B R I T I S H C O LU M B I A U T I L IT IE S C O M M I S S I ON O R D ER a N U M B E R G-129-97 SIXTH FLOOR, 900 HOWE STREET, BOX 250 TELEPHONE: (604) 660-4700 VANCOUVER, B.C. V6Z 2N3 BC TOLL FREE: 1-800-663-1385 CANADA FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 IN THE MATTER OF the Utilities Commission Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 473 and An Application by British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Rebuild a 138 kV Transmission Line to 230 kV Standards BEFORE: L.R. Barr, Deputy Chair ) and Acting Chair ) December 11, 1997 K.L. Hall, Commissioner ) P.G. Bradley, Commissioner ) O R D E R WHEREAS: A. On October 27, 1997, British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (ÒB.C. HydroÓ) applied to the Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (ÒCPCNÓ) to rebuild 3.0Êkilometres of a 138ÊkV Transmission Line to 230 kV standards, from its Jingle Pot Substation to its Northfield Substation near Nanaimo, B.C.; and B. The Application included a September 1997 Environmental Planning and Assessment Report, a September 1997 Technical Report, and a September 1997 Public Consultation Report, all in support of the project. The Application also indicated that there has been detailed stakeholder meetings and news releases about the project; and C. The Commission has reviewed the Application and finds that the broader general public needs to be given the opportunity to make submissions regarding the project. NOW THEREFORE the Commission orders as follows: 1. B.C. Hydro is to publish in the local newspapers in the area, a Commission Notice requesting public comment on the Application for a CPCN to rebuild a portion of the 138ÊkV line to 230ÊkV standards and to be energized at 138ÊkV. A draft copy of the Notice is to be sent to the Commission for review in advance of publication. B.C.ÊHydro is to publish the Notice as soon as possible, as well as during the week of JanuaryÊ5, 1998. . . . /2
2 2. The public's comments on the CPCN Application are to be received by the Commission, in writing, no later than Friday, JanuaryÊ30, 1998. 3. B.C. Hydro is to have sufficient copies of the CPCN Application available at its Nanaimo District Office for distribution to the public. DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this ÊÊÊÊ12thÊÊÊÊday of December, 1997. ORDERS/BCH-CPCN Line RebuildB R I T I S H C O L U M B I A U T IL IT IE S C O M M I S S I O N O R D E R N U M B E R G-129-97 BY ORDER Original signed by: Lorna R. Barr Deputy Chair and Acting Chair
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