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<;r\ COL.l!~ ~\ ~ ~( 17 CO ~ ._~ 1; ~ --~ ~ c Y ' i :J -" ~ :"I ..>. ,- -,,;..,. ~~-.~ ~ ~/- /~S COM~ PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLtm1BIA BRITISH COLU~IDIA UTILITIES CO~h~ISSION IN THE !,U\TTER OF the Utili ties Commission Act, SBC 1980, c. 60 IN THE Y~~TTER OF an Application by the Corporation of the City of Nelson BEFORE: M. Taylor, Chairman; D.B. Kilpatrick, Commissioner; and J.D.V. :Newlands, Commissioner o R D E R WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Nelson ("City of Nelson") applied December 16, 1980 for a?proval of its Electrical Utility Regulatory Amendment By-Law No. 1901, 1980 increasing by 6.7% all rate schedules pertaining to electric service for all classifications of customers inside and outside the City limits included in Electrical Utility Regulatory By-Law No. 1547 as amended by By-Law Nos. 1778, 1779, 1835, 1878; and WHEREAS the 6.7% interim increase applicable to all rate schedules is for the purpose of recovering an 18.0% interim increase effective January 1, 1981 applicable to power purchased by the City of Nelson from West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited; and WHEREAS the 6.7% interim increase is subject to refund with interest at 12% per annum, dependent upon the outcome of the West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited application before the Co~~ission; and '7 :,E~ay FIRST FLOOR 11 n 'w\~ES7 HAS ~ "~ ';::::.:[-:- '..'.,,"jC()·j,:::C: :1 C V6L 2L;' CA~i:'8A, TfLfFHO"<iE :6-~-~' 6;Y"+-13JL T~~ ~> :-..: :..!'j3ti BHniSH COLUMBIA ~ UTIUnES CGMilliSSION . ~ ~ -~.' \ J ; r. " """ ~ .,~ 3:. 0 ~ 3}::'~,- s ~0 ORDER NUMBER U-G-24-80 and ) ) ) December 23, 1980 ) ) ) ... /2
~mEREAS the Commission has considered the said By-Law No. 1901, 1980 and finds it to be in the public interest. NOW THEREFORE the Co~~ission hereby accepts for filing the 6.7% interim increase applicable to all rate schedules pertaining to electric service for all classifications of customers outside the City Limits as set forth in By-Law No. 1901, 1980 in the form attached, to be applicable to consumption of electricity on and after January 1, 1981. DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 8th day of January, 1981. Attch. BRITISH COLv;rlBlA UTILITIES COMMISSION ORDER NUMBER U-G-24-80 2 BY ORDER J(.c~~ Chairman
. Ti.IE CORJ.?O 3.Arr lU~'i U..f '1 J::!..::. :.~ --_ .. -,.:;...~ ...........' -.;;.... ,- '-::~"BY-LAW NO. 1901--=~: - . ~~-. -~'-- ::':, ' .. _.. :. .... -.. _.: ...... -.. ~ .... :.......,,~;~.~-.,-- ....... -..~ .:":~ ... : ....... ';"'... - . ' •• 4~' - - .... "'" ,". -, '" A BY-LAW TO.AMEND "THE CORPORATION.OFTHE CITY,Op·lhl,sON ELECTRICAL'; '.--'-.., . , ' , " " . , ;.. '" .. '' . .::. ' : " :-~' . . . . ' -::. . " . . . .. ~ : UTILITY REGULATOR.Y BY-LA .~ ..- """. .~. --::.- :;;-~~.....;\~;::;_-:' _·;;:.·.:;r~.:::..:.·_::.".~_:~:...::: ~':.;'!..:::::.-= ,:;,;~~~=-_.;.~~ ~.'- .. .. ... - .-_ ..... - .. - .. - ".-.:=.::~~'.~~ ~.~ .~-~ :~ ~-:;.-:. ~: -. -~~ . ~ __ -:...:.;.::.