s'r\ COI..U4,. ~\ ~ A J'I.. """1·~; . ; ~ ~ ...... "' C , ...l (. . ( ~ ~ ~;/' Qs~~ ~ <"/r /~S CON\~ PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUNBIA BRITISH COLUMBIA UTILITIES COM.J."VlISSIO:; IN THE ~ffiTTER OF the Utilities Commission Act, SBC 1980, c. 60 IN THE ~ffiTTER OF an Application by Central Heat Distribution Limited BEFORE: M. Taylor, Chairman; D.B. Kilpatrick, Commissioner; and J.D.V. Newlands, Commissioner o R D E R WHEREAS Central Heat Distribution Limited ("Central Heat") applied December 9, 1980 to amend its filed tariffs concerning the rates to be charged for steam service rendered by the Company in its service area; and WHEREAS Central Heat applied for an interim increase of approximately 10% over existing tariff rates effective January I, 1981; and WHEREAS the Commission has further considered the Application and supporting material. NOW THEREFORE the Commission hereby orders as follows: 1. The schedule of rates proposed by Central Heat under Tab 2 of their Application dated December 9, 1980, embodying an increase of approximately 10% over existing rates is approved for implementation effective January 1, 1981. "':,::.'.TY FfMsr FLOOR. '177 \":EST HAST!l'lGS 5"' P :::E'" '.:t-'.jCOU'JEP Be. \/6£ 2L7 CAN,!,C";, ;E=:,,::c-.-j:;~E {~"''';.!' st),~::,2' 1E,-=2,", "."-!-5!:;}i) E ""'Y~'('n CDI H~lB:A ~ ti1i i f~n U!L.t..#~7j 1.'1 ~) ~ !. V Uil LlTiES COfi1MiSSION ; r : . : . l . . . . · ~. *¥ ~ ,l ... ~ ~ 2 " ~ ' ~ i" _ ' : ~ -7 . ; 0 ~~ ORDER NUMBER U-G-2S-80 and ) ) ) December 23, 1980 } ) ) . .. /2
.----------------------------1 l ~ ! n . - ~ -1 " j -; ~ \ l r · l I - -nOle~ - " -_. · ' BJA LJI\I 1'; 1 \J ill UTIUT!ES COri1i~ISSION ORDER NUMBER U-G-25-8Q 2 2. The interim rates referred to in (1) above are subject to refund with interest at 12% per annum subject to a public hearing, the date of which will be set by a further Order of the Commission to be issued at a future date. DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 8th day of January, 1981. BY ORDER f-~k Chairman ...
You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.