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Ms. Darlene M. Barnett Senior Vice President Marketing and Customer Services British Columbia Hydro and

Power Authority 17th Floor, 333 Dunsmuir Street Vancouver, B.C.

V6B 5R3

Dear Ms. Barnett: Re: 1998 Rate of Return on Equity BC Gas Utility Ltd., Centra Gas Fort St. John Inc. Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. and West Kootenay Power Ltd.

The Commission has reviewed the performance of the automatic mechanism to adjust the rate of return on common equity, set out on Pages 39/40 of its Decision dated June 10, 1994 and as amended by way of Commission Order No. G-49-97, and has determined that the mechanism has performed favourably. Therefore, the Commission has chosen to apply the mechanism to determine the rate of return on common equity for 1998.

Accordingly, the Commission has determined that the appropriate rates of return on common equity in 1998 for BC Gas, Centra-FSJ, PNG, and WKP are as follows: Allowed Rates of Return on Common Equity 1998

1998 Allowed Rate of Return on Common Equity

BCGas Centra - FSJ PNG WKP

LETTER No. L-73-97 SIXTH FLOOR. 900 HOWE STREET. BOX 250 VANCOUVER. B.C. CANADA V6Z 2N3 TELEPHONE: (604) 660-4700 BC TOLL FREE: 1-800-663-1385 FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 December 2, 1997

10.00 10.25 10.75 10.25

The calculation and other documentation in support of this finding is attached as Appendix A. Each Utility will be required to submit an application for approval to the Commission to vary its rates in line with the determinations made in this letter.

DWE'lssc Attachment cc: Mr. R. Brian Wallace Bull Housser & Tupper Mr. Richard Gathercole Executive Director BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre Ms. Carol Reardon Heenan Blaikie

Misc. Cor/L-73-97 Allowed Rates of Rtm on Common Equity

2 Yours truly,

**************************************************~************* ******* ~( * * TCR (DEC.02, '97 16:38) ;BCUC 660-1102 * **************************************************************** * * * * DATE START REr10TE TERMWRL TIME IDEt'HIFICRTION *** OCT. 24 14: 56 604 623 4311 * 14: 59 250 387 6003 * 15: 04 CEtHRRGRS REGULATORY * 15: 17 604 443 6904 * * 15: 20 PRe I FI C t'iORTHERti GRS * 15: 34 PRC I FI C ~iORTHER~i GRS * * OCT. 27 09: 12 604 691 5921 * 11:29 403 268 6563 * * 11 : 39 403 268 6563 * 11: 43 403 268 6563 ** * OCT. 31 14: 55 604 844 1998 * ~iOV .04 09: 49 604 640 4070 * NOV. 05 18: 20 * NOV. 12 12: 01 CEfHRRGRS REGULRTORY * 12: 05 604 443 6904 * NOV.13 19:54 * NOV.19 13:11 6044436476 * 13: 12 604 480 4459 * 13: 1:5 4166389318 * NOV. 20 08: 59 97752020 * 15: 42 604 6835317 * 16: 09 604 640 4070 * * 16:17 604 685 1713 * * 16: 26 604 895 3524 * 16: 34 CErHPRGRS REGULRTORY * * NOV. 21 12: 28 604 623 4311 * 13: 17 604 691 5921 * * * 21:41 13 L - .. -,-t'lOV. 27 19: ,6 -9-r '"f" * * NOV. 28 11 : 58 684 527 5949 * DEC.02 CM._ 16:01~/7 604 623 4311 * 16: 12v..L'J77L) 6046233855 ~ 16:221!.teLE£204 943 3922 * * * * * * * *** *******************************************************************************

* * * * ********* of; * * * ~. MODE TH1E TOTAL RESUL TS+ PRGES if * G3ST 01' 29" 004 OK i *f G3ST 00' 49" 002 Of< * G3ST CH' 27" 004 OK *;tC G3ST 01'26" 004 OK * G3ST 01 ' 26" 004 OK *t G3ST 00' 42" 002 OK o ~ f . G3ST 00' 58" 002 OK+* G3ST 01'12" 002 OKo! if G3ST 00 ' 56" 001 Of< *;+ G3ST 03' 30" 006 OK. t f G3ST 00' 40" 001 OK ** G3ST 02' 23" 004 OK f ;y G3SR 00"52" 001 OK *of G3ST 00'56" 002 OK * G3ST 02' 46" 006 OK * G3SR 00'43" 001 OK * G3ST 00'27" 001 OK * G3ST 01'11" 002 OK * G3ST 01 '05" 002 OK * G1 T 06 ' 04" 001 OK ,*.. G3ST 06' 10" 013 OK * G3ST 07' 32" 013 OK!* G3ST 07'36" 013 OK *f ,. . G3ST 06' 03" 013 OK of G3ST 06'05" 013 OK 0+ .! G3ST 00' 34" 001 OK.* G3ST 11' 45" 020 OK ~ :1'. * G3SR 00'33" 001 OK ;f G3SR 01 '27" 001 OK * G35T 88' 39" 881 Ol( * G35T 10'19" 014 OK ** G35T 10'21" 014 OK * G3ST 12'27" 014 OK ;t :1' * * * * * TX:33459 RX:20387 *

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L-73-97 Page 1 of 12

Calculation of Allowed 1998 Rate of Return on Common Equity 1. 10 Year Canada Bond Yield Forecast Average: (Consensus Economics, November 1997 Consensus Forecast)

2. A verage of 3 and 12 Month Forecasts 5.95 3. Add Yield Spread Between lOYe ar (7.0%, December 1,2006) and 30 Year (9.0%, June 1,2025) Canada Bonds: 0.438 4. Equals Projected 1997 Yield on Long Term Canada Bond 6.338 5. Less BCUC Benchmark Forecast 9.25 6. Initial Adjustment Factor -2.862 7. Sliding Scale Adjustment Factor -2.290 7 . Allowed 1998 Rate of Return Common Equity:

Sliding Scale Benchmark Adjustment ROE Factor BCGas 12.25 -2.290 Centra-FSJ 12.625 -2.290 PNG 13.0 -2.290 WKP 12.5 -2.290 Misc. Cor/L-73-97 Allowed Rates of Rtrn on Common Equity

3 month Ahead 12 month Ahead (Feb. 1998) (Nov. 1998) 6.0 5.9

Initial Rounded 1998 ROE 1998 ROE 9.960 10.0 10.335 10.25 10.710 10.75 10.210 10.25

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L·73·97 Page 2 of 12

. Survey Date November 10, 1997

Every month, Consensus Forecasts surveys over 200 prominent financial and economic forecasters for their estimates of a range of variables including future growth, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. More than 30 countries are covered and the reference data, together with analysis and polls on topical issues, IS rushed to subscribers by express mail.

Syrvey Higbligbts Contents ~ .:. Despite the recent correction in world stock prices and downward revision to ASEAN growth prOjections, fore· Significant Changes in the casts for economic growth in most of the G-7 countries Consensus ........................................ 2 have remained broadly unchanged since our last survey. Indeed, contrary to initial concerns that the negative Reallnterc&t Ratca weaHh effect might weaken economic growth, ongoing {continued on page 27) .................... 3 strength in the United States has prompted upward revisions to consensus forecasts for growth in personal Individual Country Forecasts consumption, business investment and industriaJ produc­tion in both 1997 and 1998. With the slowdown in growth United States ..................................... 4 now expected to be less severe than antiCipated earlier Japan ................................................ 6 this year, combined with expectations of weaker export Germany ........................................... 8 demand from Asia (including Japan), forecasts for the France ............................................. 10 current account deficit have deteriorated. United Kingdom ............................... 12 Italy .................................................. 14 .:. The ensuing flight to long term government bonds, tradi-Canada ............................................ 16 Netherlands ..................................... 18 tionally considered to be a 'safe haven' investment in times Spain ............................................... 19 of stock market volatility, has caused nominal bond yields Sweden ........................................... 20 to dedine in most countries. Our special analysis of real intercat rates on page 3 highlights these movements, Austria, Belgium, Bulgana, Czech when adjusted for long term inflation expectations. This Republic, Denmark .......................... 21 month's speciaJ survey, on pages 26 and 27, Jooks at our Egypt, Finland, Greece, Hungary, panels' projections for growth in corporate profile be-Ireland, Israel .................................. 22 tween now and 2002 and assesses whether the collapse Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, in equity prices reflects any change in the underlying RUSSia, Saudi Arabia ....................... 23 growth and profitability outlook. Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine .......... 24 Consensys Forecasts Global Outlook Consensus Economics has just completed a new, one-Foreign Exchange and Oil Priee off report oontaining individual country, regional and Forecasts ........................................ 25 worldlong term forecasts covering the years 1997-2007 for the globaJ economy. This 24 page document in-Corporate Profits ............................ 26 cludes data on 45 countries, representing over 92% of the US$29.6 trillion world economy 0 naG DP weighted World Economic Activity basis (Virtually all industrialised countries). Further de-Table ................................................ 28 tails and a subscription form can be found on the back page of this publication.

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L-73-97 Page 3 of 12

llflfl l~D l~lf 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 Q4 01 02 Unemployment Rate, % 11.2 10.4 95 9.7 CUrrent Account, C$ bn _2B.t?A~~ ..1 7 -:-~ &3 .B Gross Domestic 2.8 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.4 3.2 29 2.B 2.B Product Federal Govt Budget Balance, fiscat years, C$ bn -42.0 -37.5 -2B.fl -B.9 Personal 3.3 4.3 4.1 3.6 3.2 29 28 2.B 2.8 2.6 EJcnenditure 3 mth Tray Billa, % (end yr) 3.9 7.2 5.fl 2.8 1.8 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 10 Yr Govt Bond, % (end yr) tHI 9.2 7.1 fl.4 I Jmer 2.1 1.7 1.7 P. ...c :s Consensus Forecasts shown in bold italics 15

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L-73-97 Page 4 of 12

Average 'V. Change on PreviOUS Calellllar Vear Gross Personal Machinery I Pre· Tax DomestiC Expenditure & EQUipment Product Investment \

Produit Depense#de \ lnvesti.sse. Interleur Consomtrllt- mem BIUt lion de# Product" MenllOe$ EconomlCForec:asters 1997 1998 \1997 1998 1997 1998 ABC Dominion Seainties 4.0 41 4.0 3.6 18.6 12.0 BankOf Montreal 3.8 43 44 43 20.0 147 BankOf Nova Scotia 3.8 40 42 36 20.0 10.0 Caisse de Depot 3.7 2.6 35 2.5 Hl.8 8.7 I CIBC 37 3.5 41 30 ! 18.7 6.8 I Inrormetnca 3.7 3.0 na na 15.0 11.0 UOIversltyOf Toronto 3.7 3.9 43 3.6 18.6 8.0 ClBC Wood Gundy 3.6 32 42 2.8 18.5 0.0 National BankOfCanada 3.0 3A 4.2 32 19.0 10.7 Royal BankOf Canada 3.5 3.3 4.2 3.3 19A 11.8 51 ire 3.5 3.1 41 32 18.3 7.3 C. Joard Of Canada 3A 3.1 42 2.9 18.8 10.5 Consensus (Mean) 3.7 3.5 41 3.3 \ 18.5 9.8 \ 18.5 \ Last Month's Mean 3.7 3.6 41 33 18.7 10.0 JMonthsAgo 3.5 3.3 3.7 2.9 17.9 9.7 High 4.0 43 44 43 20.0 14.7 Low 3.4 2.8 3.5 2.5 15.0 5.6 Standard Deviation 0.2 05 0.2 05 14 CompansonForecasts Min. Of Finance (Mar. '97) 3.2 2.6 IMF (Oct. '97) 3.7 3.5 40 32 OECD (June '97) 3.5 3.3 2.7 3.0

Govemment and Background Data Hiatorical Data Prime Minister.Mr. Jean CtvelJen (uberal). Govemment The uberais % ctlange on preVIOUS year 1993 1994 1995 1996 held 155 of ltIe 301 seats 10 parliament. Next Election· Parliamentary by 2002. 01'088 Domeatic Product" 2.2 41 2.3 1.5 NomlnaIGDP.CS797.8t::n/1996).Populatlon.30.cmn(lTlId.year,1996). Peraonal Expenditure" 1.0 2.9 1.4 2.4 CS/S Exchange Rate ·1.36 (average, 1990\ Mactlinery & Eqpt. Inveetment" 3.9 8.4 10.9 110 Pre - Tax Profits· f 20.2 34.4 13.1 0.2 Induatrial Production" 45 7.0 3.4 1.7 Conaumer Price.' 18 0.2 2.1 1.0 ""aricrly Con. ..... Fo,""",. PercentJJge Change (year-<Jn-year). From SUf\leY: SeptemDer 8, 1997 Induetrial Product Pricea" 3.3 5.7 8.1 0.5 Houaing Starts, '000 units 155 154 113 124 1997 1998 1999 Q1 02 03 04 01 Q2 QJ Q4 Q1 Q2 Unemployment Rate, % 11.2 10.4 9.5 9.7 Current Account, C$ bn ·28.0 ·20.1 ·7.4 &3.8

AnnualTotal Industrial Consumer Industnal HOUSing ProTits Pl'OCIuctlon Pnces Pl'OCIuct Starts Prices (thousand units)

BeneJlCes \ Consttuc/OlJ de Pl'OCIuction Prix iI/a \ Prix des dea Societe:. Industrie//e Consomma- Produits Logements .vanlimpOts lion Industriels misellen I chantlet: mi/Iiers 1997 199811997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998 na na na na 1.8 1.8 na na na na 13A 7.8 na na 1.8 11 na na 150 107 20.0 12.0 na na 17 19 na na 150 100 16.1 7.3 na na 1.7 1.8 na na 151 158 22.8 0.3 na na 17 20 na na 153 158 20.0 12.0 3.7 4.3 1.8 2.0 0.8 1.0 148 Hl2 19A 13.3 na na 1.7 1A na na 149 157 19.7 10.5 na na 1.7 1.8 na na 151 100 19.0 10.0 4.5 3.8 1.8 2.1 1.0 2.1 150 100 20.5 3.3 na na 1.8 1.8 11 1.7 154 173 14.5 0.1 na na 1.8 1.9 na na 151 150 180 2.5 3.8 4,3 1.9 2.2 1.3 2.9 150 1C12 8.5 \ 4.0 41 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.9 151 101 181 8.7 4.0 40 1.8 2.0 10 2.3 151 100 16.6 8.7 4.5 4.0 1.8 2.0 1.2 2.1 153 159 22.8 13.3 4.5 4.3 1.9 2.2 1.3 2.9 154 173 13.4 2.5 3.7 3.8 1.7 11 0.8 1.0 148 150 2.4 2.8 35 OA 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.8 2 5 1.0 1.8 1.5 1.0 4.7 3.9 , ~~-

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L-73-97 12

Fiscal Years Rates on Survey Date Economy Continues on Expansionary Track YearAvg AnnualTotal (Apr-Mar) 3.0% 5.5% The Bank of Canada's cautious interest rate rise of 0.25 % on Jnemploy- Current Federal 3 month 10 Year October 1 has fuelled expectations that a further rate hike ment Account GovtBudget Treasury Government will be necsssary. Canada's growth rate is continuing on an Rate (%) (C$ bn) Balance Bill Bond upward trend, despite monthly figures showing the rate of (C$bn) Rate(%) Yield(%) GOP growth slowing to 0.2% in August (month-an-month), Tawcde Balance Balance Rendement Rendement surles Bons desObli9at- compared with July's stronger figure of 0.8%. The oonsen-ChOmBge Courante Budgelaire (%) (CSmd) (CSmd) duTresorde ionsd'Elat sus forecast for 1997 and 1998, however, implies that 3mois % de 10ans % August's slight slowdown may prove to be temporary and 1997 1998 1997 1998 FY97 FY98 End End End End l=oo'98 Nov'9f Fob'98 Nov'9f strong domestic demand should ensure that the current expansion continues. August retail sales figures recorded a 9.4 8.0 -12.0 -29.1 -7.0 -8.0 na na na na fall of 0.1 % month-an-month follOWing a 1.4% surge in July, 9.2 8.0 -97 -5.7 -4.0 4.0 4.0 4.1 0.2 5.1 due to a drop In auto sales. Non-auto retail sales - in oontrast 9.2 8.3 -7.0 -5.0 na na 3.5 3.7 5.7 5.4 - registered an increase of 0.7% month-on-month, while 9.3 8.8 -3.8 -0.3 0.0 na 4.1 4.4 7.2 5.0 sales are still growing strongly in year-on-year terms. De-I 9.2 7.9 -12.4 -11.0 -1.0 spite a hike in the key interest rate to 3.75% last month, 2.0 3.0 3.5 0.7 5.0 Canada's relatively low short-term interest rates - particu-9.2 8.7 -4.0 -3.0 na na 3.0 3.8 5.1 5.1 larly compared with the US - has encouraged consumer 9.2 8.8 -8.0 -4.3 0.0 0.1 3.0 3.0 5.0 0.9 spending and sparked an upturn in import demand. Imports 9.2 8.9 -8.7 -3.2 -0.1 10.3 3.9 4.1 0.5 0.7 grew by 5.5% in July, and continued growing - albeit more 9.2 8.8 -5.0 -4.0 -5.0 0.0 3.9 4.0 0.0 5.0 slowly - by 1,6% month-on-month in August. Exports, how-9.2 8.8 -8.4 -8.5 0.0 na 3.9 4.1 0.1 5.0 ever, rose by 0.4 % in August, prompting the trade surplus to ,. 8.7 .g.o -3.2 -5.0 3.0 3.9 3.9 0.4 0.3 drop from C$1.66bn to C$1.39bn, the smallest monthly 8.9 -7.0 -1.2 -4.1 0.5 3.7 3.0 5.4 5.0 surplus since mid-1994. The surge in imports has also been due to an increase in business investment which has translated into increased demand for machinery and eqUip-9.2 8.5 -8.0 .a.6 -2.7 2.2 3.8 3.9 6.0 5.9 ment. Despite the narrowing trade surplus, forecasts forthe current account deficit have been raised again this month, 9.2 8.6 -7.0 -5.5 -4.0 1.5 although a smaller deficit is projected for 1998. 9.3 8.8 -3.0 -3.0 .a.8 -0.1 9.4 8.9 -3.8 -0.3 0.0 10.3 4.1 4.4 72 5.1 Strong domestic demand has so far failed to generate a 9.2 79 -12.0 -29.1 -7.0 -8.0 3.0 3.0 0.4 0.3 deterioration in inflation. Consumer pnces declined by 0.1 % 0.1 0.3 2.8 7.7 2.6 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.3 month-an-month in September, with the year-on-year rate falling to 1.6% from 1,8% in August. Yet the Bank of Canada's monetary policy has been tested by the weaken­ing of the Canadian dollar in reaction to the Asian currency 9.3 8.8 -17.0 -9.0 Crisis. The low inflation rate and narrowing fiscal detiat 9.2 8.7 means the Bank can afford to wait, for a short while at least, 9.4 9.1 before acting aexx>rdingly. Our panel predicts short term rates will, however, rise further.

