sr\ CO(U «-.(:-.\ QJ n. C ~ ('/)- /;t'. coN' <-'$ IN THE MATTER 01' the Utilities Commission Act, S.Re. 1980, c. 60, as amended and IN TIlE MAlTER OF an Application by Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. BEFORE: 1.G. McIntyre, Chainnan; J.D.V. Newlands, Deputy Chainnan; N. Martin, Commissioner; and W.M. Swallson, Q.C., Commissioner QRDER WHEREAS: A. On November 27, 1990 Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. ("PNG") applied to the Commission for approval of amendments effective December I, 1990 to the Gas Tariff, Supplement No.-17, Finn Transportation Service with British COIUIll Petroleum Corporation ("BCPC") and HCPC (Kitimat) Ltd. dated December I, 1989; and B. On November 27, 1990 PNG applied to the Commission for approval of amendments to Gas Tariff, Supplement No. 14, Gas Sales Agreement with BCPC dated August 1, 1981; and C. On October 31, 1990, PNG applied to increase the contract demand for Finn Transportation Service with HCPC from 83.3 10 November 1, 1990; and D. On November 27, 1990 PNG applied to increase in contract demand for Finn Transportation Service with BCPC from 332.3 lO3m 3 to 428.4 10 decrease in contract demand sales volumes from 914.0 10 effective December 1, 1990; and E. The Commission has considered the Applications and is satisfied that the fil properly conserve the public interest. NO\V THEREFORE the Commission approves and accepts for filing as follows: 1. The Commission approves the change in contract demand and conversion from sales service to transportation service for PNG and BCPC as follows: November 1, 1990 - First Revision of Original Sheets 17-2, 17-3 and 17-8 December 1, 1990 - Second Revision of Original Sheets 17-2, 17-3 and 17-8. ~~ '/ Y" <' ~ <?0 ",t.\ \'<' G 104-90 ) ) ) ) ) November 30, 1990 ) ) ) 3 m 3 to 332.3 10 3 m 3 , effective 3 m 3 and a 3 m 3 to 817.9 lO3 m3,
COLUMBIA UTILITIES COMMISSION NUMBER ...9 :-104 - 9 0 2 2. The Commission accepts for filing, housekeeping amendments to its Gas Tariff to accommodate a change in contract demand for Tariff Supplement No. 14 with BCPC efft~ctive as follows: Decem ber 1, 1989 First Revision of Original 14-2 and 14-9 Novembs;:r 1, 199Q Second Revision of Original Sheets 14-2 and 14-9 Decem ber 1, 1990 Third Revision of Original Sheets 14-2 and 14··9 DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this .~) ) day of December, 1990. V BY ORDER /1m BCUCjOrdcrs/PNGjA mend TS# 17 /BCPC
You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.