-:.. ~.:.:...--.:..;'~:-... . _ .. : -~. -_'A,-:' •• -_" 2:. ~ . -.--,-~- .. --'''.- .:;. 0···.·· . !. '_'_,.:. ___ , .... ::::_~~~~': ._ ... .:;,. ......... =...: .. !:;.:..;:--..... -, ~, .. WHEREAS'i t is deemed' expedient" and advisable to ~ - .~ . . , . -".-- - emend ,the Scheduie of Rates' contained within' "The Corporation of -; - -.:.- - .•. " ........... _.... . ~ . ~;.~: ': the City" of 'Nelson ElectrJ..cal-Utilit"y'Regulatory By:'law No. ~547"; ":: ~-i~;E: --:~;~~t~t~-~ltfj1~~;:jg~~:~t~~=~:unC'i~ ..• Of.·~~~ c~;~~:~~ion of -.~~i::: ... "~ the ""City _o f Nelson;: in open meeting assembled,,' enacts as :fol1ows:?:-:;~ ~-. . -.. '~:-~;.' . .~:~~~~~~:~~. .~ ~ .. --:.~]:-;;:~.:~. . ~:-~::~~~~~..:~=~~.::::::.:::-::- .. -;::~~.'- ::'.~-.~.. :,-' 1. The Schedule of Rates" contained ID.thin The "Corporation o:f-:;:::-:. . -.< the . City of Nelson Electrical Utility Regulatory By-law '''- NO~~,~1547, a.s amended by By. .... law Numbers 1778, 1779" 1835 and 1878 are hereby increased by six decimal seven (6.7$) pez-centum per annun:l ~on an in"terim basis, but subject to " refund with interest at twelve (12$) percentum per annum, . dependent upon the outcome of the West Kootenay Power and Light. Company Limited proceedings with the British Columbia Utilities Commission. 2. This'By-law shall receive the approval of the Ministry o:f Municipal Affairs prior to adoption thereof. 3. This:By-law shall receive the approval of the British .. Columbia Utilities Commission prior to adoption thereof .. 4. This By-la:~ :nay be cited as uThe Corpor2.tion" of the, City of Nelson Electrical Utility Regulatory Amendment By-iaw No. 1901, .. '" 1980". ." 5. This'By-law shall take effect January lst~ 1981 RZAD A FIRST TIME the !.5th day of READ A SECOND TIME the 15th day of December READ A 'THIRD'TIME the 15th day of December" " '.RECEIVED the approval of the Ministry o:f Municipal , Affairs the, day of " ':~~~" -,~: -~~_ .. _- .RECEIVED the approval of the British Columbia . _:. '-~::'~~ _ . ·":::~i;~:,".~,'·. Utilit ie~_ Commission the -., .;' - .-~'~'--::-~;:-'':;:':",'.: .,. - .... -:..: -~":''':..~. - ,:'~~' - ~ . - ....... ~ ... -.... - . RECONSIDERED J FINALLY PASSED AND ADOPTED the day of - -,'., ~. '-. CERTIFIED a true and correct copy of "The Corporation of the City of Nelson Electrical Utility Regulatory Amendment By-law No. 1901./]-98;'; at third reading. ~ tLL<-/,-"--,,.J C:?J: , City 'Clerk ---l;.Li r u:: 1'1 ~U~1 -. ~- . -:.,~:,.; ... "~,". . ..$"",,!~.'--:; :'."---_. .... :;. ..-..- ; ~ .. - .. -0:-"':':. ."' .... "." ~'. ~--' -. ;.~ ~- :- .. -:.~~ ... -- :-W l5"'71t ' ';e ,------'- - .. ~~"!:"::. . ;.-. ~,.:..::~~:;.~..... •• ~-~~~-.} -. ,. - .. -~ - .. _ :~ . -. . . :.="":: -. ..: -. _ -_ -_ ' : ....:' . " :_ -. -. ...." ":...:.:... ~---- .. ...;...":----~ "'--'~., ... -. ",-0' __- :"._- _.:. :::!_1' __ ;. ""':=_'::-" o-~ -- .... .- ----. - ~ -~ .. -.~ . ...... - ~~.~~.~ .. ~:: , . -, .. Or December , 1980. ,.1980. 1980. , 19 day of II 19 . J' 19 and Numbered 1901. Mayor City Clerk
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