Real Growth and Inflation 01 ,0 14t 12 /\ <Forecast> / \ 10 l \ \

\ ,..., ..... \ :\1\ 'M .... \ \ \

Shori and Long Term Interest Rates % 14 T r I <Forecast> 12

.\ \ I ... \ \ ... , I \/\ "'1'\' I \ "\ .... -n.

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L-73-97 Page 6 of 12

2-t/ >-A_ _ ~~ 6 ..,.. "I I ' , \ r ' V\ -I'I \ 1 1\ 1 I. ,/ 'T ~ PAG 8. \ r. 1 1 ' 4 1"

-2 I ' 0186 !lO 61 62 a3 84 6S 66 67 66 69 90 91 92 B3 94 Il5 go 97 96 gg 00 01 02 - Real GDP (% chg yay) - - - Coosumer Prices ("Ie chg yay)

II 0188 0190 0192 0194 0196 0198 - 3 Mtti Treasury Bill Rate - - - 10 Yr Govt Bend Yield 17

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L·7 3·97 Page 7 of 12

;Uuder) 0.7956 0.5587 of I Coala (USS/tne) clsd. elSa. 1;1700 I (US cents per gal) Xlilar) Q8787 O..6JJO -147 I ~ World II dsd. = :.2.89 I U.s. GuiI 4'1.68 = 01900 Ol39O -LS3 \ NY Hartlor 5255 ':!sa. _ ~ Canada grainS ~.aJ236 OJ1[172 rlIi I (0 per tome at frundI!r flay) U.s. lumber 11 L4242 JJXm O!I i CaroIa 394.40 dsd. 3941lO I (1JSS) JI O.04llO 0112886 -l1l8 I Flax 36l7O dsd. 3443J I Ra!1mI ~ Csd dsd. 0.4037 Cl.2834 -Q2l I 'M"e.at 16B.OO dsd. 169.40 I Caast Ilem.-fir dsd. em ;:)1 0 o 0 S 07 m 91 01Xl555 -100 i Bartev l.44.OO dsd. 144.00 I Wstm5lll'UC!'1lll1! = dsd. Q.36765 -<l.26 : o.oo:ll8l o..roJl27 -1ll2 I 0.00J2«ll o.a:xJl.686 -<l.3S I I'(a/) o:sm il.2(:,66 ni I I Advert i se here' .3) 0.0414 Il.£rl9l oW; 01XIl6 a.cxr.o -{)Jl9 I Call 'JY!f 0.2932 Il2ll59 -<lS7 I '<In) . O.OOl2l8 Q.OCQISl5 -1ll.l3 I O.!Xl95S Q.1ll67l -1.22 I (416) 350-6100 -e) 0.02346 0Jll.647 -1.00 I 0l.842 0l2'JJ -2IJl I 0.04437 o.tJ3l2 -(}ll I 0.03Sl Q.0246 ~68 I ) (llcIIar)02297 Il.l6l3 -Ul2 I I e 0.tXlXXl73 !l.lllmiI. -1..89 onver t lbl e D e be n tu 13') 000284.5 0.lXl200 -D..22 I res m . LIIJJ4 llZl7·Ul I SelectIld""""'!'O"S0ft8C1Mlflr ___ IU"",ie<lIIyRBC Dominion Secunt.eSlnc. 1 i .... " SlIan C-. C-. I Cat8» tt'Stll) 1943'2 ~ -0.4> '-'1IiItiIIc ~ IIrice PIwL Yield IJIice nItio Price i c...- /qYIJJ" N£GINISJIQ 27-JaI>-04 l.:tl 62.00 l34.a7 1253 4.lS ..... AI' canacIa ACOBItSE. ME <D-AIJ'.(li 8.lXl l65.lXl 2J2 am l2.8S AMRangeWWTSE 17-Jano«.! 8.Sl lS.S3 0123 l6.96 1.00 1~ Fr_"_ 9&fr_ AS A_AVIlIlBI15E.ME ~ TSJ ll3.OO lUI S.!Il 2l.75 0.24113 0.9\'632 0.9tI& 8I1xifJeIdPn:loenl!StI'CllUITSt 14-~ 6..00 12l.IJ) 6.44 am 24.lXl 016936 Il7Illl9 ll.6IIlOO CInD1tIgeS/l)pClJill8llSE 1-Mar-<B 8.lXl lll1.68 7<\.12 7JJl WI! O.2'Jl!8l 1.23714 l.2IIl52 CInD1tIgeS/l)pC8iJllWlSE l~ TSJ llll25 l3Ul 7.(5 WI! ~ 'SiR 86.91 CInD1tIgeS/l)p<Bi.mIVISE 1-M1r-04 6..00 llXIJ5 -49l4 5.8S WI! 0.4l.S77 0.«1332 QnilndgeS/l)pCBill8.CllliE ».mol 6..00 ISJ.(J) um Q.62 WI! U«l17 IJl2llIl6 ~SIIlo.~ U-Mar-04 6..00 9138 0.-49 7.D WI! - o.91l21 \ 02411i'O LlI2965 OInamMinlCOle 1-~~ 8.Sl ~ 1111~ 5.74 425 ! l7Sl64 42l.57 4l6.l2 Cdn.Wesl!msn~ lS-AIJ'-(x) 6J5 ~ >V am 1925 Cenln!IInlt::ltllUlTSl: ll-lt7I-(X) 8.Sl J25JJl 6.l6 sm l.I!25 ,s Cenln!IInlOEm.lllTSE 3l.-..IaIHll 7KlS 117SJ 9.<45 5.<1 l825 .. Oi: ti!Iaxes Ole 3l.-A1J}-Q7 8.00 96J5 ria 8.-49 UOO " Co-SIe!i III:. ~ ll-AIJ'-07 6SJ 9'1.00 <l.~ 6..64 l.8.Q5 2.". ~ _ .. - ,,- ..,.,. .,...,.. "'"7' Cans.&1feilOle 3l.·Mar-<J2 8.lXl '11SJ 64!2 8J1) o..2ll ..39S3 L3IlS8 L38l3 Ll773 ()ayU]n MmIl" DAY.IlB.VITSE l-Aor-<J2 7.00 74.lXl l8l.38 15.<1 1.67 l7J3 llUl lll23 l.lll.S3 0IM!!i Ole ll-Aor-'i6 8.lXl lID..ID 6Q.53 5.54 7.55 .J1l65 16946 L6884 L6BS2 fnmIlndDOC.OOlTSE.ME lS-AIJ'.(li 8.Sl llJQ.OO ~ Q.2lI lBSJ JJT!, n..l. n.a. n.a. Edper Group EI!C.W1SE 3l.-~ 1.00 l68.!Il -ur. am 2"-65 Em:o .lnlklslnl51M..al1TSE 4-..u-Q7 6SJ llI7.oo 3U7 5.55 l5.7S Jl61 O.lZl6 QJ24> Il.n5l. Em:o.lnlklslnl5Ole ll-Aor-<J2 725 lJll.lXl ria 725 l5.7S &l38 82.<1 00S2 7a.IIl Em:o.lnlklslnl5Ole 3l.-1lec~ 8.lXl lID..ID ria l5.7S ..2Z3l. l2229 l2224 l2236 tmnac Padc HICDBIlSE, ME 4-(kI-04 8.lXl lJll.lXl ll2.~ 8.00 7]5 , ~ n.a. n.a. n.a. t'dingI!rtt.G.lBl1SE l-N0r-'i6 7.00 1l5.1ll -8.99 am 26.lS - t'dingI!r* 1t.GlF.olWilWl ~1tIo-13 am 38..ll 5D.l6 6.ll .. 1ncII"~ lS-Mar-16 7]5 lOl25 lJlll6 7.62 19.Q6 :tecumles Inm!tDotlll8llSE.ME 25-~ 1SJ <;lIS) lJJ..Q 8.48 'U ""_. __ 1nm!t0le 29-Se!X17 s.oo 19.00 l62.l) 8.14 --...... KaIiI!I Group Ole 2lhlHI 7]5 llJlII) lBZJS 772 Price 't1IW s..so I'mIssK.lllllTSE ~OI!!:-(X) 69SJ 1291» lQ.~ ,.8 10 Ole 1-~ s.oo 821ll S3.CZ 772 lS.ll WB78 4JI3 ~Irt.~ ~ 715 J..S2.88 2..69 023 89)0 l!ll44 <t63 CoIIIn.!IIlZ.WtSI: a.-Jan-07 7.00 es.m 110.<1 9.-49 JJn65 .u!6 NOOIe OW Ole ll-HoMl4 9.00 9O.Ill 117.97 lL09 l.OOSl 4.9l s.oo (93 ! NaranIlaOle 'B-AIJ'-07 9'2SJ 3S.J.8 6.Il6 11JU) 5.lS ! IUrat &egy Ole lS-Aor-Q2 7.00 lll11ll IVa 6J3 lll2.Sl 99.6«1 5.CZ PeJ;lsusGotl*Ole ll-Aor-<J2 625 lB.lXl 'lSJJ7 6UI:. 'i6.7l2 5.<3 ~Ole ll-.b>-~ 9.00 ~ 'XI37.<1 37SJ lJll7Z 5.53 : ~Pn:IoenI!SRI'C.IlII.AIlSE 3l.·0ec-(x) 7.00 117.oo lJl3l 4.68 s..so lll.7B 5.7l i RloAlgtmIlCMlR/lSE 1-~ >46.l3 Sl.38 6.Il6 ---------: RDIJn CorrmOle 1·~99 7S J '11SJ 2lOJl 9L1\ I ~Met!1s0le 3Hkt-W 9.00 lll11ll '2f1121 8.CZ ~ 5.41 'l73 U2 , Sl'emtSJRfl'liE lS-1lec-(x) 6..00 )93) <Z.II6 86 U2 : ..J.'11 4.52 Te dt Corp TEK.OOIlliE ll-Seo-21 3..00 65.29 1('11 5.h7 11ll.l5 414 TedtCorp*Ole ~ lJS 1n74 <n.~ 6J3 llllS9 <1.94 TenU!c* 11lCOI!..UIlSE.ME 3l.''''''''r-(B 6.Sl 99SJ 4S.41 6.6l. J.O:l.B4 5.4> TnzecHam"TZH.ll8.UIlSf,ME l8-Nov-18 125 62..l2 16.41 6.62 tOOlS 5,.:1 TnzecHam*TZH.ll8.VfflE,ME 29-Jan.21. llXl 65Jll 22.6J 5.7S 100.93 5.48 W _ iliam _ sAe!l _ lua!S W _ NJJIIT _ SI: . . 2 _ 3-Ja1t.Q _ 2 8. . lX . l _ 3 " 9.4> ' _ 3S2.6 _ 8 38 " J8 ' . ... _ lJll.lXl 5.41 10lW 5.93 : ...... ,_ .. _ ... _ •• US$

