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A\\sf\ CO/...t.; ~ 11? B fiSH COLUMBIA Q:J .... j;!.l"-"I <»"" ~ ... . ~,¥ -:" ' v ~' .~.~~.. ·~S UnUTlES COMMISSION ~'1s!~ C iA ~~. ~~*~-,. ~ I, d1~'lY"~v., ~ Z.,:/ ~c,c$<~'? 0 ''/)- Q,~ .~r-" I~ <::>0 S CON\~" ORDER NUMBER Q-G-21-80 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BRITISH COLUr-lBIA UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF the Utilities Commission Act, SBC 1980, c. 60 and IN THE MATTER OF Applications dated May 14, 1979, May 16, 1979, June 6, 1980, and November 6, 1980 by West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited BEFORE: M. Taylor, ) Chairman; ) R. Smith, ) Deputy Chairman; ) D.B. Kilpatrick, ) December 2, 1980 Commissioner; and ) J.D.V. Newlands, ) Commissioner ) o R D E R WHEREAS West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited ("West Kootenay") applied May 14, 1979 to amend certain of its terms and conditions for electric service and rate schedules filed with the Commission and comprising the lawful, enforceable tariff of West Kootenay; and WHEREAS West Kootenay applied May 16, 1979 to amend, on an interim basis, certain of its rate schedules for electric service filed with the Commission and comprising the lawful enforceable tariff of West Kootenay; and WHEREAS by Order No. G-12-79 dated June 1, 1979 the Commission consented to the filing by West Kootenay, on an interim basis, of amended rate schedules according to the terms set forth in such Order; and WHEREAS West Kootenay applied June 6, 1980 to further amend, on an interim basis, certain of its rate schedules for electric service filed with the COIllillission and comprising the lawful, enforceable tariff of v-Jest KootenaYi and ... /2 Y FIFIST 117/ \lvEsr Hf\SfltJGS F· C 2Ll CANAC'A TELFPH()l\.Jr TFl EX
p . l.J I I U ISSION ORDER NUMBER U-G-21-80 2 WHEREAS by Order No. G-33-80 dated June 18, 1980 the Commission consented to the filing by West Kootenay, on an interim basis, of amended rate schedules accordingly as set forth in such Order; and WHEREAS West Kootenay applied November 6, 1980 for an additional increase of approximately 18% per annum; and WHEREAS West Kootenay alleges that the rate revision is necessitated primarily by the significantly higher cost of power purchases from British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority and wheeling through their facilities to meet expected load growth; and WHEREAS West Kootenay applied by letter dated November 28, 1980 for the acceptance, on an interim basis, of revised tariffs incorporating increases ranging from approximately 14% for general service, 18% for residential service, and 22% for wholesale and irrigation service; and WHEREAS the Commission has considered the Application dated November 6, 1980 as supplemented by letter dated November 28, 1980. NOW THEREFORE the Commission hereby orders West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited as follO'.·,s: 1. The Commission rejects the interim rates proposed by the Applicant as set forth in its letter dated November 28, 1980. 2. The Commission will accept for filing, subject to timely filing, amended tariff rate schedules incorporating a third interim increase of 18% to be effective with consumption on and after January I, 1981 or at such later date as may allow the completion of any billing cycle underway prior to January I, 1981 at existing rates. This third interim increase is subject to refund with interest at 12% per annum. . .. /3
~ ------------" Pc ~!j ('If! Lt ,. ., ,1 lii.J UnUTiES CO N ORDER U-G-2l-80 NW.,;lBER 3 3. Subject to further Order of the Commission terminating the interim rate schedules referred to in paragraph (2) above, those rate schedules will remain in force and effect until the Commission either consents to the filing of amendments thereto, or makes an Order fixing rates for the Applicant. 4. A notice will be directed to those customers affected by the third interim increase. The said notice will state that such interim increase of 18% will be considered in conjunction with the prior Applications dated May 14, 1979, May 16, 1979 and June 6, 1980 at a public hearing and, if required, is subject to refund with interest at 12% per annum. The notice will further state that a copy of the Applications for amended rates is available for inspection at any of the offices of West Kootenay Power. 5. The Commission sets the Applications of May 14, 1979; May 16, 1979; June 6, 1980 and November 6, 1980 for public hearing to commence at 10:00 a.m. local time on Monday, March 9, 1981 in the Sandman Inn, 2130 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna, B.C. 6. The Commission directs the Applicant to file with the Commission on or before Monday, January 19, 1981 fifteen copies of any prepared testimony and additional supplemental material upon which it proposes to rely. 7. The Commission directs the Applicant to arrange pUblication of the Notice of Public Hearing attached to this Order in one issue of the Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Province and suitable local newspapers circulated generally in the service area of the Applicant, not later than January 15, 1981. 8. The Commission directs the Applicant to mail Customer Notices provided by the Commission, in envelopes provided by the Commission not later than January 15, 1981. 9. The Commission further directs that persons intending to be present and participate in the public hearing should give notice of intention to do so by Monday, February 2, 1981 in compliance with the requirements of the Notice of Public Hearing. . .. /4
10. The Commission further directs that persons intending to file a written submission must do so by Monday, February 23, 1981 in compliance with the requirement of the Notice of Public Hearing. DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 2nd day of December, 1980. Attch. BRITiSH COLUMBiA UTILITIES COMMISSION ORDER NUMBER U-G-21-80 4 BY ORDER /~h Chairman
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE APPLICATIONS West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited has filed Applications dated November 6, 1980 and November 28, 1980 with the British Columbia utilities Commission requesting approval of a third interim increase applicable to its rate schedules for electric service in its service area. West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited had previously filed Applications dated May 14, 1979, May 16, 1979 and June 6, 1980 with the Commission. These Applications resulted in a first interim increase of 15% effective July 1, 1979, subject to refund with interest at 9% per annum and a second interim increase of 16.5% effective July 1, 1980, subject to refund with interest at 11% per annum, pending a public hearing. THE PUBLIC HEARING The Commission has set down the above-noted Applications for public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, March 9, 1981 in the Sandman Inn, 2130 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna, B.C. PUBLIC INSPECTION OF THE APPLICATIONS The Applications and supporting material are available for inspection at the head office of West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited, 1385 Cedar Avenue, Trail, B.C., VIR 4L4, or at its local offices throughout its service area. Copies are also available for inspection at the office of the British Columbia Utilities Commission, Twenty-First Floor, 1177 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6E 2L7. INTERVENTIONS Any person intending to give evidence or cross-examine witnesses at the hearing should give written notice by Monday, February 2, 1981, 15 copies to the Secretary of the Co~uission and 5 copies to the Applicant. SUBMISSIONS BY INTERESTED PARTIES Any person intending to file a written submission must file 15 copies of the submission with the Commission and provide 5 copies to the Applicant not later than Monday, February 23, 1981. CLARIFICATION Persons intending to participate in the hearing who are uncertain as to the manner in which to proceed should contact the Secretary of the Commission by telephone (689-1831), or in writing. ~ . '. O 1 ~ / R i '/ / I . t-.eAL/c>'v'~ Secretary T/.E"'~TY rtHSr F!...OCJR 7177 \"."EST HASTiNGS STPE.FT. V'\l~lC:OUVtR Be. VBr ?L.7 C;;.~~,ADA, TELFPHONE (6(:.!~ £.S1-12,11 T~LEX C~-5':SJ~
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.