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C;:::.1..18.:::.9.5 . SIXTH FLOOR, 900 HOWE STREET, BOX 250 TELEPHONE: (604) 660-4700 VANCOUVER, B.C. V6Z 2N3 BC TOLL FREE: 1-800-663-1385 CANADA FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 IN THE MATTER OF the Utilities Commission Act, S.B.C. 1980, c. 60, as amended and An Application by The Corporation of the City of Nelson for Approval of an Interim Pass-Through of Increased Cost of Purchased Power BEFORE: M.K. Jaccard, Chairperson; and ) L.R. Barr, Deputy Chairperson ) December 21, 1995 ORDER WHEREAS: A. On December 20, 1995 The Corporation of the City of Nelson ("the City") applied to the Commission for an interim increase in rates of 3.85 percent as a result of increased power purchase costs from its supplier, West Kootenay Power Ltd. ("WKP"), effective January 1, 1996 made necessary by Commission Order No. G-111-95 approving for WKP an interim increase in rates of 3.85 percent effective January 1, 1996; and B. The Commission has considered the Application and is satisfied that an interim increase in rates for the City is necessary and in the public interest. NOW THEREFORE the Commission orders as follows: 1. The Commission approves for the City an interim increase in rates of 3.85 percent, effective January 1, 1996. 2. The Commission will accept, subject to timely filing, an executed City By-Law that adopts amended Electric Tariff rate schedule rates that embody the increase approved by this Order. 3. The City will provide all customers with an appropriate notice of explanation of the rate increase and its effect on monthly electricity bills by way of a bill stuffer and will publish a notice in the community newspaper. 4. The January 1, 1996 interim rate increase is subject to refund with interest calculated at the average prime rate of the principal bank with which the City conducts its business. The disposition of the increase will be by way of a future Commission Order. DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this day of January, 1996. BY ORDER Dr. Mark K. Chairperson Orders/CityofNelson-lnterimIncres
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