52.55 Bonds ') ..... r l ~ '" \ .-, .... ,~ ..... 54.65 ............-- ~- (' 1'-.1 W 0\. U I I Benct\maril ~ as ~ by tKe Bank of ~naOa ..... 1iIt1IIl1a ~ 1"1-_ be. ...... (01-.111 beaclImarii c _ callable s.-.... ", __e o.tromABCOO""n.onSecun. ... ""'.lIn_ _ trom_ 368.00 4]).00 I ea.,.. MIlL .. BIdS Y1d% eou- MIlL ... BIdS YId" ll5JJO I Friday Noyember 28, 1997 I AG1 9.:t) Aug2W4 I.lD.ll 5.84 I : C anada I I A Ilom 775 Fe4l'l8 lOOS us AIlom 6.CIl IW1I99 lIlIAl 4.11 OK 6.CIl t:a:lI\l8 ~ Vl AIlom 8.S) Se1l99 lII51l SIll OK 8.25 q lI'99 11!i.l4 s.oo AIlom lUll IWIJIJ) JaW 5.14 OK 8.S) t:a: 1199 l.Cr...u 5..07 AIlom 9.25 Aor IJIJ) laI'JM ~ OK 8JI) IWIJIJ) 107.6B 5..l3 AII8tI lO.25 q Z2IIIl ll63l 5.ll OK Ul.illlW) I07Jl S1l AtJona 631 ...... 1104 lOU3 5.46 OK 1:15 t:a: IJIJ) _lIlUJ 5.26 Ala MF dl) l2..25 Ole l5IIIl naa 5.41 c..- 6.25 FtlllI\l8 lJJlll .13 8 CH ydro all llSI ... 1SIIl lJI]9 SJIO· ~ c..-t<J8 115 IWlSi'l8 99.90 W ilrtISIIC/:iUn) 8.25 AorW. lIII.l5 U\ ~t<J8 115 IWlSi'l8 99.90 .07 ilrtISIIC/:iUn) 9.15 IoIIrll\l8 IIRJI (41 ~ (N) . ~ - JSi9I JIIO.53 •• tlrIISII C/:iUn) 71lJ ...... 9199 m.&:I Ul c..- lQ}5 IWlSi'l8 UD..86 4.06 ilrtISII C/:iUn) ll.25 Aug I6IIl) llSIIl 5.ZI car.. 6.!iI Sell\l8 Ull.42 m ilrtISIIC/:iUn) 975 MlrlSltll. 1<16.14 6J9 car.. 9.sD (ktll\l8 Ill3.9S .58 ilrtISIIC/:iUn) lIl.lS Aug29101 llAO& 5.lS ~ (N) IIJIO Not lJ98 lIJZ.99 .& tlrIISII C/:iUn) lIl.lS q 29101 llAO& 5.lS 1~ lO.25 OI!cll\l8 1OS.«l (.64 tlrIISIIC/:iUn) 91lJ .... 9J02 lllJl 5.lI car.. S.lS IW1I99 1ID.l8 us ilrtISIIC/:iUn) 91lJ ...... 2l.IIl4 llIb4 5.S6 car.. 7:15 Se1l99 IOl62 ~95! ilrtISIIC/:iUn) 9.:t) Jan9ll2 mn 6.CIl ,ea.- 91lJ (ktlSlW lll1.D4 s.oo ilrtISIIC/:iUn) l.Il.al Sesno lSl97 6..1.6 9.25 0I!c1l99 10731 5.01 ilrtISIIC/:iUn) 9Sl ..... 9122 14184 6J] llSI t:a:1I99 llS.9S 5.Dl ilrtISIIC/:iUn) 8lS Aug1lll'Z2 I.JZ.ZJ. 6.l9 5.5B 17.93 c...- 8.SD IWIJIJ) 107.19 5..07 "","RETI.992 9:15 Sel/ll2 11m 5.46 c...- lllS IWlSItIl 118.«l 5JD ~ 71lJ Aor l!II'l9 IOZ.I) W l2!i) 8.lXl ca... 9:15 MIr IJIJ) llO.41 5.l.l ll1lJ q lSItIl 11Ul 5.2S 710 car.. lQ.S),u1JlJ) ll2Jll Sl. ~ ll.25 (ktlll1D llS.Q 5.29 (55 22.00 ~ lS1lJ,u1JlJ) l23.45 5.ll ~ lQ.S) IWS/JI. lQJ2 6..1.6 6.IiI l5.OO ~(O) 7SJ S.1IOO lII5.94 5.1S UBl!ct91 ll1lJ Ott1l99 l.CIlJI2 U3 3Jl4 26.Il3 = ~ ~~ ~ ~ UBl!ct96+ s.so OIe.1ll99 99:15 539 2.82 3S.5l c..- ISlS FtlllIUl In«l >20 UBl!ct911 lII..25 Dll:ZIIIII 1115..» U4 5.23 (44 22SJ ~OO 7SJ _11111..,. 5.3) ::: ;: == ~ 5.42 8.89 ll.25 c..- lQ.S) IWlIUl llS.S7 S1l UBI!c ll1lJ OttI2llB lAl15 5.77 Ul fflJ1 car.. llOO ",",lIUl lZl90 5.2S ItS 9/I1 IWlI\l8 IlI1.J1 ca... u 9:15 ...... lIUl ll423 5.1. u lO.26 ,~~ c..- 9:15.i11l1Ul ll423 5.14 ~dll ~:~ ~ 8.00 u.J.I car.. SS2 9Sl OttllUl ll4.42 5..2B ItS 8.25 t:a:lIII5 llS.S2 5.S) 6.45 lS.5l car.. 9.:t) (ktllUl ll4.42 5..2B ItSdlS 11111 t:a:l2J09 lll9l sg] 5.88 11.00 car.. 9:15 t:a:lIUl mB9 5.29 ItS 9.eo .... J1122 IJU6 6..l! ria ria car.. 9:15 t:a: lIUl mB9 5.29 _ en.-a I.OJXI Fe Z5i'lIS UlI.Il 4.lS It!l 26.25 c..- 8lS FoD 1IIJ2 ll2lS 5.29 _ e e n n . . -­a a lQ.S) ,u WlI lIl1S9 4.49, car.. ~ IWl5IIIl IJIl..S5 5.:ll _ 1212 (kt llI99 1l2..21 5JD 7.41 l3SJ car.. 8.SD Aclr1llJ2 U2.Zl ~ _en.-a 8.25 IW22I\D IQ\.63 SlS l.5.72 6.36 can.. I.OJXI MIr 1IIJ2 ll&lII 5.l2 _ en.-a ll.25 Ole l3IIlI ll63l 5.l2 8.33 l2..CI) c..- ll.25 t:a: l5IIIl l.25.6J SJ1 _ en.-a 975 .ill lIUl 1lJ.I5 5.lS 91» ll.lXl ClnGI illS Fel103 l2UI 5..39 _en.-a 9.12 Aclr1llJ2 llUl 5..u 6.9l 1(47 car.. 7.25.i11 1103 lIE.62 ~ 42 _ en.-a 8.l7 "..:II\1II2 ll1al 5.46 car.. 7.25.i11 1103 lIE.62 5.42 _ en.-a lO.25 .ill 2211»!lUII 5.112 5JJ6 19]5 car.. 9Sl Ott 1103 l2Il.05 s... _en.-a I.OJXI Nor ZlIIl9 1J5.47 5.!4 ria ria car.. 7Sl t:a:1I03 llaJ7 5.45 __ Ill.l2 OttlllU lJI.47 5.92 ria ria car.. lO.25' FoD1I04 I241l ~47 __ 9.25 .... 1IfIl IlUI9 6.Ill 6.Il6 l.6.SD = ~:: ~ =~ : tftf IIJ.sD Aor lSItII. lS4.46 6.42 5.7l l6.62 ClnGI lQ.S) Ott1lO4 ,___ 5.5l tftf 9.sD SeIl'Q'l l1S.l5 SJ& ....... tftf em l2JII AcIr 6IID I22.l2 5.SJ 9.«1 2Jl 36.84 c..- 91lJ 0Ie1lO4 I2I.al 5.5l tftfdlZ llSI (kt15/lM IJZlS 5.69 2.6J. 3&25 c..- WI) IWlIII5 lJll4 5.SJ tftf 931 ~Z5fIO I3ID 6D9 6.4> 721 ll1S c..- l2..25 Sellll5 141." 5.S8 tftf ll1lJ Fel5ll2 145.11 6.l2 6.4> 4..7l 2l:.!5::-(O) ~ DclJll5 UD.a s.sa tftf ll1lJ FtIIl5Il2 145.11 6.l2 425 8.33 l2..CI) IW1IIII5 144!12 5.Q tftf Ill.l2 ItIIr 2V14 14111 6.2l ca.... 141lJ (kt 11'06 1S1.45 S.64 tftf IQJS AcIr 15I2l!SUD 6.«l (Jl5 7.-49 ll35 ~(N) 7. DcL1l6 J09-'S 5.6l NlldHydro Ill.l2 q21911 1lI148 0'3 1-49 28.63 car.. lllS IW1III1 1S1S5 5..66 tftf Hydro ll.25 OIel5l99 UII25 144 1.66 6Q25 c..- llOO (kt1lll1 lSUl 5.ll NIId..,.." lQ}5 Sell101 117:15 5.49 8.2Il (93 3l.ll car.. l2lS IWIJIJI lS4.lI \..6B NIId..,.."t<J8 lO.25 Ott lSItII. lD4.42 (96 120 12.~ 7]5 c..- JO.II).iII IJIJI ll198 5..66 NIId Hydro lO.25 (kt lSItII. lD4.42 4.96 car.. illS (kt 1l1li5 14829 5.ll N!Id Hydrot<J8 I.OJXI .ua UIID lOZ.M 4.66 2195 2.86 lS1ll car.. u.so IWII09 147.28 5J3 NlldHydro IIJ.sD ..u.l5Il4 14195 6.ZI"" 5.(5 ria ria car.. ll1lJ.iII 1109 14lJ!11 5J3 Ore ..,.." I.OJXI Fe IIli'J8 lCI.Q\ W. QJ6 6JtJ 1(92 I can.. lQ}5 OttIlO9 142.33 5.76 OreHydro 7.25 IWlII'lII I1lJ.!I2 U3 Q.l6 5.88 17.00 \ car.. 9:15 IW1IlO IJ4.6l 5.77 OreHydro lll.l7.i11l6/'J1 lll1ll ~<l l.:tl ll.l) 1]) c...- 9.sD.iII1IlO lJ2.91 5.77 OreHydro lO.25,ul2l98 1lI142 4.48 car.. 8lS Ott 1IlO I26J9 5.aJ Ore Hydro 9/11. Aug lI'99 107.31. s.oo 25.4> 23) 4l.lXl ca... 91lJ IWIIll 129.25 5.aJ OreHydro 931 Jlnl\l\J) llJI.56 5..l3 6SJ 4.!ll ;ro]. I c..- s.so.ill IIll l24.64 5.!4 Ore Hydro WO Augllll) llVl. 5.14 lBSJ c...a lO.25 IWl5Il4 145.65 5.B6 OreHydro I.OJXI IWI.9J!Il IlJ3l. 5.33 5.9S lQ.5J 9SJ ClnGI ll.25 ...... 1IlS 1S1.89 ,90 OreHydrot99 171lJ IWl/II2 ll4.45 ~91 c..- IIJ.sD IW15I2l l56J9 ~96 27.4> 2IJl 48.l9 CndI 9:15.i11 1121 1471 18 ~94 0It Hydro 91lJ AcIr 16/'02 Ul6I 5.45 1U4 4.66 ZL48 c..- 9.25 ...... lI'Z2 142.1l1 ,96 OItHydro 91lJ.illWIrl UUl~" Ore..,.." 91lJ ...... WIrl llUl 5.., 5.62 l2l7 8.22 I ~(O) 8.IIO.!un 1IZJ ur.A5 5.'11 Ore..,.."dl) l2.sD NorJllU! llUS s.q 16.44 l2S llJIl i ~ P ( I. N .. ) .. . 9. tlun1l25140.S7 5.98 OItHydrodll llSI MIorllaJ l24J7 5.44 1.6.44 3.23 :n.oo Ii 1000Hydrodll 14.25 AclrZWi l2lIJI:I 5.45 0.47 . _ l 8.52 5.4> N N i i T T l. 9 I . . 6 lO 0 ItI ,u Ir 7 lS 1! l 1 W 8 l W lI2 J .9 D 8 4 5 .> J 4 D 6 IO O r r t t H H y y d d r r o o d d l l S l l I O IJ . . 2 sD 5 J A ln a lS r ll ~ O 1 ll 2 4 1 .. . 2 1 1 1 s!i.sJo9 NiTdl) u.so Mlrllllll ll4.24 5.l2 Ore Hydroc03 llJ7 IW Z5fIO lJIJI3 s.n

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L·73·97 Page 8 of 12

.orO) Il.OCO}32 IJ.JlXX>54 QJ9 ITT II r 3r o un . (l . !i . o) . 7BJ 7I D I ID I I tlI'enI cruce CI!IJ.~" 'Fran:) I1ll39ll 01l2746.()15 \I A lo ra m b r f r l e t a . dsd. , '(lll 0J.865 0.43 (UScerasoerbll"ies:sstll!d) dsd. :qgI) m ~ -Ql3' Ar.IIlaCllifet. l6Q.5O l56.33 l62.83 WestTexasl1l. dsd. GuIder .JJ!If 0sr/6 -0.24 RtilusIa CIlifet 79Jl8 78.63 79Jl8 I HutiIII oil .\Gu~ Q.i'958 D.5S87 rei Cocoa 1lSl1ne) dsd. l782.OO lJ95.OO" (US cera oer gat) ~ ~)) Q.8il!l 0.6l6S -{)J4 ~ 'MJrtd 11 dsd. un7 12S1l u.s. Gud dsd.~.10 0J979 Q.1389 -{)1l7 CanaGa grains NYHaI1lor"dsd. re) O.Q3237 G.02272 rwI (CS per lime II Tlu1der Bay) u.s. lumber nee) L4244 um:J rcI CnIa dsd. J}6l0 394.8) I (U$S) boa) 00017 0ll2llS1l.Q.29 flax . dsd. 3S7.20 :J44.3l I 1 R anaom IengI!\S dsd. 'I!!SO) d o.m G.28lJ -{)J4 'Mleat dsc1 l64.4O 169.40 Ulast nem.·llr dsd. ,;00)) ruJ(J]9J Q.OOiS5.()15 BarII!y dsd. 144.00 144.1Xl WslmSl:nlCe-cme dsd. -di 0Sll68 1l.36765 III jj) CUXXIl8l G.IXlll27 0J3 II 44 wEEKs IN CASHABLE TUM el illlXl2404 Q.IXJOl688 rcI II ..... u"" DE POS ITS t (\ llA.) j("RIyaI) Il.3i"J8 Q.2666 Q.Ol \ A R.OW... -. WITH Cm 3 zl:NsBANk 3 B IGS lIJ1il) OOOS o.o:m .OJS~"'" 25 13") Il.IXll6 01llOO -{).20 RATE5.HIGHER %. 0% (~ 0194l 0.2064 0.lS ., ;"'" ° ,(Won) Q.IXJl273 IllXlOB9o\ -().lI() THAN' THE 2) 0.1X11.i5 G.IXl67O -{).23 iI: . ' . " .JOOei 01lZ345 0.01646 Q.02 BIG .:>" BANKS Citizens Banlc ofCanoda 1ii:: . .:ilil) 0J..83S D.l2!l9 -{).3) 1.888.708.78.38 .or) Il.04444 OJlll2 0)8 I It) o.a36l 0.Q2S3.()15 AV_iXIIoIPIWf' ___" ___f ~ ___' " Ga9l~) o.m Q.l618 rot _..--.t(;a. .._ _. .. __. .. _ar.IlI81. __" _ I c-m(N) D.OOIXXJ73 o.o:xmil -o.J.7 ~) D.OO2845 o.rozoo -{)J2 Convertible Debentures -.t(£:ClJ) L$63 Ll22l -{)JB SaIecIetI_aneclMlly,,_ __• SUOOIIICI"RBCCl<lmiIoans-"'lIt CiD4<) L9432 l.3642 om . SolId % sa... _________ \ --1!!IIII!c. MatllrityCou. .. price Ptwa. YW Np/:tI" IiSifIN#SJlQ 27-.1i11Hl4 l.5O 62.50 1~ l2.37 AtCMlda~ME ;!}Ajr-ilS aoo l6l.IXl L82 Il.OO :)()ft,It" £ Fr.fI'. s..... AS AIMIItlngeARl.all'lSE 17-Jin.02 &.50 78.Il3 465.28 15.94 3396 Q.24llO LOOO77 0.96748 A_AVlW15E.ME 8-ftII.OoI 7.50 114.00 l6.ll U6 •. 2I.lIO. 7325 0J.6922 0.70242 Q.67905 1!nlIiIiI!Id"'-'-1II'ClIWTSC 1+~ 6.IXJ l2O.IXl 6.48 otO' So\62 01'ifl8l U«I33 U9\1a7 CIninIQIISlIlo~ 1-.Mi1N13 aoo lOl.48 77H1 7.65 2l() " _~~ 8915 86JB OlninIiIISlIloCBillllAl'lSl: 1~ 7.50 llXl.63 14162 7.]1 _ 3 0.41979 0.«lS83 QnDidgeSllloQlG.ll8lll5E HoIar« 6.IXJ lL1lJO 52.S8 S-J6 :; 1 4.lS09l ~= c.amnIge SlIloaGIBCllSf ll-.lJIHl7 6.IXJ l48.IXJ l2l3 IlJ9 <>4lO u. ...no 1.03442' C3rrtnIgeSIIaQ.CIlillIIJ)IfSE ll~ 0.00 9113 ~9m 7.]1 '6.S1l 1749.20 42140 43S.S1l CanamManacOlC 1·Seo-~ &.50 lO2.OO lD.9'2 5.JS Cdn.We!ll!mIJiniCWllJll:lflSE 15-1cr-06 6J5 l54.IXJ ill Q.24 tes CerftftI1dOillUllSE ll-~ &.50 124.00 6.J8 5.14 Cenln!RJldCFEmJll1St 31-Jan-07 7E!5 117.00 lO.5O 5.49 ,Qft,." OCHi*:lllnOlC 31-AutG7 aoo 95.IXJ l\Ia 8:TI 2..yr J.,r +,r 5-yr I~ Sl!dIlE,CEI.aIIl'SE D-Ajr-07 6.50 98.IXJ 39~ 6J9 L3963 L3832 L3772 l.3723ICons.fsii!ldOlC 31-Mar-«2 aoo 97.50 6<!82 8JI) j 117.02 lll52 110.52 107.82\ O;JytmMinilg*DAY.1lB.VIlSI: 1·A0r-a2 7.00 ~ lJa2l. 1.6.19 i lJ098 lm!3 L6926 L68771 taaOlC ll-~ aoo lOl.IXJ 6QS3 5.56 Ln45 na na nalOomalIndDOCalllSE.ME 15-1cr-ilS &SO 14S.IXJ .l6.OS L93 1. ., ~ EB:.aIIlSE 31~ 7.00 l64.IXl .2.32 0.00 - 2UJ a:raJ frlmll'lUllrlls8l.llllTSE 4-.1i-07 6.50 1.09.00 3S.82 5.29 0.7l62 0.7261 0J7p;] frlmll'lUllrllsOlC ll-AclNX! 715 lOlIXl l\Ia 6.~ Sl8l 82.06 ro14 7BS7 L2246 l.2278 L2290 L2299 frlmll'lUllrllsOlC 31-Del:oOO aoo lOl..5O 1\11 7.44 7 2. 4Oi'9 na na n.\, HannIe Pacific t«:JlBITSE. ME 4-():1-04 aoo l.IXJJX) 107.ss aoo· 7!1S taIInQIr ~ 1-HfJwoJl8 7.00 l36.IXJ ·7 S1 Il.OO -----.----\itJIInQer*tlQfJ)NAS1)AQ 5-tQ.13 0.00 38.ll. 5O.lb 6.ll j Securities !1sICD0Nl6Mft5E l5-toIiIr·16 7.75 lOl..5O l23.44 7J1j ',1I\III'IUtn $1 tnIHkIft.~'Y'eICiI TnmeI MtJlMSf. ME 2.WH1 7..!l) 98.IXJ l.l2.2l. UI. rICe mn.nty OM8. ~ me. 29-SIo<07 S.IXJ 7a!il l62JO &23 itJ Price YiIId ~GIQ.OlC :IWJ.9fl 7.75 l.IXJJX)'J.82..!j 77lg,s. &.II KinnlssIWVISE 5-~ 5.Sl fft25 l3I.l.2 10.95 '17 99.878 4.03 MacBlOOlC l-May-07 S.IXJ 822S SJ.IR 711& i8 lOL4S 4.62 Map!Jt. "*iWl'SE 5-.ii-05 715 lSUl 2.72 0.«1 7i lDIl69 4.82 I t .tXComm.MlZ.aVISE 8-Jiln.()7 7.00. 84JS l.09JJl 9.5ot 7i l00.ss 4.87 NaIlIeOllaOlt: ll-N0¥-04 900 S1l.IXJ lll.36 llO9 l'i 10135 4.89 Nor.iIIIIIOlt: 29-Icr-oJ S.IXJ 92lXl 3Ul 6J3 J1 102.64 5.31 tUtaca.;,Olt: 15-1cr-«2 7.00 lOl.IXJ l\Ia 6J3 )1 99.810 5.37 Pt\JaUGdd*0lt: ll-1cr'02 6.25 l8.OO 2!l2.66 62.64 c2 98Jl86 S.38 :.Olt: . ~ 900 &5.IXl9Sl12b 3972 03 100.90 5.49 ~APC.OONI'SC 31-Del:-06 7.00 1172 a99 4.65 .:6 ll2.l0 5.66 RII AIgam I04IIIfflE 1·Ffb.07 s.so 45.65 50.93 6J3 RognQlmm<Jl'C 1-_99 7!JJ 99!JJ 'lJJ.09 7.81 )7 "873 4.12 IUW!I Ml!lals0lC lHkt-99 9.00 llllOO 'li1JIJ 8.42 lS-Dec~ '86 4.12 SIIimt SJRIISE 6.IXJ 38.83 45.44 m <B ~8 .J.97 4.52 TedcCAlrllTBUllfl'SE ll-Seo-21 lIXl 60.62 l6.3l 6J8 )8 10U6 4.73 TedcCcrD*OlC J.5..JJI-06 175 8196 20.91 6$ 7i 10163 4.91 Ti!fID!C* l1!C.DIl.IJ/lSC ME 31-May-03 6.50 ~S1l nBS Il.6l :1 102.94 5.36 Trizec HIhn* l2KJlIWITSE. ME J.&-Now.18 125 01.07 lS.81 6.A2 _ 1A.!'iI!.

