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s\'\ COl.Uttt. ~\ ~ BRITISH CO!.UIIlUI ~ ~ ','!Ii ~ ,, ~ " "V UTiliTIES COMMISSION ~ ._~t\~ ~ S. --c ~~ . "' ~ y~ ~ ~ ~~ ...: ~ e, ~~ ,C:> /~s CON\~ ORDER NUMBER U-G-lS-80 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BRITISH COLUMBIA UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF the Utilities Commission Act, SBC 1980, c. 60 and IN THE MATTER OF an Application by ICG Utilities (Plains-Western) Ltd. Fort St. John Division BEFORE: D.B. Kilpatrick, ) Commissioner; and ) J.D.V. Newlands, 1 November 28, 1980 Commissioner 1 o R D E R WHEREAS ICG Utilities (Plains-Western) Ltd. Fort St. John Division ("Plains-Western " ) applied November 18, 1980, pursuant to Section 67(4) of the Act to amend its filed rate schedules in its Gas Tariff covering the rates to be charged for natural gas service rendered by the Company in its service area; and WHEREAS the amendment is to permit PlainS-Western to recover an increase in the cost of natural gas purchased from its suppliers as a result of the excise tax imposed under the terms of the Government of Canada Excise Tax Act, plus related costs; and "f WHEREAS the Commission has reviewed the Application and supporting material and finds that the filing of the amendments to the filed tariff rate schedules is necessary in the public interest. . .. /2 T\"jE.~,n'f FIRST FLOOR, 1 '-NEST H/\STiNGS VAl'~COUVEP"Be \/6E 2L7 CA-.i_c·<)~ TELFPr-10NE (604) ElEX
2 NOW THEREFORE the Commission hereby orders lCG Utilities (Plains-Western) Ltd. - follO\'1s: The Commission will accept for filing, effective with consumption on and after November 1, 1980, the following tariff rate schedules incorporating an increment of 29.7 cents per Mcf, necessary to enable recovery of the effect of the Federal Excise Tax on natural gas purchases and related costs: Seventh Revision of Page No. Tariff Supplement No. Original Sheet 1-1 Tariff Supplement No. Original Sheet 2-1 DATED at the City of Vancouver, ~ of British Columbia, this ~e day of November, BRITISH UTILITIES CO MISSION ORDER NUMBER U-G-15-8Q Fort St. John Division as 7 1 - Third Revision of 2 - Third Revision of in the Province 1980. BY ORDER ~.f2:,. (~~ Commissioner
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