effective July 1, 1980 with the interim increase subject to refund with interest at 11% per annum pending a public hearing; and WHEREAS the Energy Commission also directed Pacific Northern to file a complete Application for permanent rates on or before December 1, 1980; and ... /2 TWENTY FIRST FlOOf' 1177 WEST HASTINGS STREET, VN,COl),[', C VbE 2LT, CANADA. TELEPHONE (604) EJ:l9-1831. TELEX 04-54536
r B COLUMBIA UTILITIES COMMISSION 2 ORDER NUMBER U-G-4-80 WHEREAS Pacific Northern filed with the British Columbia Utilities Commission an Application to Amend Certain Rate Schedules, dated October 24, 1980, requesting confirmation of the interim rates and approval of a further overall increase in rates of approximately 9.3% in order to permit the Applicant to earn a return of 11.21% on rate base, resulting in a return of 16.0% on equity; and WHEREAS the utilities Commission has considered the October 24, 1980 Application. NOW THEREFORE the Commission hereby orders Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. as follows: (1) The Commission sets the Applications of May 9, 1980 and October 24, 1980 for public hearing to commence at 9:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, December 2, 1980 in the Banquet Room of the Crest Motor Hotel located at 222 - 1st Avenue West, Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia. (2) The Commission directs the Applicant to file with the Commission on or before November 14, 1980 1980 any prepared testimony and additional supplemental material upon which it proposes to rely. (3) The Commission directs Pacific Northern to arrange publication of the Notice of Hearing attached to this Order in one issue of the Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Province and suitable local newspapers circulated generally in the service area of Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. not later than November 7, 1980. (4) The Commission directs Pacific Northern to mail customer notices provided by the Commission, in envelopes provided by the Commission not later than November 7, 1980. (5) The Commission further directs that persons intending to be present and participate in the public hearing should give notice of intention to do so by Monday, November 24, 1980 in compliance with the requirements of the Notice of Public Hearing. . .. /3
3 (6) The Conunission further directs that persons intending to file a written submission must do so by Monday, November 24, 1980 in compliance with the requirements of the Notice of Public Hearing. DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 31st day of October, 1980. UTI N ORDER NUMBER Jl::G-4-80 BY ORDER J/~~ Chairman.
-<,.\S'r\ COl.l./. ( ~ JZt~ CiJ I.\~ :; H~' ~, 1" } 1 -:(" C -' \ '<~~\ ~ ,~~ <" ~ '\ / ".",,~, ~?~~ 0 ~_r-~ l), e;,Cj ~S CO~~' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE APPLICATIONS Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. has filed an Application with the British Columbia Utilities Commission requesting confirmation of the interim rate schedules authorized effective July 1, 1980, and approval of new permanent rates incorporating a further overall increase of approximately 9.3%. The interim increase effective July 1, 1980 is subject to refund with interest at 11% per annum pending a public hearing. THE PUBLIC HEARING The Commission has set down the Applications for public hearing commencing at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 2, 1980 in the Banquet Room of the Crest Motor Hotel located at 222 - 1st Avenue West, Prince Rupert, B.C. PUBLIC INSPECTION OF THE APPLICATIONS The Applications and supporting material are available for inspection at the head office of Pacific Northern Gas Ltd., 1477 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6G 2S6, or at its local offices throughout its service area. Copies are also available for inspection at the office of the British Columbia Utilities Commission, Twenty-first floor, 1177 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6E 2L7. INTERVENTIONS Any person intending to give evidence or cross-examine witnesses at the hearing should give written notice by Monday, November 24, 1980 to the Secretary of the Commission and to the Applicant. SUBMISSIONS BY INTERESTED PARTIES Any person intending to file a written submission must file 10 copies of the submission with the Commission and provide 3 copies to the Applicant not later than Monday, November 24, 1980. CLARIFICATION Persons intending to participate in the hearing who are uncertain as to the manner in which to proceed should contact the Secretary of the Commission by telephone (689-1831), or in writing. BY ORDER D. Leach Secretary h'.ENTY FIRST FLOOR. 