lAI!U 1B --d- --\- -----------------l5.l5 lS.2ll i ..., (2 +-r....... (\ I '1 '"'1 ~ 1.8.8l 19.04 I on s ~ OJ <::::010-9 1'-' I" 00 c;.c.. L ) l~q 1 19:05 19JB I I s ....,. ...... s-nuo. ...u _CO.fromAaco.n--... ... InC./ __· .-.. CouIIOII Mat. DIle BId S YId'J(, CoutIIII Mat. \)lite Bid S YId% IIeDc:IImIriI __ .......... br tile I QJebec 9.50 Mar llfll J.:V.35 6.4! 525S 1IIIIIIII '" eu.a.. - iIIIId .. ....... . QJ . e C bec H o yQ' ­o ll -U! -7 --JI : j 2 -51 -01 -1 -18 -38 - -0.1X S2.S1l 54.70 11"'-.......... (OI-4ld......... -\ Canada rporate o.1HC 6.00 Dec~. lOl.ll 4.65 N.;T 9.50 Aug24104 l2038 SS 366.00 364.00 o.1HC azs Aug 3/W lllS.26 4.93. Ala Nat Gas a40 JIj 15/03 ll237 S.7' .moo. moo 1 o.1HC a50 Dec l/9t lO6.55 5.02 AVID fr\ 8JS Mar 15100 lO7J3 S3 ll6.IXl :moo lo.4HC aso MarVOO lO7Jl8 5.04 BeGas &SO Aug26lO2 w.64 5.6 o.4HC a2O.Am 30/00 107.13 5.l3 Be Gas 8.l5 JIj 28103 11114 s.s o.tiC 7JS DecVOO lO7.Ql ill BeTel 72 JIj~ Ull.S2 4.7 'I Carracla' 6.2S Feb 11\18 lOO.l3 4.l6 B eTei lll6S J1111912l l5Q.86 6.~ I c-m(N) 6.00 Marl5J98 lOO.53 4.Q6 BeTei 9.65 1cr8122 139.114 6.~ I CarracIa lOJS Mar ~ lOl8B 4.04 BCI 7J2 _11\18 10l.03 ~ Carracla 6.50 SeolJS6 101.~ 4.41 BCE a95 ~V02 ll2.68 5./ i c-m (N) 8.00 New lJ98 lIl104 4Sf Bel 9.50 ..i.I1lS102 ll5.48 S! . Bel dlo\ 9.45 Mar Vll llB.85 5.~ - " ~ . Carracla 5.75 Mar l/9t llJl.25 4.7'0 i Canaaa 7JS Seol/9t 104.68 <\.9'2 Bel 9.70 Oecl5l32 144.83 6.-CarracIa 92 1199 lWI4 <\.s.l SleofMortreal 8.8S ..i.I1V03 114.75 5.J i Dec 'BkolMortre.alJ.0.8S 0ec2O/Cfl l3a.04 6.1 Carracla &SO Mar VOO 107.n 5.02 1 c-m(O) 7!!IJ SeIIlJOO lO6JO 5JI9 SleutHS 8.lO Mar24103 llO.B6 s.. 7!!IJ MarlJD1 lO6S1 5J6 SleofNS aS1l J11120/2S 1.ll.ll 6-\ Canaaa 9.75..i.11 VOl 114.Cl 5.l9 BorIcar\1If!r 8.ll '"'" 28103 1lL96 5. Canaaa 9.50 CktVOl 11(.61 5.2A ClOC 7.10 MarWI04 lO6.74 5. = tllnt . nc =Carra cIa 9.75 OecVOl ll6.Ql 5.24 ClOC 9.65 Oct3lll4 l34.37 6. . I C arracIa a50 Apr V02 112(3 5.2S CIJl utilities a(3 ..i.I1 vas ll5.91 5. price Canaaa 725 '-'1111103 la!.85 5.37 CIJlUbi1les 9.Cl Milyll23 ll!.4O 6, <lS6 s.sa 17.93 i CarracIa 7.50 Dec 1103 110.59 5.41 Cli!aIn!I 0.00 Aug 13/07 6tlXl 11 l2.65 l.2.!iJ aoo \ Canaaa 102 FebV04 124.95 5.(3 Ccns. Gas 7.55 DeelS/97 100,00 7 IlS8 14IB 7.lll Carracla 6.50 .unV04 lIU7 s-czIPl.Enerwt96 Ul f1!blSl24 l2l.2lI 6 <\.55 22Jll CarracIa 9.00 DecV04 Ull.32 5.47 Imas:oUd 8J7..i.112311l3 ll2.39 5 2lS5 W 15.00 I c-m (0) aJS Dec lJDS. l3I.SII U3 MalsenIlNw Ul _llI1I3 llQ.8l 5 14.1& 184 26JI3 I c-m(N) 7.IJIJ DeclJD6 IJII.II6. U6 NavCllnada 6.45 ..i.I1V04 ltnB6 5 14.1& 2.82 JS.5l. I CarracIa 9.50.un VlO l.ll34 5.73 NaoI Canada 7.40 ..i.I1 V27 lllSS ~ 1415" 4.44 22.50 I CarracIa 9.00 Mar Vll 129,69 5.76 Ncr1IIi!m Tei 7.45 Mar lOI'i8 11XlJ6 ' 4 lU5" am ll2'.i \ CarracIa 102 Mar lS/14 145.88 5.S4 NM 8.ll JIj 15/03 lllJ 14.1& l.2l f':JJ7 CarracIa 9JS.AmlJ2l 148.11l 5.93 NMScoIIaPw7.70 Oct15/03 10919 us lLl26 915 c-m(O} 8JIO Junll23 UUO 5.96 OstawaGtcQ:I azs ..i.I13l/03 llL59 lA85 aoo l2.SO I I c -m(N) 9.IJIJ Jun1l25 1«1.74 5.97 PancanPet 8JS Now9105 l.l8Jl3 18m 6.45 15.50 Proyjacial ~ Bri lO.SO Mar V02 llB.SJ ' 18m SJIIl 17.00 ~Bri 6.50 Seol2/ll 10145 ' l.2.!iJ 1\11 l\Ia A.berIa 6.00 Mar 1199 lOl.55 4.7'0 Seat7amUd 9.00 Oec~ 104.00 l83J lSI 26.2S A.berIa &SO Se!:l1l99 1!5.84 4.96 TaIIsmIn&1er99.45 Dee22199 107.86 7.41 llSO Br<:.oi.vlOa 7.00 Mar2198 lIXJ.6S 4.28 Tallsmlnf.r1!r99.8l Dec22J04 121.93 1..61 l5J2 6.36 BrCoUmoa 7.00 .Am9M lOll9 U) TeiegIoCe 8.lS..i.I120JQ3 l1L5O 7.55 &.II l2.IXl BrCoUmoa 10lS Aug29101 ll634 5.2ll"llonslln 7.S1l Se!:l17/02 lCJ!.9'2 19JXl 9IR ll.IXJ I BrColwlDa 9.00 Jan9/02 lllCZ 5.3l"llonslln 915 JJl6/04 117.32 6.91 14.47 I Br ColwIDa 7J S JtrIl6I03 llO.B6 .5.45 Tr Cda ~ 9.45 Mar 2O/l8 l32.87 l5.85 5.06 19.75 BrColwlDa 9.00 JltI2lI04 ll8.9l 5.S2 TI'IISIIIaW 8.lS OeclS/03 llloO l5.85 nla l\Ia BrCoUlDa 9.50 Jan91l2 13137 5.91 IblnGas 9.70 Nov6ll7 l.35.77 l5.85 1\1. IVa BrColwlDa &SO Aug23/l3 12412 6.04 IblnGas 8JS AllOW 125.40 6Jl6 l6!il Br CoUmoa 9.00 Aug 23/24 ll7J l 6.lS WI!sImISI &WI 9.~ JaIi 10/20 UI.7l 2Sl5 m l6.62 New IInnwI:X 9J2 AIr 1/02 11Ul, 5.l5 9.41- 2.7l 36JM NewbJdanillQ.OO J<A25/Ol 114.85 5.45 Intematioaat 17.]1 2.6l 38.25 ~1l00 FeblS/12 l696 6.ll AusIraiI 7.00 15 APR 2IXXl lOl37 6.l'i, 72J U7S NM SCOba 9El Mar 11\18 lOl.ll (AI AusIrIia llLOO 15 OCT 2002 117.21 US··-t7J. 2125 HoWl SCOba azs Dee 1105 nus 5.15 1ousIra ... llLOO15 OCT 2IXl7 1.27.81. l2.IXl NMSc:oIIa 9.60 Jan3ll'l2 mio 6J6 BntiIIn ~lOAUG1999 I'6.2S - 4jJ)- 7.~ ll35 ()iHyd 72 Mar llJ98 llJI.!lO 4.39 BritaIn 7.00 ar ...,. 2002 lOO.69 ]:J5 ar DEC 2IXl7 llM3 1495 l49 2!.63 ()iHyd 9.62 Aug3/W 107.(3· 4.93 BritaIn 88J5 - 1.66 Im5 ()i Hyd 9.00 AIr 16102 11191 5.37 Frara 7.00 12 !Of 1999 104.89 UI 4.93 2O.ll ()iHyd 9.00 Jun24/02 114.(3 539 Frara 4.50 12..u. 2002 98..l2 UJ 12~ 7.75 ()iHyd 1D.l2 CktlS/21 148.02 6.23 Frara s.so 25OCT2IXl7 100.114 2l2l 2.86 3S.IXJ ()iHyd aS1l Aug.l8l22 132.70 6.28 GemwIy 4.00 17 SEP 1999 99.84 s.3S IVa l\Ia Iiano aoo Mar llJQ3 l.l.l..S<I 5.45 ~ 7.]1 02 DEC 2002 109.93 Q]Q 6.70 14.9'2 Iiano 8JS AIr 22JIl3 ll5.l2 5.47 GemwIy ~ 04..u. 2IXl7 lOl62 015 SJIIl 17.00 Iiano 7JS Dec8/03 lll34 S5l Il3tt ~ 15 MAY 2IXXl 1OL95 lS5 llll UJ CiUllO 9.00 Seo1SlO4 119.a5 5.59 ltai1 6.2S 15 MAY 2IXl2 lO:lll 25.J5 2Sl 4UXl Iiano 8.lO Se!:lS/23 l23.2O 6:JJ Ilaif 6JS Ol JLl2lXl7 lO6.lB 6.50 W 2O.7l Iiano 7.50 Feb712. 1.l5.6l- 6.28 Jaoan 4.S1l 20 SEP 1999 10&02 411 5.41. l8.Sl s.so 211 SIP 2002 119.93 SJI) lO.S3 9.50 P€I 9.75 AIl'llI02 1l6.45 s.so .-an .-an 2.60 20 SEP 2IXl7 105.0l 25JS 2117 48J.9 P€I 9.25 Mar lB/l3 mll 6.l8 us. 5.63]1 !Of 1999 dSt1 lUI.' 4.66 2148 CMIlec aoo Mar llI'l8 lO1J3 4.CZ 5.7515 IOf 2IXlO C!sd. s.sa l.2.l7 8Zl CMIlec 102 us. Apr 7/98 lOl.95 4.~ 5.75]1 !Of 2IXl2 elsa. 12; llJIl CMIlec 6.00 AIr l/9t 101.49 4.82 us.

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L·73·97 Page 9 of 12

I 9.00 9.00 I i r .cs1..~·OIU~ J...,U. 0.l3 O.tl! OlB I O mne IIII!GII 9.00 19.50 Pr~(SarJgal) ]!.OQ .Q.52 .i ll .310 cooaa II1IlIlt 19.60 19.60 390.00 ~ (flinJgaj) 29.00 .Q.5l ·0.62 .136 GaIUn I'I!JJt :moo moo moo moo I IlutanI! <Sar J9ilQ 4450 ~ <!.IX) I 'OlXl ·us .Q.50 I Germarun OG 9IlI.OO MOO I t2JIare tflinJgaO 3lOO .Q.5l ·Q62 . L!il I frWn I'I!JJt (II;) 2lIl.OO moo '~(Ine) 1l8I.OO llFfl.OO 1200.00 I un.Gas (N'IH./gaO 54.25 I 14l.OO 14l.OO i Oil 141.11l MenlJy fIIsi -------- \ MoIyIlII. ftrr.OIIiII 9.8) 91Jl 9.70 I (CS Del' IlamfI ~ountry ~., 35.11) 35.00 35.00 I u. swr (Cromer) 'lMfl LOO SeIenun l.IJl l.8l 26..00 I u. sweet ~) 77J9 (uss _ bamj) IIIiy t Tal'Cail! 26IXl 26.OQ 7r o BreIt auae 18.43 IIICS IIIUSS" die \ TItIrun f!iD) . 7.8) 71Jl wnd) 0I:JJ:Jm 0.£mi52 -IJ.62 Tro..- Ar.lIJ rred. lSJS 1 (Fnn:) o.a:m2 OJl'2753 -{l95 IUS ceru _111111ess ItIIId) Bcmylt l8.I!I. 'rggt) O.~ 02853 -IJ.61 I Araboca CIJIfa lS6l3 l!X!.l!3 160.67 west Texas lit 19.1lS 16l'i> 2.5Sl7 -IJ.66 I R.OOustlI CDftee 78.63 78.00 ,3).00 HMliIlC oil :s (Guiider) 0Jl78 03138 -IJ.93 I Cocoa (USSIInI!) ).]82.IXl 1776.00 J.007.oo IUS ceru per gal) es (Guider) Il.79!il IJ.5SH7 rJI I ~ Wortd 11 lltI7 1292 L314 u.5.GuK 49Jll ti'fHartxJr S3.IXI C(j(Ojlar) 1l88l4 Il6l.B6 -{)JB I CaIUlda ....... .ve) 0J.9Sl 0.l3SU. Ll6 I (CS per 11m!! It 1IIniir Bay) i u.s. lumber ~ OJIlZJ8 osran rol I C31llia :MJ.O 390.90 m.oo I (uss) <JtJoa) L4 248 LaXXl Ili I Flax 3SIZ J 349.50 343.50 I Random ~ 366.00 i11!sD) (104lll 01121199 -IJ:l} I Wheal 164.4:1 l7O.oo lJOJtl I CDast hem.· f" 4l1OO Iy) (14)45 Q2!l39 -IJ(ll I Barley 144.00 144.00 147.00 I Wstm str\JCI!-\l1I! ll(UX) SOJOOI 100m OImi6 -D90 1. I .. I .r -~~~~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-;::-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-:r-~-~-~-~-~-::d) Q.SZJ82 Q:!iJ65 012 G.axrun I CASHABLE TERM eJ) 0.000127 .fJ.53 oe) O.00Q2oU; o.oool688 I 44~IN DEPOSITSt (I YUkI rri a (RIyal) 'JJ79'i 021H:J '"<, I CJTTnNS ilA.. ..1 !.1 BIG S aura) 1lO418 0il293.(lB9 A ROW,;WITH "~''(.~~'~J:::' ,"" 3~5% 3.0 'liar) 0.0ll6 01001· LIl7 .a <Rand1= Q.29'Jl o.m-Dm RATES~HlGHER "~.;.,, >1 (Wen) OOOl2Jl4 01XX00l L04 0tI1l'Sl Illll672 {).96 THAN THE eIa) RI.o!e) ill7l34S 1J.Ol646-{l6l BIG StJANKS. Citizens Bank af Canada 1ii: 1'CI1a) ryl842 OJ.293. L44 1-888-708-7838 J44ll o.a:no rot :.tar) ~ ;.:"..='=r=='..:.a::::.=...':.:.~=== J!l362 01T2S4 ().(iJ j);)gD~) 0Zl)) 0J.6l.8 fli ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= a) 01XlXXl73 a.cams'2 {)11) I' tBdIvar) o.o:J2l!Sl rumro -IJIV I Convertible Debentures Jnt (8lJ) L!il16 :..l241· LlO \ Selected _ on 8CIMIty ,,_ _I fts. SUIlC)IoecI l1li Rae ~ ~ .. , RIjt ~ L943l. Ll638 {)J4 BoIICI " --------- I '-1IiIIIIII MatItrity CollIS. ~ PIwL Y1d price 1liiie Price NJo" ~ Zl·.Jan.\l4 150 62.00 1<1.69 If.Sl "'OOn r.res Ar C3naddCllll/m;. ME 2O-Au-{!5 aoo 167.00 117 0.00 s.. £ Fr. fro fro AS \ AM RiiIr,Je AIODII1'SE 17-.lan-02 8.50 711113 :mn 15..94 :.3406 0.24135 LCXl5S1 0.97731 I A_ A'4aDIVISE. ME IH1!IHl4 7S J LllOO llOO s.m I o73S5 016942 O.7llS84 O.68lXl) BtooIdi!ldPnII8IBIIPC.IR.AI1OC l+~ 6.OQ lZllll 5.lli 0.00 J4Sl!7 0.29822 124246 L20762 I C3I'1U1d9!SlllDCBi.OIV1SE 1·Mar-ffi aoo 10148 74b8 716 1255 2lS2 39.65 illJ 3 I I C3I'1U1d9!SlllDCIIi..Il8.AI1'S 1·.un-Q4 7S J lOO.38 lJ8.42 7.43 - 010123 0.42l76 0.40994 I C3I'IU1d9!SlllDCBiJlII.BI'ISE l·Mar-04 6.00 lOO.3S 5LIl7 >'93 V8l3 416623 40494l C3I'1U1d9!SlllDCBiJlaCITSE IhlJtl-()7 6.00 147.00 lO.63 o..as 37100 0.24003 0.97196 C".aniJnjgeSlllO.~ U-Mar-04 6.00 93J8 417.00 733 43940 014695 L02Sa5 _. C3namMim:ern: 1·~'ill 8.50 lOJS) lll.48 7.78 J7: J2 1751.57 421l.42 43255 CDn. Wt5IiIm anCW8JlBlTSE lS-AD<-\J6 6.75 J5S.OO 106 015 CenlrellnUiE.IlIl.AIISE ll-tbt-{)6 8.50 l26.OQ 7!Jl ~9O ­te -- s CeIftnI~ ]:Jim.07 7E1'S llb.00 aIlS 5.62 Q(; HI!IiaIJIIn ern: ]:Aug{)7 aoo %.7S nla &49 fT 2"" 3.yr 4-¥r S.yr I Co-SI!!e Inc. CB.IXII1SE ll-Au-IJ7 6SJ ~ 42..'ll 6J9 Cans. Emeldern: n·Mat-<l2 aoo 97S1 6168 I!JI) is n.a. rta. :.3 117.10 lll!il ll~~ 107~ Daytan,....~.,.mVITSl: l'AD<-<l2 7ID 7LlJ 16173 l6SJ l8 L7048 L692S 1.68S2 L68J.4 \ DevIei ern: ll-Aor-'ill aoo lOlOO 00.53 5.S8 )5 17242 r..a. "-3.\ 00rmJ1nd00CJlVl5E.r.E lS-Au{)5 I1SJ l!il.OQ ·7::rJ 0.28 -------- EllDerGnlDEIlC.IBI1SE n·Mav-06 7ID 16>.00 .1.72 0.00 ,4 i8cJcndoGdd*ern: 1·1tJ\o{)4 8.2S 1Ol000 415.94 7.68 rta. n..a. "..a. rut j Em:!)!IIiISIrI!s IM..aII1SE 4-..uHl7 6SJ uo.oo V.07 517 !S rta. :la. :\-2. rut I Em:!)!IIiISIrI!sern: l}Au·02 725 lOlOO rJ3 6.'ill n.a. n.a. r. ~ ..l. Em:!)!IIiISIrI!sern: aoo rva rut \ 3Hlec-lXl lOlSJ 7.44 11 n.a. n..a. ".3. __________ n.a. i Harmac Paoli: HAC.llBITSE, ME 4-(kI·04 aoo 100.00 100.00 aoo HoIn}ertt.G.aIITSE l·Nov-'ill 7.00 l36.OO ·933 0.00 d _.0 . S ~~urities I HOIinI;Jer" tt.GlfD NASIWl S-Nov-13 0.00 ]Ul 50.16 ill lraI· H.l6.MIfSE lS-Mar·16 7J S lOl5O 12144 7.IJJ ~ "" "on. InOICt1ed ",etOS a47 I InmeIlM'UIIIITSE, ME 25-.AJl.'" 73) 98.50 114.'ill .late. ritJ Irmetern: P!b '(MIld I 29-~07 5.00 79.00 166.47 8.14 ......;..-------- i l<atietGnlloOR: 28-JJ~'ill 7J5 100.00 l66.67 7J2 I ;(nQSS K.IlIII'TSE 5-DI!c-06 5.50 (:IUS 124.38 1llJl4 37 99.880 199 i MacBDOR: l'~ :..00 82JS Sl.W. 7!!1 .98 10152 4.54 Mil!J'8I& NG.IIVI'SE S-.Ai-QS 725 l.S2.Zl 2JO Il.]) W 100.82 4.71 '-UCirllll.NlIUIII\'SE 8-Jan.iJl 7.00 &US 109.1!1. ''11 1:JQ.69 4.75 NollIe on ern: l}1tJ\o{)4 9.00 90.00 lll36 11.09 '.'11 10lSO 4.78 to'anda ern: 29-Au.fJ7 5.00 9lS) 4l.<16 '.01 102.8S ~.~ ,.... .e rn: lS-AII'-<l2 7.00 lOlOO nla ,", 1Mn1

