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B R I T I S H C O LU M B I A U T I L I T I E S C O M M I S S I ON O R D E R N U M B E R G-132-97 SIXTH FLOOR, 900 HOWE STREET, BOX 250 a TELEPHONE: (604) 660-4700 VANCOUVER, B.C. V6Z 2N3 BC TOLL FREE: 1-800-663-1385 CANADA FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 IN THE MATTER OF the Utilities Commission Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 473 and An Application by Centra Gas British Columbia Inc. for Approval of Amendments to the Industrial Gas Sales Agreement with Doman Forest Products Ltd. BEFORE: L.R. Barr, Deputy Chair ) and Acting Chair ) December 11, 1997 K.L. Hall, Commissioner ) P.G. Bradley, Commissioner ) O R D E R WHEREAS: A. The Commission, by Order No.ÊG-68-94, approved for Centra Gas British Columbia Inc. (ÒCentra GasÓ) a JuneÊ20, 1994 Industrial Gas Sales Agreement with Doman Forest Products Ltd. (ÒDomanÓ) for gas supply to its forest products operations and dry kiln at Chemainus, B.C.; and B. On NovemberÊ13, 1997, Centra Gas applied to the Commission for approval of a September 16, 1997 Amending Agreement to the Industrial Gas Sales Agreement to reflect a revised contract demand and an extension of the term of the Agreement to December 31, 2008; and C. On DecemberÊ3, 1997, Centra Gas provided the Commission with a feasibility analysis of the contract amendment confirming that the revenue received each year exceeds the incremental cost as well as providing a contribution to fixed costs; and D. The Commission has reviewed the application and finds that approval of the amendment is appropriate and in the public interest. NOW THEREFORE the Commission approves for Centra Gas, effective January 1, 1998, the September 16, 1997 Amending Agreement to the 1994 Industrial Gas Sales Agreement with Doman. DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this ÊÊÊÊ22ndÊÊÊday of December, 1997. BY ORDER Original signed by: Lorna R. Barr Deputy Chair and Acting Chair ORDERS/CG(BC)/Doman Forest Products
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