r------------ --, BRiTISH COLU~~BIA uHUTiES CO;;;iMiSSION ORDER NUMBER n-REA-1-80 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BRITISH COLUi1BIA UTILITIES COr~lISSION IN THE MATTER OF Section 107 of the Power Act and IN THE MATTER OF an Application by West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited for grants in aid of rural electrification BEFORE: rot. Taylor, ) Chairman; ) D.B. Kilpatrick, ) December 23, 1980 Commissioner; and ) J.D.V. Newlands, ) Commissioner ) o R D E R WHEREAS West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited applied December 4, 1980 for the payment of a grant in aid of rural electrification; and WHEREAS the Commission has reviewed the Application, which incorporates details of the actual cost of completed construction of certain electrical line extensions qualifying for rural electrification assistance grants, and has determined that the said line extensions satisfactorily conform to the terms of Schedule 84 of the Applicant's filed tariff; and WHEREAS the said line extensions will supply electric power to customers in rural areas, which due to insufficient customers, T,ยท;ould not ot.henvise receive elect.ric service at. reasonable rates. . .. /2
NOW THEREFORE the Commission hereby orders that the amount of $43,501.18 be recommended for payment to West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Section 107 of the Power Act, the said amount not exceeding 50% of the capital cost of constructing and erecting primary transmission lines and cables, service transformers, secondary lines, conduits, pipes, pipe-lines, storage-tanks and meters, and designates West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited, being an electric utility, to receive the said payment. DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 8th day of January, 1981. BHrnSH COLUMBIA UTILITIES COMMiSSlOt ORDER NUMBER U-REA-1-80 2 Limited pursuant to BY ORDER {//~~ . ~ Chalrman
You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.