...... ...' U. , ----..--- --- ,-. I :E.IIl 39.00 I s.-.... .., _ e_ Of c.,,_ 29.IIl 29.00 I PI'I!'I WI!._ l-ilD1!1 5.611 5.611 5..65 SiX 3-nmh 5lI8 S..87 S..87 5J' UIteI:t ~ ICII lIP 6-mInII >'90 >'90 >'91 5.l! 3lOO 3lOO I uss 0mncJt 5.50 5.47 5..46 5.43 -56J.O SS3S\ l·fT'IOI'Ch 5..56 S.56 5.S9 5.S3 Bank Rates }fT'IOI'Ch 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.63 CaIUlda u.s. 6-fT'IOI'Ch 5J8 5J8 5J8 5..6B 'JIJJ1 :?4.55 cs }fT'IOI'Ch ~1l2 193 l87 178 an ~ C!n.,. 4.OQ ()saut,. 5.lX (J.I }fT'IOI'Ch 171 168 3.fR 112 Prer. IIIn cmo. 159 Prm! 1311! 8.SI 7719 77.66 }fT'IOI'Ch 0.78 Q03 0.1. 0Al PITne_ s.so Fe! finis n.a '1m 1912 19.29 GBP }fT'IOI'Ch. 7.46 7.56 7.56 725 Q[I Laan IIftraQt 190 lS.45 15.90 1iA4 19.54 I Bonds }-J C;-J 61-1 fr l\Jw Ab 19.1S 19.8) I s.. ...... ..,_._CO. ...... AIC __. ... ___ eo.- MIlt. Data BId S Y1d'Jf. c..... MIL Data IIdSYId IIeIIdIIMriI --. .......... ., till QMIbec 9,SQ Mar llI'23 1.37.ss 6. 52.90 53.95 54J15 56.00 BInI! III c:-.ta. .. iIIIId .. ...... QMIbec ~ lO.87 ..u 2SIIll 1l8.69 0. (N'-........ IOI-oW ...... Cor,onte . Canada IGT 9.SO Aug 241114 12179 5. 31!8.00 364.00 o.tiC 6.00 Dec 1/98 lOl38 (Sa Ala Nat Gas &4:1 J.d l5J1I3 112.62 5. (lJ.IX) (JlJX) I o.tiC 8..25 I><Jq 3199 lll5.43 U4 IwaJ fr1 8J5 Mar l5/OO l!V:J2 5. m.oo :moo !o .K 8.50 Dec V99 106.74 4.93 Be Gas &.50 ~ 'JMJl. 11l.B9 5. -1 o.K 8.BO Mar 1100 liR09 4.96 BC G as 8.lS..uI 28103 lll.39 5 Q.\HC 8.2O.)Jn 30/00 107.56 5..Il5 BeTel 725 Jlj J..5I'i6 lOl.57 4 o.tiC 7JS Dec1100 llV.1I 5JD BeTel lO..65.A.n 19m l5lJ3 t C3naaa 6.25 H!b 1/98 10Q.36 4.ll Be Tef 9J1j kl8/72 139.11 t CInadA (N) 6.00 Mar 1.5198 100.58 195 OCE 712 May l/98 101.09 I Canada 10.75 Mar J..5I'i6 101.97 193 % canada 6..50 Seo l/98 l.lll.54 U1 OCE 8.95 AD< 1102 11291 ~ Bel 9.50 .A.n lSIlI2 llS.l2 ~ CanaIIa (N) B.IlO No'I1I'l8 IIXU5 4.48 Bel c04 9.~ Mar lIll 119.23 ~ 1":'\ C3naaa 5.75 Mar V99 lOl.J9 GJ Bel 9.71) Dec LSI32 145.lS I C3nac1i1 7JS SeoV99 lO4.91 4.S) I Ilk 01 ....... us .A.n lJlI3 ll5.OO ' Canada 9.25 DecV99 1(828 4J1l ..J C3nada 8.50 Mar 1100 l!V.59 4.90 Ilk oI .......l DlIS Dec 2ll/lI! 138.46 I \ can.a. Bk ~ NS 8.lIl Mar 241113 llllJ9 ' (0) 7S I Sell 1100 lO6.lI 4.99 C:wIda 750 Mat 1101 107.%1 5.D5 Ilk ~ NS 8.90 J\.n 20/25 lll.S7 ' (N) 1 9arriIiJnfIer 8.ll JJI 28103 ll2..2O C3nac1i1 9JS JJn1101 llU4 5JO em: 7Jll MarIOI04 107.Q9 C3nada 9.50 (kI1101 114.95 5J5 Canada 9JS Dec 1101 116.44 5J5 em: 9J1j Oct 3lIl4 l3V6 __ c-. c- Carada &.50 AD< 1102 JJ.2]9 5.16 Oil UIiIi!s &43 .A.n lJ1l5 ll6.3l 725 J\.n lJlI3 10925 5.29 Oil UIiIies 9.4:1 M;!y l/Z3 l38.66 ~ Carada C31lilda 7SJ Dec 1103 llL02 s.:n 0L5wn!t 0.00 ~l3I07 61.00 4.S6 5.S8 17.93 Cons. Gas 7.ss Dec l5I97 J.OO.OQ l295 12.5) aoo CaIlilda lll.25 H!b 1104 l2S.43 s.!s IPl ftII!rIIr t96 8.20 FtIll5l'24 l21.S3 US 10 7. II C3nada 6..50 JJn 1104 lO623 S.3S ImIsaIIJII s.:v .A.n Z3I03 ll2.64 22.IJ) US 22.IJ) I C3nada 9.00 Dec 1104 12lJ2 s.~ MaIsIJn 8rew 8ZJ Mar ll/O3 lll..QS 24IID 6JiI lS.OO IC InadA(O) a.1S Dec lJIl5 l2l.OO SA1 IUS 3Jl4 26.Ill CInadA(N) 71/1J Dec lJI)6 ll4AO s.sz Nlvc...a 6.45 .A.n 1104 lJl.l22 lUS 2Bl 35.Sl Canada 9SJ JJn 1110 l3176 5JH 'N;wc...a 7.4:1 .A.n Vll ll.l79 14.95 4.44 Z23l C3nac1i1 9.00 Mar lIll 13UlI 5J3 fbtI'II!m Tel 7.45 Mar lQJ';6 lOO.IJ) IUS 8JI9 ll2S C31lilda lll.25 Mar 15114 146.35 SJ!l 11m 8.ll ..u 15/1l3 lll99 14.95 121 ~ C3nada 9JS JJn lI2l 148.~ 5.91 11m SaIIII Pw 7.70 . Oct l5J1I3 109.44 US 10.2& 9JS CInadA(O) a.oo B.IlO Jun IJZI 126.90 5.M 0iIt.- Gr1IIC) &.25 .A.n llItl3 lll83 l&8D l2SO CInadA(N) 9.00 JurI IJZj I4LOP 5.95 PIraII'I!t 8J5 Now 9105 ll&43 l&25 6.45 l.S.S) lO.SO Mar 1102 ll8.77 IlDraI an l&25 5.88 17. o Provincial IlDraIIlri 6.SO Seo 12111 lO3J7 l215 nla AtIer1a 6.00 Mar V99 Itll.62 us SeapnIJll 9.00 DecJ..51'i6 lO4..lll-18.00 lJ!J. 26.2S AtIer1a 8.50 SeoV99 lll5.96 4.90 TaIiInwI EnI!ro 9.~ Dec Z1HJ lIB.OII Q,2J. 7.41 J.33) BrCoU1Oa 7.00 Mar 2I'JII 100..68 4ZJ TaIiInwI EnI!ro 9Jll Dec 22Itl4 l22.37 1.12 lS.n 4J6 BrCoUTDa 7.00 .)In 9199 103.27 4.J5 T~ 8.lS .A.n 2O/Il3 1U90 7S '5 8.ll l2.OO Br CollIIiJa 1015 Aug 29/01 116.49 5.24 1laIBI1 7.90 Seo 17/02 109.11 19.00 9!19 lLOO BrCotJrrba 900 Jan 9/02 lllS5 5.2B 'IlunDI 9.15 JJl6I04 117.7S 2UI 6.91 1, 775 J\.n l6I03 lJ.l.OO 5.42 TrCda~ 9.45 Mar 20IlB l3l22 0.Q:rJ:l7 \ B B r r C C o oi t J J r r n r b b l a a 9.00 J\II 2l/1l4 11911 >'49 TrnaIII UIi 8.lS Dec 15/1l3 lll87 lS.!S 5.ll6 19. BrCokJlI'ilIa 9SJ Jan 9112 l3l53 5.95 lS.!S nla \)imGas 9.70 Now 6Il7 l36..l2 Br Col.imDla aso Aug 23Il3 124.88 6.03 nla \)imGas 8J5 ~ 3Il8 l2S.74 lS.!S Br CoiJrnbla 9.00 I><Jq 23/24 1.37.00 6J6 VftsIIDISt Erer 9.90 Jan 10120 139.09 8.25 6Jl6 l6SJ 26.2S s.n. l6.62 New Brunsw1d< 912 I>cr 1102 114.S5 5.32 Newloun:IIand 10.00 Jul 25/Ol llS.ll s.:n IntematIoaal 9.41 2.7l 36Jl4 Newtourdand 11.00 H!b 15112 146.58 Aus1raia 7.00 15 APR 2000 103.67 1731 2.6l 38.25 6.06 NOOI ScotIa 90 Mar 1198 lOl34 UZ AIIsIraiI lO.lI) 15 OCT 2002 117.82 6.l) 7:1J l.iI.Ill15 OCT lJIl 12l!.76 4.7l 5 NowaScoIla 8..25 Dec lJOS ll6.OO Ius\I'i1iI 6.l) 5J3 ONOOIScoba 9.!il· Jan llI22 lJ9J1j 6.36 Britain 6.00 10 AUG 1999 98.34 U) 8.ll 15 Ort Hyd 725 Mar 3l/98 lcn94 4.31. Britain 7..00 IV.Ul2OO2 lOO.BI. 4.l5 7.19 149 ,()tHyd 9.62 Aug 3199 l!V.ss Ul Main 725 117 00: lJIl lll5.2S l5Jl) 8II.JI 1.66 ,()tHyd 9.00 f4;x 16102 11U l 5.34 ITfte 7.00 12lCt' 1999 J.OOI7 9.54 8ZJ 4.93 IOrtHyd 9.00 .A.n 24102 114.57 5.J6 ITfte 4.50 12.lJl2OO2 <;6.14 UI l2.SO . i IOrtHyd 1012 Oct lSJZl 141.91 614 ITfte 5.5D 25 OCTlJIl lOOJI7 6.20 2Z.I) '2.11& 4.00 VSEPl999 IIOrtHyd a90 ~ l8I'22 l3UiO 6.31 ee-. "'..86 6.13 . S.!II. nla: IWam aoo Mar ll/O3 lll61 5AZ IiII-. 731 lIZ 00: 2002 109!11