1177 WEST HASTINGS S1RFET. VANCOUVER Be V6E 2L7 CANADA. TELEPHONE (604) 689--1831 TELEX 04-54536
-<,.\sr\ COI..(j~ ~ . ~ /'J:) ......... ~ )7 C ~-''7,;;o''tV <: ~ ....: - ~ " ~ "" ~ ", ~ !1 -!~ 0 ?'..... ~ C5' ~~ ,C:> S COtJ\~ TO THE CUSTOMERS OF PACIFIC NORTHERN GAS LTD. Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. has applied to the British Columbia Utilities Commission for confirmation of interim rates and approval of new permanent rates for natural gas service. The applications will be the subject of a public hearing, which will begin at 9:00 a.m. local time, December 2, 1980, in the Banquet Room of the Crest Motor Hotel located at 222 - 1st Avenue West, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. We urge customers and the general public to attend the hearing and to participate in it, or simply be present so as to gain an understanding of the matters involved in Pacific Northern's applications. The applications and supporting material can be reviewed at the head office of Pacific Northern at 1477 West Pender Street, Vancouver, or at its local offices throughout its service area. Copies are also available for review at the Utilities Commission, located on the 21st Floor, 1177 West Hastings Street, Vancouver. If you intend to file a brief or wish to give evidence, please advise the Secretary of the Commission by Monday, November 24, 1980. A schedule comparing current rates with interim and proposed rates for Rate Schedules 1 and 2 is included for your inspection. Customers served under other Rate Schedules may seek similar information from Pacific Northern. Persons intending to participate in the hearing who are uncertain as to the manner in which to proceed should contact the Secretary of the Commission by telephone (689-1831), or in writing. TWENTY FIBST FLOOR. 1177 WEST HASTINGS S [P ooT VANCOUVER. B C V6E 2LI. CANADA. TELEPHONE (604) 689-1831. TELEX 04.54536
COMPARATIVE :::;CHJ;:;lJULJ;:; vr' uul'll!. J., .L:;10V .·.vn ............n o ...... ..., JULY 1, 1980 MONTHLY RATES (INTERIM) AND PROPOSED MONTHLY AND BI-MONTHLY RATES AS PER PACIFIC NORTHERN APPLICATIONS OF MAY 9, 1980 AND OCTOBER 24, 1980 -- RATE SCHEDULES 1 AND 2 ONLY* -Monthly Monthly Rate Rate June 1/80 July 1/80 (Current) (Interim) Rate Schedule Detail $ (increase '. of 2.8%) 1. Residential Monthly First 1 Mef or less 3.63 Next 9 Mef (per Mef) 2.52 All additional l4ef at (per Mef) 1.98 Minimum Monthly Bill 3.63 Bi-Monthly First 2 Mef or less N/A Next 18 Mef (per Mef) N/A All additional (per Mef) N/A Minimum Bi-Month1y Bill N/A 2. General Service Monthly First 1 Mef or less for 3.77 Next 5 Mef at (per Mef) 2.87 Next 19 Mef at (per Mef) 2.57 Next 75 Mef at (per Mef) 2.26 - All additional Mef at (per Mef) 2.22 Minimum Monthly Bill 3.77 Bi-Monthlx First 2 Mef or less for N/A Next 10 Mef at (per Mef) N/A Next 38 Mef at (per Mef) N/A Next 150 Mef at (per Mef) N/A All additional Mef at (per Mef) N/A Minimum Hi-Monthly Bill N/A *Customers served under other Rate Schedules should contact Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. \""v~~~"." Increase over CUrrent Rate (June 1) Monthly Bi-Monthly Rate Rate pro,Eosed Amount proposed $ $ % 3.73 3.86 0.23 6.34 .2.59 2.75 0.23 9.13 2.035 2.21 0.23 11.62 3.73 3.86 0.23 6.34 -N/A 7.72 N/A 2.75 N/A 2.21 N/A 7.72 3.88 3.99 0.22 5.84 2.95 3.09 0.22 7.67 2.64 2.79 0.22 8.56 2.32 2.48 0.22 9.73 2.28 2.44 0.22 9.91 3.88 3.99 0.22 5.84 N/A 7.98 N/A 3.09 N/A 2.79 N/A 2.48 N/l\. 2.44 N/A 7.98
You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.