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BRITISH COLUMBIA UTI IN THE MATTER OF tile Utilities Commission Act, S.B.C. 1980, c. 60, as amended and IN THE MATTER OF Commission Order No. G-114-89 and Princeton Light and Power Company, Limited BEFORE: J.D. V. Newlands, Deputy Chairman: N. Martin, Commissioner: and W.M. Swanson, Q.C., COlIllnissiorler WHEREAS Commission Order required B.C. Hydro and Power Authority to file for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessi ty ("CPCN") on electrical transmission projects of 138 kV and above pursuant to Section 51 (3) of the Utilities Commission Act: and WHEREAS the Commission has reviewed the Order and finds that the filing for a CPCN on such projects is required by all Commission regulated utilities. NOW THEREFORE the Commission orders Princeton Light and Power Company, Limited (IIPLpll) as follows: 1. Pursuant to Section 510) of the Utilities Cornmission Act, PLP is ordered Commission for a CPCN on all future transmission lines rated at 138 kV and above. DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this !}?/t y of October, 1989. 43I/20/ssc SIXTH FLOOR, 900 HOWE STREET, VANCOUVER. B C V6Z 2N3. CANADA, TELEPHONE {604) 660-4700, TOLL FREE 1·800-GB3· 1385, FACSiMILE (604) 660"1102 ~lm~H {!OlUMBIA UlIUTlES COMMISSION CRDER NU;,1SER __G_ -_S_6_-_8_9 __ L IT I E " S C O M -M I S S -IO N October 26, 1989 R No. G-I+4-89 (lithe Order ") to rnake application to the BY ORDIV;(;g ~ A ~ ' ~ ' a ' i ' , r m l a ' "
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.