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L-73-97

Page 10 of 12

Tn 577IlW :xm.w ,:nuw I 50'! 001 l. ...Y I 0.23 ·015 ·om \ In: l164.5O lJ.lIl.OO 114l.OO Rru9'l Fa J.Q.63 0.86 tUI4 -1l3! I StratIIDc ..... ClAn" fixl 'M1eatSRWTerm 147 Q.55 0.68 4.62 (I.ISS IiId per b \I1ess stiII!d) Energy ·1()4 .Q.6l L3l AtCInDIJ(Int) l625.OO l625.OO 1.67S.OO (USSl1lIIiaI8T\Jl tUI4 Q.79 ·0.45 \ 8IsnUII 3.00 3.00 3.00 Nat. gas: AIla·DIiIIt l.SO 0.61 Q.lJ ·lJ~ C3Iinun 99'Yo Q3J Q3J Q3J Nat. gas trrcnss l.SO ·us ·147 ·L93 \ Onme /IIIQI 9.00 9.00 9.00 Prq)ane tSar JgaI.) J1IIl om .().66 -Q.03 CdIaI.- 19.11O 19.50 19.50 Pnloane (&Jl\l1IiIO 29.00 Q.23 -U25 ·Q.91 \ GaIUn.- = Jr,'Cl.II) Jr,'C l.II) : Jr,'Cl.II) IUift tsar Jgai) 4l5O Il64 .Q.l2 on : Gem = aun (II : Q) moo moo moo IUift (&Jl\lgai) 3lOO Q.23 ·015 -()'92 ~ :UI\;::Gas~(NYH.I;.;.;..;;;.gal}""_'_...;56.00= - MI!raIy'" 141JXl 141JXl 141JXl 011 :ountry ~ Ferr. 0IUl 9.8) 9.8) 931 (CS per bilI'reI) ~.) :5IXl :5IXl lim \ l1.sas(Cnlm!r1 '1/;JJJ SeinIII 1.8) 1.8) 1.8) l1. sweet \Clm) 27 J9 . DIIr Tart.1MI 26.00 26.00 26JX) , (I.ISS per bilI'reI) laCS .USS" dII TtIrUII!Iai!l 7.!11 7.8) 7r o Bn!It 0'\I0e 19J2 :url) ().(W1ll a.an.56 '" T,... Antl med. lS.45 q (fr.n:) o..aJ)C) 0J:tlJ79 -Q.36 (US (!lIS oer b IIiISs stiII!d) Bcmr It. 19.44 np) 0.CJ70 Il287l -a.til MItJr:a CIIIIee l511.li3 157.50 157.I! West Texas R. 19..1) 16419 '1!:tEl -Q.28 Rdu5ta CIIIIeI! i'8.OO 78.2S 1Il.OO ......... (GuIder) 0J2l0 Il.!DlS -()'+I CoaJa (lISSIft) 1776.00 l72l.OO lJ'jUOO (US arcs per gaI.) :5 (GuitIer) 0J92l Il.W '" Sup v.b1d 11 1.2.92 1289 U3l GuI 52 .., (\)lI;W) 011186 Il.6.l97 -().]l CaIIIIIia paiIaL. NY _ su .9 s 0 .-me) ~ Q.loOl {JjJJ (CSoer"'.Tluldl!rBay) U.s.1wnDer UII!I!) o.m:z22 0JJlZl2 r1I GaRiI _90 39Ul J13JO (I.ISS) .abaa) L(JJ8 LOOOO '" fIaI 349.50 ~Cl 3WIl RinIIJn ~ 3tiII.IIl ~_~ (Pesl) 00022 G.l1m7. ill 'NI1ta JJIl.OO lJIl.ll l7lSO \ CoasI hem"" (JW) fYI 0.Cl27 Q.284l run 8fty 144,00 144,00 14500 WsIm ~:m.oo !1" II! ~ s:ucll) 0Jll195 o.m56l. -1l3! Sd) o.smo Il.36684 -Q.D : ON E YEA. tal) Q.(XJ]l.IIl a.aws -().29: 44 WEEKS IN TUM DIlPOSIT Ole) G.lIXI'Zl!Il 0JXIII.6B8 -().l9 : .__ QJ1II) Q2ti66 "': A ROW WITH 0 4 .-lh __ 3 B 0 'aIR IlDC!l Q.0296 -o.sz : ratlr\ Q.LOI6 = UIIl6I. : -Q.ZJ : RATES HIGHER CI ~ Q.2923 o.2Il62 -Q : .28 : :a~ 0: 1 THAN THE 5 ~) Q.QZ348 a.mtti6 -Q.22: BIG BANKS CItIzeIIs B4nk of Conado 11. we) 0J.lI91 Q.lJll -Q.S6 : 1-888-708-78J8 dar) Q.OO89 o.ano.0J5 ---- 1!;ffi Q.(B2 01IZ5.'i Q3I ='..::====-.::::=-...::::.::.:..~~=:=. rcDiI9D (Ikiar) ~ Q.l6J.8 '" 111) tUmJl74 o..aJmi2 -(lJ7 JOlIN') naxm! omm 0.lI2 Cso-n..v.e-r.t.i .b....l.e., _ De_ben_ture s LrCtHlJ) L6ll5 LlJ66 -().29 1IIt1ltlC __. ... ,. Rqt 5JR) L9«ll Ll\84 -().23 .... % '-'1I!!iIII ......c .....- "'-- N ... lillie Price CaRD ; I(pm* Ii!IEf ... V.,J;Jft-0 . 4 . 3 . S - l bS -.O -O _ 145. . .Cl . . 1lS IIWlilIloI _ t_" 1M CoanadIIICJ8/1SE. ME ~Hc. .- 05 8.00 l69.oo 2.(2 0.00 Fr.... £ SIL... AS AM RaIiJIMWIII ~ 17-Jin.02 ~ 82.00 J11 Jil. 14.41 2.37668 Q.242l8 LOO486 0.97365 A_AVIUlB/1SE.ME ~ 7S l llS.IJl l5.OO W L6768S ll.l7t&' OJfB11 0.681195 IInIlIdiIIId ~ II'C.IIlA I ~ 1+ftD.07 6.00 l2S.OO 5.41 0.00 1!1lI.97 Q.2I;l!76 L23963 UIlll3 C'..1rIaIIoISIlaDcmas/~ 1~ 8.00 llD.Sl 76.14 7J ;A . l5.OO 2lUl 2lJ3 <m8 87.311 C'..1rIaIIoISIlaDCSIl8A/~ 1~ 7.50 J.OO.A1 Ul2l 7.J8 Q.lIIl90 0.4229l 0.4l967 ClIIiInIIIIeSllaDCIIIi.IlU I ~ l-MaN14 6.00 l.OOSl !n15 5.90 9Bll76 _ U4924 4.02037 ClIIiInIIIIeSllaDaIiJl8.C/~ ».ut(l7 6.00 l5S.OO J.6.26 Q.2l 2..36520 Q.24ll11. _ 0.961194 C'..1rIaIIoI SIQI. 0IG.ll8.D I ~ U- MaNI4 6.00 93.J8 <IJ.S27 7.I! 2.44llll 0.24873 LIl32Q5 _ c..a1olilllK0lt 1·Se"l8 ~ lO2.lXl l.n92 S17 11912 1757.8) 4'23.~ .\3722 Qnwe.a"'CYiIIJ8/~ 15-Acr~ 6JS l62.OO 185 0.00 CI!Ie1!inI aEIlI.Al ~ des l>-fOMl6 ~ l2!UXl 8J.2 t66 CI!Ie1!inI aE1J181 ~ 3l.Jan-07 7E l5 117.00 8.39 5.49 "emoont. .. ..,.. at: 1tI!M:.aIIBS0lt 3l.AuIt<ll 8.00 \I6JS tV.,. 8.49 l." 2." 3-tr s.,.. I Co-SlaIIIE. CEI.alI ~ l>-AINl7 6!j) lO2.lXl 3626 6.22 ~~~~--~ ~~Olt 1973 n.a. n..a. n.a. 3l-Mar-al 8.00 97S l 6168 8JD 111 ~ 0ayIDn MIInQ* QAymv I TSE 11731 lJ..l!ll llO.8l l'Acr-al 7!Jl 76.00 l58Sl 14..65 168 l69ll l.6OOl l6124 L6706 0evII!iI0lt l>-Acr·96 8.00 lJILOO Ill.53 5.S9 'A88 'Ln60 "A "A rUL Damallnd 1XX.08/1SE. ME 15-Acr-05 8.50 l6O.OO ·731 Q.29 ----------- I ~Gnllilac.tlB/TSE 3l.-MIy-06 7!Jl l72.OO .OJ!2 0.00 EIiIIndD GGkI" Olt 1·1bH)o\ 8.2S lllllDl U5.66 7.68 ua.oo 7lS6 n.a. n..a. Q.Q3 rUL \ EmalInriIIIn!s BLIlBI TSE +~ 6!j) 38.82 Sl7 n..a. r\.iI. rUL EmalIIIIbIftS Olt l>-~ 725 lJILOO tVa 6.96 22l!6 n.a. n.a. ..4. rUL EmalInrillln!sOlt 3l.0I!ic{J) 8.00 lOl.5O tVa 7.44 :m9 rUL rUL n.a. rUL HarmIC Pm IW:lB 11SE. ME ~ 8.00 llI2.OO 92.34 7G l ....... tLG.Il8l TSE 1·1\1a1M18 7!Jl l30iIll . WJ3 0.00 ..,..,ItS.f.o NASlAQ S-tGt-13 0.00 38.3l 5l.l6 6Jl !d Securities InaI" IU6.H I N'/SE 15-1IW-16 71'5 l.OOSl 117.I1 )(I """""'"" 51 tnlillOl'L indICII'lH 'IMttOI I.aINil MlDI/1SE. ME 2S-,jj.99 7.so WSl 111719 I ........ 1'MtUfttY .... ..O lt 29-SeIHl7 s.oo 79.00 l5436 rt.rilJ Price VieW 1(a*l1iIIIIID0lt 2Wlr96 lJI2.J5 715 lJll.lll MillllllIUlIII ~ s.so 1225 1II7.a lll19 s-DiIc:-(l6

l'i.'I) <:>'70 I\_I n. ..... ., '- ._.- , ~ .. - -J.Q.63 l.O3JSOl 9 mt1II'CIhIS tA_r\.iI. - .. cn..a. ..-- n_..a. _n.l. I_ 9-1110II_II n_ .l . rUL rUL n.a 3Sl International London intIIrDIak after nate uss l.SO L41 PIwr Wk._ l.SO 141 EunMIe.-sit rates (bid) I..IIIIt ... IICl J1IIl 39.00 _1IIt~_oIcan_ l·mann S.68 l.62 5.68 5.6 29.00 29.00 PIwr Wk .... 3-mcnII1 5..87 -5..87 5..87 SJ ue.t ...... 6-mcnII1 5.90 5.90 5..87 SJ ~ <Wl 3lOO 3lOO uss ~ 5.47 5.50 5.50 5.50 5S.ll 55.aI l'marIh 5.56 -S.56 5..58 W Bank Rate. 3-marIh 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.al c.mcnII1 5.78 5.78 Canada u.s. 5.75 5JS cs 3-mcnII1 193 186 ll!7 18l BlII* aI can. rate 4,00 0isaUI rate 5.0 '1/;JJJ 261l Il>' 3-mann 168 168 U3 3JO Prt!'I. aln c:anv. 149 PrmI rate as 2719 27.'18 vet 3-mcnII1 om Q.lJ QJ3 0.42 PrmI rate 5.25 fill rum 5..5 GBP 3-mcnII1 7.56 au 7.53 711 cal Loan __ 3JS 18.99 19.31 l5.II3 Wl6 1932 19.62 B_.o.,n_d._sC OfV._'cA(" l~lC(p _~_ N. .o.. v ~S-~ __ 19.73 19.96 c...... lilt. DIal "S YW c...... ........ "s n "'*-Illill ....... _ ........ lip ... , QM!bec 9.50 Milrlll23 J.31.95 S2.8l S5.I5 ...... c:...III, - iIIIIIIII ill ........ , QM!bec ItldnllO.87 oii 25IIIl ll8.5O S(8l S7J!) =-~IO"""""'" lCorporate Aug2411l4 l2l.23 367.00 6.00 Dec~ llll.SS 4.41 oii15lO3 lllOO nnm 01.00 &25 Aug 3199 lJ!i.7l .u.s Mar l5IOO 107.65 8.50 Decl/99 J.f11I1l IJ1 Aug 26102 J.l2.27 OH: 8.8l Mar 1100 llRCl U3 oii2S/03 lll77 OH: a20 .lJn~ 1117.91 4.91 oii I5I'il8 10lJt) OH: 7JS DecllOO J.f11.65 4.98 CaRD 6.25 F1!b~ llII.Cl 193 J.st19fl1 lSl.34 IG % S CIIIIIIII(tO 6.110 ... 15191 Acr8122 139.50 Io1IU3 3.13 ...,~ ll1l.J.6 CaRD lll15 Mar I5I'il8 lD2Jl2 l.!Il CaRD 6.50 1lII..67 4.23 .1102 11128 SelI~ c.-(If) m:Jl 4.l2 .bIlS/02 ll6J2 r.-- CaRD J.lll..S7 4.45 ... lIll 11956 Decl5ll2 14t.68 l!J5J.9 ~ CaRD .bIl/Q3 1lS37. CaRD lJB.6l IJl J.f11.9O IJ7 Dec 2I11III BIJl8 CaRD ... 24103 lllotS CIIIIIIII(O) J.ll]7 c.-(N) 7.!11 ... 1IIIl lIDS! "-95 .bI :aII2S oii2S/03 ll2.59 CaRD 9JS J.st1l0l llS.ll 5.!Jl CaRD 9.50 Ck1l1Ol l.JS.'D SJI5 ... I0I04 107.46 CaRD 9]5 DecllOl ll6B3 5.06 Ck1ll1l4 m.D4 a.. c:-. c:-. CaRD 8.50 Aor 1102 ll3l6 5.(B J.st1lO5 ll6.7l 7.25 J.stl/Q3 l!9.Jil. Sl2 ".1/23 l38.87 9 05 5 -.5lI 17.93 CaRD 7.50 Decl/Q3 lllCl 5.26 IugI.llll7 60JS ll2I l2.5l &.IJI CnIIII 1015 F1!b 1104 l25JI6 5.29 DecJ5J97 lOO.lO F1!b 1.5/24 U7 14JJ1 7JO CnIIII 6!j) .lJn1lO4 lll6..65 5.28 l2L7l 22.a) 4.55 22.a) CaRD 9.00 Dec 1104 I.2l2D s.:n J.st23lO3 lllOl 24.IIl 6IiI lS.lII CIIIIIIII (0) 8j$ OCJ..1l5 MilrllJOJ lllCl lIM 26JI3 c.- (to 7.110 OClJD6 llIUIS 5A6 J.st1lO4 lO4.S9 lS.lII 2.8Z l5.5I. CaRD 9.50 J.st lIlD l3tl6 S.65 J.stll27 lll96 lS.lII 4."4 22.91 CaRD 9.00 Mar lIll 11147 5.JR Mar lllI'J8 J.OO.86 lS.lII &.IIi llZi CnIIII Ul25 Mar 15114 H613 5.78 oiil5lO3 112.36 l5.OO 12l WI CnIIII 9]5 .A.IOlI2l l.fIJ4 SJl9 Ck1l5103 109.8) 4.25 l.Il.26 915 CIIIIIIII (0) 8.00 J.st~/03 lll20 19..!I &.IJI l2.5l c:.-.(If) 9.110 Now911l5 ll8.87 1&35 6.45 lS.5O Marl/02 119lS 1&35 5.88 17.00 Pnmncial Seol2/ll lllUJ J.3.IX) tV., nil AIII!r1a 6.00 Mar l/99 IJll.B3 DecI5l'il8 lOUJ 19.65 lBl 26.25 AIII!r1a 8.50 Sell l/99 lD6.3l Dec "ll/99 Itl!.4d Q.2l 7.41 l3Sl Br CoU1Oa 7.00 Mar ~ lOO]5 Dec 22Itl4 l22.8! lJ!1 lS.n 6.J6 Br CoU1Oa 7.00 J.st 9/99 Ul3.54 .lJn :.DItl3 ll.2.li 7.5S 8.D 1.2.00 Br CoU1Oa lQ.l5 M 29/01 ll6.94 Seoll/02 109.6; 19.00 919 u.oo Br CoU1Oa 9.00 Ja1I9/02 114,00 oii6/04 25.lD 6.91 ll.8.ll 14.41 Br CoU1Oa 7J S J.st l6I03 lll49 Il.65 VI Mar2O/l8 l33.4 325 Br CoU1Oa 9.00 J.st 2l/!l4 119:n. Dec 15103 llU lS.65 5.llII 1915 8r CoU1Oa 9Sl Jan 9112 l34.l9 lS.65 fila Now 6Il7 l36..l tVa 8r CoU1Oa 8.50 Aug 23/l3 l.2S.$ lS.65 tVa Aug 3Il8 l2S.9 fila 8r CoU1Oa 9.00 Aug 23124 J.31.49 aJS 6.ll6 Jan lQ/20 139.2 26]5 5.7l i!: New 8n.nwIdr 9J2 Aor 1102 1lSJl2 9.Cl 2.7l 36J4 NewbnIand lO.OO -Ai 2SIlll 1l5..45 7.00 15 APR 200l lQl] 7.11l 17J R 2Jil. NewiIudana u.oo F1!b lSIl2 146.6l 117.S 7Z J. 6IiO 7I I ~ Noq Scoba 9.87 Mar ~ lOla U4 ~ lO.OO 15 OCT2OO2 8.14 6IiO IJl 2125 Noq Scoba 8.2S Dec 1105 ll6.64 5.64 ~ 10.00 15 OCT 2007 l28.S \16.4 7:n. 4.25 8.D 1.2.00 Noq Salaa 9.60 Jan llI22 1Clll 6.34 BriIaII 6.00 10 AUG 1999 4..65 7.49 lll'5 ()t ~ 7.25 Mar 31M UII.03 4.l3 Britain 7.00 07 JU'j 2002 lOU A._ ~JN'Jr; ,mlW\ .. ~ AtftIIft 7:l'i 1171l£CZJl7 10'\:

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. 73·97 Page 11 of 12

oi:1:I:Fr!2. O~ "lJD ,. ...... ,<00, 'I>J IJ>J IJ:'JJ 1 onntrWl!! 14'fY :urd) Tropicais 1 I A ~ r I ab t m . ed . l5.S3 1(Frar1:) 01J3963 Il.1l27S9 Q.Jl (\JSceruoertlul1lesuaU!dl 19.32 .:tlJ!l() 0.4lO7 a.2lm.1.2l .wIlaCDitee l.S7.50 )5].67 l56.V WestTexasl'll 1913 3.f:HJ2 2SlfIJ.()JI) Rtilus1aCDitee 7&.2S 79.00 .'lliO IIIeMiac ail ;(Gui\der) O.i2S!l IJ..SllII 0.41 Coc:oa(USSlbl!) l72lOO 'J77.oo lBlll.OO 1 (\JSceruoer\lill.l 5 (Guidef) 0.7938 0!B!l 111 'fu:!ar World U l2l!9 l2l!9 l3.3l \ u.s. GuI s:z..so ~(I):jIar) 0.8868 0 1l.624 : J. -oJ4 Canada grains tffHartlor S4.tlO .,-,el 02)12 ~ (CS oer ttn1! at 1lllnoer Bay) U.s. lumber .o!f!) 0113229 0: : carda 39Ul ~ 393.70 1 I ( US.l) )baa) L42!Ji Flax 345.40 344.ll 342.00 Random II!I1gIts moo :>e9:») 00079 112B39.Q.04"'" l.71l.ll J.69.-«l l7l.SO Q:lasthf!m.·fr (J).OO I) 0.«134 Q.28 Bny 144.00 144.00 14S.00 \ W!I!I\!i\J'UCII1)I1! moo tlJOO) o.o:mJ a.arnJ :d) 0SlBl Q.36!Il5.ijJS - - 4 --4 -- -- - ,." ()roJlB2 a.axIl.2B Q.06: W£rKS IN ONE YEAa e) 1J.lXXl2«D Q.lXlIll9l."lJD : t:. T .... DEPOSIT ]<RiYaO 03789 Q.2666 111: A ROW WITH cn-.,.. BIGS nm) D.0423 IJ.Il2'j6 019 1 ~" 3 ia') 0.lXll7 Q.lOO 054 : RATES HIGHER '.' v--. 0% ~ Q.2938 am.QJ.4 : "". (Woo) il.lllllI.6 Q.OOl9'26'UR: THAN TH E ,~"''' a) O~ O = .lDl8l. : Q : .28 : 1!:Ee) IlO23S8 0.Ql!{i).()..25: SIG 5 SANKS CltIzos Bonk ofCanoda III. ~) 0= t.. __ _ _ •_ _ 1.888.708.783~_ _______ ~ ~) 011362 0lX2S4.l.S3 AVMCrrlCOMPA/N ..... __. .. ., ___ I _O"""',.,...,.,'Qr'''''' "....., Il.l.6l8 .. __o n.II.T"""-_on ___, ,,_ao.l997. __. ,_ .a<p(l):jlar) 0. ... ,., ,. o.00XXJ74 o.axmi2 !lO4 'dMlr) O~ a.txmJ.{U5 Convertible Debentures "It (E!lJ) L6l!l7 ll3'l9 Il2l SItIeaaO __ on """""" __• 1IUIIIIIIeO .. RIC '*-= .<}'t (SDR) L90188 l.J715 0J2 ..... " '-wllhltill MltllritYeo..,.... ...... 'fW ~ Canada I(Jia1' 1SS/tW!DNJ 27-.JaMJ4 lSI) 65J5 lllD1 llJ7 Ai'ClnadUC.ll6/TSE. ME l!).A(r-ai 8.00 14\00 UJ OJJI "£" '- ...... !lIr.fr. AS ....... AInaIIlSE 17~ SSl SlS) 1».65 1(91 ii68 1 LOlO96 tllIEIII. ~AVIUlIVISl\.ME 8-ftb.()4 7S1 uta) lta) U6 oss J 0Jll62 OHmS 1JI'aokfI:Id1'r1:icllftleSBFC.lJWTSC 14-~ 6IJl us.m 5.Q OJJI 767 c....a7l L23658 l.204ID CiInD1IQeSlalCBiJlBllSE l-Mar-03 8.00 llll.88 7(46 7!JJ t36 2J..OO 9Q.23 r!l!ll. CiInD1IQeSlalCBill8NTSE l..uH14 7S1 lIJI.lI lJU) 7.43 _ 01al68 0.42094 o.ClIJD CiInD1IQeSlYloCBiJlll.lllr.i£ l-Mar-()4 6IJl llJl.6l 48.95 SS8 452 - 4.l.3973 4111346 CiInD1IQeSlYlo~ l).~ 6IJl l55.OO llJ'l Il2l "S6S 024156 - Q.97433 CiInD1IQeSlrlo.Clli.OIlJlI1SE ll-Mar-()4 6IJl 9325 417.81 7.11 S )2 Z 0 3 0 lJ .2 O 4 l 7 .3 9 7 3 L0263S 425.72 «a.9 -4 CanamManacOTC l·seo-98 SSl 1ll'2.OO m9'2 SJ8 . OIn.We5ll!m8ankCW8.OBITSI' J5.A!lr-<l6 6.75 l6S.OO 113 0.00 ~ CIt.ll6.AITSE l).tCt-()6 SSl 129.00 6.64 (S4 es ~<H..08.IIITSE 3l.Jan-()7 7.875 moo 8JII Sl2 "" ..6 OC~OTC 3l'AiJg-(l7 8.00 95JXI nil! 8.77 2.,,- 3..,r 4.,,- s.,.. ~9I!8lJt.CEl.OOIlSE l).AIJ-07 6Sl 1ll'2.OO ll.88 6.22 n.a. fUl. ru. ru. Qlns.Et1Ii!JdOTC 3l-Mar-tl2 8.00 91.so 6168 8.JO 116.90 113.40 llD.40 107.10 (l;IybIt.hrj"OAY.DB.VIISC l'A(r-tl2 7.00 75IJl 131.91 lSDZ L6B32 L6713 l.6644 J.66lO 0M!i0TC l).Apr-98 8.00 llIl1Xl 60.53 SAl L7412 n..a. ru. ru. OOrraIIndrxx.mrrsc.ME J5.Apr-ai SSl ll4IJ) ·731 Q29 _ Gnu! e::llII'& 31 ~ 7.00 l15.m .l.Il1 0Jl) fm:olllUtnlSlMWTSE ~ 6Sl uom 3SJ8 Sl7 n.a. n..a. ru. n.a. fm:o IIIUtnIS OTC l).~ 7.25 llIl1Xl nil 6JIIl n.a. n..a. ru. n.a, :: fm:olllUtnlSOTC 3l'!lIec-OO 8.00 lII1.5l IVI. 7A4 n.a. ru. n.a. ru. n.a, n.a. HlrmKPdictR:JllllTSE.ME ~ 8.00 1II1m 88IJ 7.43 HallWtf.G.IBIlSE 1·1tJIf-9Il 7.00 ~ .ll.52 Q.IXI !4aIiItW*ttGlF.oNASlNJ 5-Nof.13 Q.IXI 31!.31. 9116 611 Securities Ina:l*N.l4HIN'/SE J5.Mar-16 7.75 llJlSl. ll8.II8 7.10 ,.. ..... $1.,.,_.,_ytefCIo II1II1I!tIMN.llllllSE.ME 25-Ji-99 7S1 99$ lm.:!J 7.81 ge rMtumY Glte. ImI!lOTC 29-Seo<17 s..oo 79.00 14617 &14 Price YIeld KUlIGnu!OTC 2IhU-98 7.75 1OO1Xl ~ 7.72 1CinI&~ 5-0et-<l6 SSl 7215 lO4.47 llll9 168 MlltBIDOTC 1~ s..oo SSSl 492<4 714 W.907 10lJ8 (24 Mlplit. t.ti.llBI1'SE s-.u-os 72 5 ~ 2.7l ~ BB8:l Ull.09 (.a IJOCCUrln.t.(lt!)8J'1SE IhlalHl7 7.00 sus 109.81 9.501 lQQ.9S 454 ,.. 0Iina OTC l).~ 9.00 \101Xl ~ um 10lJ8 4.S7 IG1IXIaOTC 29-A(r-ill s.oo 9'2.00 ll.lb 6.l3 103.32 5.07 ItmIC tner!Y OTC J5.Apr-tl2 7.00 1OO1Xl nil 7.00 100.50 Sl6 \I!.9IIUo GckI" OTC l).A(r-{!2 6JS Z21YJ 22!.73 SU7 ""''76 5.l9 Rl!ll8DOTC ll-.Ul-98 9.00 r!l.oo S!il.l\ 34.68 so 5..33 AMnJeI'r1:icllftleSRI'C.OIUI1'SC 3l·Dec-iJ6 7.00 l2l.Sl 7.47 ~ 3JO lUI .84 5.55 RlDAl!JJnIOAlRll'SC l·~ SSl 4725 46.24 5.89 ,.,ConmOTC l·Seo-99 7S1 99.so l6Z.56 7.11l 99.902 3J7 ~M!IaIsOTC 3l-oct·99 9.00 llIl1Xl 711.47 8.42 100.02 3J7 SII!mt SlRItSI: J5.0et-<l6 6IJl 4l..5O 42Al 7.:n l.Ol.l8 4.16 raCorD l8t.IlIlI'!SE l).Seo-21. 3.lXI 6U1. 1731 6lS 10151 4J6 TedcConl"OIt :J.5..U.()6 l.1S 86.82 lS21 5.10 Ul2.l4 4.S3 TernIII!c" TI!C.I:I!..IIIT ME 3l.ftll¥-(l3 6.50 1OO1Xl 45JW 6Sl llllSO SJ3 TrirlcHllll*TZH.Il8.UIlSI:.ME ~18 125 6519 14.14 6.2S lIlO.93 5.09 TrirlcHllll*1ZH.D&W1SE.ME 70.. ....7 1 ~M na

= JY~ I l5J6 16.34 1 d J:)~ 5 1 A.I 1911 19771 Bon S IV 0" c::>.' 1 C'r J ,",<CJ..j a.~ 19.65 20.24 I su""''''''t>y_V_CO.framRIICOOmo"'onSecutltlU ...., ___ \. eo..- Mat. DIIII lid S YId% c.... Mat. DIta .., YId Benclw ••" ~ ......... .., the I OJeIlet 9.50 1Ioarll/23 131SO 6-S2.5S 5521 1 Bank of ea-t.a. - iIIIIIl ill ~ QJeIlet t1y(i'o llll!7 ~ 2SItll 1lB.63 Q; 54.65 5710 (Ht- ............. IO\-GW ....... Canada Corporate OK 6.00 Oet lI98 lll1.63 4.34 N:>r 9.50 Aug 241D4 l2l.32 50 368.00 ?IiI.oo o.K 8.2S lug 3J99 lllSJ9 4.64 Alta Nat Gas 8.40 ~ 1SJ03 Dl15 50 430.00, 427.00 o.K &SO 0et1l99 10717 4.n AYal Ffl 8J5 Mar lSIOO 10717 S. ))5.00 2S6.OO &81 Mar lIIXI l.lI!.SJ 4J7 Be Gas 8.SO Au926102ll2Al. S. . o.K B eG as 8.lS ~ 4BI'Il'3 lU.92 S. ----- "'\ a.K 8.31.lJ1 JW) 1lB.04 4.ll6 . : o.K 715 OetlllXl 10716 4.94 BeTel 725 ~~ 1IDJ5 ( : Canada 6:J5 fC1/98 lOO.43 3.ro BCTel lll.65 ,",19121. lSl.29 6. : CIr*I(N) 6.00 .... 15M 100.65 3.71 BeTel 9i6 ~8122 tBAS 6. : Canada l.OJ5 Mar 15198 1ll2.D6 175 BCE 7..12 M3J lI98 '1llI.l9. ( : Canada 6.5D Seo1/98 l.al.73 ill BCE 8.95 ~lJ1I2 11141. ,5. : CIr*I(N) 8JIO "'" IJ98 JIIUIJ 4.25 Bell 9.50 ,",lSI02 ll626 's. : Canada S15 Mar 1199 llll.64 4.39 Bell d)o1 9.45 Mar 1Ill ll9.10 5. .:::::;:; ,Canada 715 Seo 1199 lI!i.28 459 Bell 9.10 0I!c l5I32 144l1li 6. : Canada 925 0et1l99 1lJlJl 467 8IcofMorCralILBS .1I\lIOl 1lS.54 . S. Canada 8.50 MarlllXl l/ll..Ol 4n 8IcofMon7eallll.li5 0I!c2O/tIl IB.94 S. c.n.aa(O) 7.so SIoIJllO ~ 4.83 8IcofNS 8.lO Mar2411l3 lll60 S. Canada..... 7.so "-lJIIl 107& 492 8IcofNS 8.90 .11\20/25 1!lJ3 6. ' ' ',. \Canada 915.lJ1lJOl 1lS.Z3 4.97 ~ 8.ll ~ 4BI'Il'3 1l2.74 S. Canada 9SJ <kIlJOl llS.46 5.02 ~ ~:: ::.: :: ~ s.c..tIle s Inc. Canada 915 Oet lJOl ll6.97 5.03 . <;::. Con Canada &SO ~ lJ1I2 Ulll 5.05 Ui1 UIlilies 8.43 ,",1JIl5 ll619 S. 725.lJ1l1Ol lf1m ill CdnUllilJes 9.40 M3J1/23 lBJl6 6. Sl3 5.S8 17.93 Canada 7.so OetlJUl 1llS7 5.23 CIeam!t Q.IXI Iua l3I'07 6II!iII n 12.90 l2S) 8.00 Canada lIl.25 fClJ04 l26.Il5 5.2S Coos.. Gas 7.55 OetlSlW llIIl1I 5. Ul 14Jll 7.10 Canada 6.5D.lJ1lJ04 lO6.73 s:o ll'\..~c.96 8.2l ftIIlSI24 l2IJI 6. Z21YJ 4.55 Z21YJ Canada 9.00 OetlJOo4 l2l.32 ~ \ InmalIJll 8.37 ,",Z31113 llll7 2475 6Jil 15.IXl CIr*I(O) SJ5 o.:1JIII5 121.SS SAO MoIsan8rfw 8.31 MarllJ03 lll.55, S. l5.2O lB4 26DJ CIr*I(N). 7JtJ o.:1JII6 UD.91 SAS \ NavCanllClll 6.45 .11\1JQ4 lO4.66 5. l5.2O 2l!2 3S.5l Canada 9.so.lJ11/lO lJ4l7 S.65 NavCanllClll 7.4) ,",lflJ 1JllI) 6-l5.2O 4.0\4 22..50 Canada 9.00 Marl/ll m47 5.691 Nor1ttemTe 7.45 MarlQl'!l8 100.II9 ( l5.2O 8HI ll:J5 Canada lIl.25 MlIr15l14 146.69 5J9 \ Nova 8.ll ~1SJ03 l12.6II S. l5.2O Ul. ~ Callillla 915.lJ1lJZl 148.69 5.90 NovaSoltlllPw7.1O 0c11SJ03 lO9.96 S. 4.25 9.75 8.2S llIIl3 1l2J6 5. lO.26 c.n.aa(O) a.oo .lun1l23 lZ7.15 s'92 1 OshawaGr~ '"' 2!l.OO s.oo l2S) c.n.aa(N) 9JtJ .lunllZS 14L39 s'93 I Pancan~ 8J5 N009/1lS ll8.95 5. l8.75 6.45 lSSl Royal8al* lO..5O Mar lJ1I2 ll9.29 5. l8.75 5.88 17.00 Provincial RoyalBar* 6.50 Seol2ll1 lO4l9 S. J.3.5O nla nil! Allert! 6.00 Mar1l99 Im.90 4.42 SelqamUd 9.00 0I!c~ llM3II ( 2!l.OO 3Sl 262S \ Allert! &SO Seo1l99 ~-«l 4.60 Taflsman€nI!rV9.45 0I!c2'1J99 JJBS6 5. 021 7.41 US) BrCoUttlta 7.00 Mar21\18 1IJl.19 189 Talismi!n€nI!rV9.fJl 0et22.I'!M 12lIXI 5. 2.00 15.72 11.36 BrCoUttlta 7.00 .lJ19M 1IIl63 4.S2 Telegobe 8.l5 ,",2OIU3 )12.43 5. 7.55 8.33 12IJl BrCoUttlta 1lllS Aug29101 Il1.1l! 5.09 fulmson 7.90 Seo17/1l2 lO9.81 5. 19.00 9.09 u.oo BrCoUttlta 9.00 Jan9J1l2 llUl 514 fulmson 915 ~61'04 ll&25 5. 2S.fJ) 6.91 14.47 Br CoUttlta 715 .lJ1l61113 1lL65 5.ll Tr Cda ~ 9.45 Mar lQIl8 l3lJ6 6. l61YJ SJ:6 1915 BrCllUlUl 9.00 .lJ12lJ04 ll9.82. 5.38 TransanaUli 8.l5 OetlSl'll3 ll4.43 S. l61YJ nla nil Br CaiInila 9.so Jan 9112 l34ll 5.90 UnIon Gas 9.10 Nur6ll7 lJ6.27 6. l61YJ nla nil BrCailnila 8.SO AugZ3ll3 l25.47 5.98 UrionGas 8J5 1ua3ll8 l25.II7' 6-9.00 ~ l6Sl BrCllUlUl 9.00 Aug 23124' 131.35 614 Westt/lIaSt&w9.90 Janllll3l tB.24 6. 26.90 5.1l l6.62 NewBrunswick9.12 Aclrl102 1lSl6 Sl8 .,....,---::--....,..-----....,. 9.«> 2.7l 3f..84 Newb.n:landJ.Q.OO .lJ25IUI. us.so 5.28 Inte~" lJ!JJ 2.6l 38.25 NewtudandllOO ftIIlS/12 14615 6.05 Aus1I'aia 7.lX1lSM'lt2lnl 111315 S. 6Bl 7:0 ll75 NovaSColll 91!1 Mar1/98 1IIL48 4.aJ. Aus1I'aia lllJX)lSOCTm lW)4 50 6Bl 4.7l 2l..25 NIMISCoIII 8.2S OI!cllU5 1l6.74 5.63 Aus1I'aila lllJX) lSOCT2007 129.115 ~ 4.25 8.33 12IJl NIMIScoIJa 9.a) JanJ1/22 139.98 6.34 BritaIn 6.OOlDMlGl999 9BJB 7. us 7.~ WS CrtHyd 725 Mll'31J98 1l11.Il! 4.00 1B ritam 7'OO1l7 .... m lDIJI6 6-16.40 ..3.~ 2!l.63 ()tHyd 9.62 Aug3J99 107.99 4.63\BritaIn 725I17IE2007 105.31. 6; L66 6Q.2S ()t Hyd 9.00 Apr l6/1l2 U4.n 5211 Fram 7.lX112101l999 10014 4. 8.20 493 Jl.ll ()tHyd 9.oo.lJ124102 llS.2O 5.221 Fram U112.ll.m 9IU2 (' 138 12"l 7.75 ()t Hyd 10.l2 Oc1lS12l 148.25 6.22 \ Fram s.so 2S ocr 2007 lOOD5 5.. 24.55· 2Jl6 3SIJl ()tHyd 8.90 AugJ&i22 l32.9'2 6.2D I GenniIny UQ l1SEPl999 99.78 4. 5."l nla nI a OrOno s..oo Mar llJU3 ll2.'Jl 5.ll I GenniIny 725 21 ocr m lO9.37 SJ U!l 6J'J 14.9'2 ()Uno 8.7S Apr 22JI]3 llS.91 5.32 \ GenniIny 6.00 04.ll. 2007 lll3.67 5.. OlB S.88 lJ.oo OrOno 715 OetSIIB 112.22 5.3S Ilaif 6.lXIlSMAV2lnl 1mJI6 s.: III ()Uno 9.00 seol5lO4 ll9.97 5.44 Ilaif 6:J5lSMAVm l!I1III ~ 26.!IJ z.so 4IlOO OrOno 8.lO Seo8123 l2lAI 6.2D I Ilaif 615 0l.l.l2007 1/l5.94 6J 7.&'5 4.83 20Jl ()Uno 7.so !'e7l24 llSJlI. 6.2D 1J iIlIan 4.90 2OSEP1999 llIJI7 0.' 4.95 5.41 lB..5O PB 9]5 AIlrJW2 ll1.22 5..331 Jaoan SSl3lSEPm l2!IJI2 1.: 6.10 lll5l 9S1 PB 925. Mll'l8Il3 Ul14 6.13 1J apan 2tIO 20 5Bl2007 1lI5.23 lJ 2S.OO 2JJ1 4&l9 QJebec s..oo MIr JI(Il8 llII.3l -4.071 U.s. 5.Q It ocrl999 99.84 So; l6JB 4.66 21.411 QJebec lIl.25 AIlr719& lD2J5 4.l31 u.s. SJ5lS1Of2lnl lLVJl6 So; 5.66 1217 8ZZ QJebec 6.00.lJ99 1.ID9l 4.Sl\ u.s. SJ5 31. ocrm 99.84 5..l 17.so 125 llJI) n........ _ •• - ••• - -. - .. -

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L-73-97 Page 12 of 12

u.JU J..l)I I .................... ,I.UIIUUII alA, c.neru O<.:AJ 22749 Q(5 Q.38 5.52 I (USS bid Del' ., lI1eSS staI!d) (l5S/miion IffiJ) 42767 0.04 028 ·199 I AIiImIInr (lnel l625.OO l625.OO l.i'!Jl.OO Nat. gas: M3.1)Bt lSO 10528 -0.02 0.15 .5.60 I BivrUh lOO lOO lOO Nat. gas - EnuI!ss 0.9648 O.~ .Q03 2.02 I <atrun W'fo Q.l) Q.l) Q.l) Pnnn! (Sat./gaL) ll.OO 5.6(j)4 ·Q03 .l.63 2:Il I 01"0me III!tII 9.00 9.00 aso Pnnn! <EmVgaI) 29.00 5.5538 Q.2l .Q3l .u n I asne CdlaIt I1gOt 19.50 19.50 19.50 (Sat'/gaI) U327 .QS4 0J8 -0.95 i GaIUn IIIlOI :m.oo :m.oo Jlll.OO asne (&:in./gaI) 5.95 Q.2l ·032 . LBO I Gerrranu1\ (kg) 900.00 900.00 900.00 UnGas (NVH.IgaI) IlnUn ___________ : MaI'I!I II n Il R O ( I l ( n ig el l l. 2 l8 t4 lO O O O l. 2 l8 t4 lO O O O l2 2 2l t4OO_ .OO Oil rJy Country I MeraIry ftask 1«100 1«100 1«100 «(1 Del' bam!) MctjIJd. M!rr. (kg) 9.70 9.70 931 U. srur (CtIJ1'll!l\ ~ (Ozl 3S.OO 3S.OO 3S.OO U. S'M!et. (&in) DIIiIJ \ SeIL!nlm LBO L80 L80 (USS Del' bam!) QITIDCY IIICS InUSS %chc \ TariBII 26.00 26JXl 26JXl Brent cnJCIe JlCI!IItlOOr9(fTatx:) Q.lll939 o.WlIl -0.65 TII3IUn~) 7.l!l 7.l!l· 7.l!l Ar3b111!ll. 'alcllSaiRnDt) 0.41~ 02926 -115 T....... eom,lt. 'ab(\n) 167SO 25940 036 (USCI!IiS .. b\Jil!ssstal!d) West Teras rt. '!III!rI;JndS(GlHlerl 0!Dl4 {).]';m -{)]9. AnlbaCllflee lSl.67 l62.83 157.00 ........ ~ AIdes (Guider) 0J9l5 Il.S51!7 Ili RdJlSIa aIffee 79.00 79.88 8lOO (US CI!IiS Del' _I "W ZsIand jDoIIarl 0.887J. Q.h2h2 014 Cccoa \\SIInel rm.oo lJ95.00 lS3S.OO US Gull ~ ('Nve) Q.2(lX) 01412 -032 !d;IIr VIIlI1I11 J..Zm 12ro U3l NY Harbor ,1aStIn~) (l.(]32l9 Q.02272 III CanIda ....i ns u.s. lumber IIWIIB (8aboa) 14167 l.OOXl Ili «(1 Del' lime at llu1dI!r Bayl (US$) 'nwnes(PeID) Q.04l67 IlO294l -1l8 CancIa 39UJ 39UJ 394.50 j Rarmnlenglts <ard(Zk1y) 0.«124 0.2&Il.l.29 I AiIx' 344.l) 344.l) 344.50 IC oasIIeIl-1ir 'f\U!JlI (BnJOo) Q.1llJ'l6 0ll!i62 -0..86 I 'M'Ieat lfB.<Cl l8l<Cl J.i"Q.<Cl WslmDUte1n moo <U (I'Ew sa) Q.S22l9 Q.J686O Q.S2 mna(teu) 0.000l.82 0.tlXll28 -MI Q:o= ~:: ~ SUBSClIBUlS!l'Rla I J<eISI (Tolarl o.lD!6 Il.lW. -lO4 ., UlI AIra <RaOOr' 02933 02l71. MS t -800-387 -9011 UlII'D1!II(Ytb11 rumJ48 0JXXl95l -6SI <III (Pp- o..oorJ62 0JnI79 -o.JS "l' 7 Fill ri IIJIiIi, o.o:z3S7 CUIl664 -0. (J II 11 t1 J I )0"t ;eden~" Ql87l 0.ll20 -0.64 ....,(l)jIar) IlO4427 a.am -2.'11 I <:anada's Business Voice I (BWtl a.£a56 U!1l58 -l.1l3 atIand rodad, Toba<p (Iloft 0 ;!r) 012 : 92 0l6lB Ili I =~ ru: ~ \convertlble Debentures 1lUITIbI<WJl l1ill5 U37S -o.8l ~~ona:u..ly __" 'DOIIIHI"'RaCDamI"'. ... Secuntl• lnc. '!J:lXawilqC(SOR) 19Q J.36IiI8 -o.J.8 I ~ .....,e.., == ....!. YiIW ~ASlQ'1NASWl Zl..-04 lSl 67.00 U6.OO :a s Ai" CndI AC.D8ITSE. ME J).A1r-Q5 8JXl 1.69.00 l2l ,. --.... _fr. AM AanI!I NUIlIlIlSE l1-./an0Q2 1!3) 82.00 33l.26 'n £ l1-.fr. AS A_ _V R..DIVISE,ME 8-ffb« 7.50 llS.5O l6.Il3 2 2.4lJ58 024354 1.00617 0.98420 !!rol*IiIJIIII!QwIIs8l'C.lllWl':iE 1~ 6lJ) us.oo 5.60 '1 J..69DS IlJJl79 0.71m5 0.69C2S CallinlrJtSlllo\l£lll!f& 1·"'--(13 8JXl JJllJS i'Il88 :; 2.94220 0.29849 l2l3l9 L20626 CallinlrJtSllloCBiDII.AITSE 1~ 7.3) 1JJl38 129.96 m96 2l.7l 89.68 &772 \.aIID1dgIe SIIIoCllGJl8.Bf1'SC 1-Mar-04 6lJ) lOOJ5 46.2S )7 _ O.lOl.4S 0.4191~ Q4l999 C3lnlnl!llSIIIoCllG.D8.ClTSC lhlP(J7 6lJ) J.Sl.OO 9.6l 17 9Jr!HR _.ull4S 4,00Zl C3lnlnl!llSIIlQ.CIIiJlIIJ)IlSE ll-Mar-04 6lJ) 9llI 3'l8.6S :.s 2.3a58S Q.242!l5 - 0.971D.6 c-MlnltO'lt 1-Sep0\J8 1!3) lmlXl 13192 :0 2.439l1 Q.2(7~ L0'2232 - Cdn. ....1 IInt~ J.S.Aor-QI 6J5 l62.OO l8S .() llllIl9 l77'5Jl 429H! 4J1.25 CeIInIInI amwrsc l).N0f-06 aso lllOO SJ7 Rates CellnllnlaEI8!IlSE 3l-.lilt07 7.111'S l2lIll 7.'18 OC~O'It 3l-~ 8JXl 96IJJ 1..~~ Co-SllljllE.~ l).~ 6.Sl llll1Jl 3lS7 ~ 2IlS5 1.,.. 2.,.. 3-yr ..,., s.,r ColIS. &6!Id 0'It 3l~ 8JXl 97.50 ~ 8JD l.lID l ' J :" l : 1 " J -- -=--l.3622';":;'" DaytanMlWlg*M.,mV/TSE 1·~ 7.00 7S.OO l25.49 lSJIl l.397tl J.:!Hj1 119.64 ll6.~ 11295 109.95 107.26 tleWtI!IrO'lt l).~ 8JXl:un.oo 6O.S3 l.66l7 DOC.aII'r.il:. lJ1l68 L6825 l.67tl3 J..6633 DomaIInd ME J.S.A1r-Q5 1!3) l6Q.OO -7J l l.665O lJ4J1 r\.iI. n.a. n.a. &lplrGnQl8ltall'lSE 3l~ 7.00 116lJ) -184 . 9dDrldllQId" 0'It 1-10-04 8.2S lll!JD) 44!>.68 ---:-=,....,,=::----,==-::-=~_:_::;== I fmallnCUIIres~ +,U(V 6.Sl l.lll.OO 3SJ8 0.7l58 07238 Q.728S 0J3l7 Il.734l \ fmaI InCUIIres 0'It l).AcIMl2 7.25:un.oo 8S.64 84.29 82.29 00.<16 78.74 fmallnIUIIri!sO'lt 3l..fll!Jl:-OO 8JXl JJll.5O l22lB l2l17 l.Zl6B l.2l7l 12199 HanIIK PIcI'c IR:.IlIIIlSC. ME +<lI:HM 8JXl lmlXl 81..95 n.a. 'Ul!!R 2.4)94 r\.iI. - n.a. !dino)Ir ttJi.DIII1SE 1~ 7I JJ JJ61Il -WB ~ HaingIr* 1IGIJ'.o NASDN:I U OIJJ 38.lL SOl6 <ac. ...... ecuritias lncD* HJ6.HIIn5E JS.MiIr.16 7.15 llIUIl ll8.42 .011_&1",,_. __ IlIIIIIt DoIUlIII1'SE, ME ~ 7.50 99.5) ... IlmIIO'It 29-~ 5.00 79IJJ 119.82 :t1~~ 'UtIrit1 Prtct i YiIIN KMIIGnQlO'It ~ 7]5 unm lZ12 KinnIIs~ ~ 5.5D 72.2S 107.43 l1l29 MIl: 1ID0'It 1~ 5.00 86IJJ C)£97 99.9'12 ltD s-.u.os "'1Ia.~ 7.25 1SLS6 0:19B ll11Jll 4.22 1oIlCQlnn.1oI.1WIIISE WIIHJ7 7IJJ 85.2S 114.18 l1b99 l11Ul 4.46 NrJllllOIInIO'It ~ 9IJJ ~ lmn 11m... MIr.99 llXI98 (!i:/

~"' __ oteon.--__'-.0_. I r1 _l .... ,' _ ... _ ... . ..... 1Ld. lSO L4I. lSO lSO 1.(1 International Real Return 39.00 39IJJ Euro-de.,.,.tt rates (bid' ~"' __ oteon.- Bond 29IJJ 29IJJ . Prw Wk._ 4Gl 43.00 (JIfJ BId ....... ~",MC __ :noo :noo 3lIIl u.t.t ., !lID !lID 54.50 S4.2S SlIl5 uss ~ 5.39 . s.z 5.37 5.41 .... 1M 5.S6 5.S3 ... ,--,... ,.. 1"l1011h 5.S9 S.5O 3-mcrth 5.7S 5.7S s.n S.68 Garta/ 6-/ro1Ih 5.78 5.78 s.n 5.7S 1 Dec 21 CndI lDl~ 199 25m 265 26.7l I( 1 3-nmIh 1ro 3.84 3.3l 186 26.7l ZlH! Zl.18 CN 3-!1D1II1 l6S 3J'O lSl 3J'O 'Ml 3-nmIh 0lS 0J8 0.D7 037 Bank Rates l8JIl l8.8l 2Q22 G8P 3-rmnth 7.84 8Jl6 7.55 7.34 Cauda . , u.s. lS.76 lS.28 17.111 lAIndan i ....a fter ... US$ 19J1 19.04 2!l.(7 ana/an,. lJ5 0i!mJt1l! ~.GlnCIIIV. 1~ Prm!raII! 19H! 19.18 2!l.9B 1"l1011h 5.65 5.62 5.62 5.59 3-!1D1II1 •S l!I. S.88 5.84 Sl!I. Prm!" S.2S Fed fu115 C1I ImnMrlgll 3.50 6-mIntI 5.84 s.ro 5.84 5.B7 2m S2.SS SlIJJ 54J'O 54J'O S8.l!l 36ll.OO 364.00 367.00 __ "'_V_CO'_AllC ____- -<Jl.oo <lUX) Q]IJJ c..- 1iIIt. ... lidS YId" c:.... Mat.UIa I __. CIUoII moo 2!!6.IXl c..a.ca. I ...-, 'lll JoI\9102 1 I!rmft CIUoII ,.Ill ,u, Zl/04 1 a.K 6JJ) Der: 11'118 IllL65 U! I!rmft~ 9s:J .lJn91l2 1 ~ 11.25 Augll'99 Il5B6 W Jla) SI!II5I2D t 8!D Der: 1199 1117.24 U9 --BrUIIC~GUIiI 9s:J ,u,9122 1-8.1) ..1 1m UJlS1 U6 us I!rmft~ &J5 Aug19122 1 E. &.20 ,u, llIIIl lIl!JlI MlnllETlSIP2 9J5 Sl!lllI02 1 175 Der:1Im 1117.11 493 7.11l Atitt 19/99 ~ 6.25 Fob 11'118 un44 lJ8 AuglSla) 1 a.-d8 115 .. WIl l.5/'1li IOlIX) 312 ll25 0cI171tO 1 115 "l.5/'1li IOlIX) 312 =.c98(N) ft.OOMir ISl9llOD.66 lQs:J Mlr5lJl 1 lJ'6 - 0cI1I99 1 a.- lIl7S ..l .5/'1li lIl2llII 114 IULBlCct'1 WIl IULBlCd6+ SSI Der:lII99 8!D S1!111I'II8 lDL16 W lQ.25 = IULBlCd8 Der:2lIQ3 1 9s:J 0cI1I'II8 lOll! UI IUL Blct99 W5 ItW 1104 1 c.- (N) 8.00 How lJ98 10141 4.23 IULBlCdII 12.51 Morllll5 1 a.- lll25 Der: 11'118 I05!JI 4.26 IULBIC WIl OcIl2JtlI 1 = = SJ5 ..1 199 IllL65 4J lIS 911 Mar1l'll8 1 175 S1!111I99 lO5.J5 (S6 lIS 9.f1 a.- 9111 0cI1S/99 1117!2 462 "11'1181 IISdlI. 12Q Der:l&IOI 1 = 925 Der: 1199 lmi9 4.63 lIS &.25 Der: lIII5 1 llSO Der: 1199 ll6.a 4.6l = 1ISc115 11117 Der: l2JIJ/ 1 8!D ..1 1m lIl!JlI 4JQ lIS ,.eo .IJn.lll22 1 U7S "ISIIJ) 1l9.45 4.73 l4lII FeD2!oI\lII I 975 Morllm lllJS us l4SI .u IV\18 I lQSl .u 11m lllJ9 VI =. =:; .u -- l2l2 0cIll/99 I WI) 11m 124.S5 483 =.(0) Mar 22ItI) I 7S J Se1IlJIlO 11.25 lDU5 4J12 -- ll25 Der: lJIII) I lII.99 5.56 5.5B 11.93 a.- Il.5D Sl!ll1Im lll.llli 483 975 ,u,lIm I 975 Der: ISIIJ) Ul.56 491 --OIJJ lllO l2.5l 8JXl = -- 9.12 Atitt IIIlZ I lSJ5 Fob lim 1lI.S5 4.91 8.J7 Aug261112 I 14.<Cl lJ5 14.1l1 711l CiIMdI (N) 7SJ MIr UIIl107. 4.92 -- lII.25 ,u,W09 I lllSl .. l im U6.S8 (9J (60 Zl.ro (S5 zz.oo = IDlll ItWZlII» I lllIJ Morllm l25.IIS 4", -- IO.l2 OcIlII1l I OIJJ 2Q5 6.67 l5Jl) a.- 975 ,u, lim 1lS.l3 4", -- 925 .... WIlI 975 ..lAllIm 1lS.l3 4.'" --7!1i lSSl 3.84 26lB = = 1ft! lQ5) Atitt ISIQ1 I 9s:J OcIlIm us.41 ~ --7.(J lSSl 2.82 1iSl a.- 1ft! 9s:J S1!1181112 I 9s:J OcIlIm us.41 ~ Ift!dlI. UI7 Atitt6/ll1 I S!5 lSSl (44 22!l 9J5 Der:lIm 116.. ~ 1ft!dX! llSO OcIlSI04 I Q.S4 lSSl 8.89 1125 a.- 975 Der:lIm 116.. ~ 1ft! 931 &J5 Fob2SllD I Fob IIIlZ lll.B5 S.ID 1ft! Fe1Sll2 I 7.33 lSSl l.2l &:11 =a.- WIl JS.S) MIr lSIIII IJUO Sll6 1ft! 11111 Fe1Sll2 I 5.BI. Ui lII.26 9.15 8!D Atitt IIIlZ Illl2 5.04 l4lII MorIlllZ 1l9.15 5.117 1ft! IIU2 1tW22Il4 I OIJJ 19.50 8JXl l2.!I a.- 1ft! U Atittl5l2l I ll25 Der: lSIIII l2UI 5.14 Ift!..,.., IU2 AugZ1'J8 I 4.(J 19.1l5 6.45 l5.5D = UJ5 Fe IIID 129,67 Sl5 Ift!..,.., 725 ,u, IIID lOIIJ9 ll25 Der: IS/99 I 5JJ Ift!..,.., :D15 S1!11171'!ll I 5.00 19.1l5 S.88 11.00 a.- 725 ,u, IIID lOIIJ9 5JJ 1ft!..,.,..d8 lO.25 0cI1SIQ1 I nla 8.6l ll6S nla nla = 9s:J 0cI1IID l21.l5 5.2l Ift!..,.,.. 0cI1SIQ1 I 1s :J Der: IIID UUO 5.2l Il25 lI!I. 2625 a.- lft!..,.,..t1II ,u,27111J I lQ.25 Fob 1104 l26.D9 IDlll S.25 Ift!..,.,.. lQs:J ,u,l5Il4 I Il.2l 7. . (1 ll5l a.- 6SI ,u, 1104 IlI6J9 s.26 011..,.., 1II1II FeIlWl I 2.l2 lS.71 6J6 = = mil ,u, 1104 145.05 S.25 0 0 1 11 1 . . . . , , . .., 7.25 MarllJ'J8 I lllSl 0cI1I04 129.41 5.lI. ,.. I2l.l1 5.lI. 011..,.,.. Dli' ,u,16I\I8 I 5.65 7.55 8.3l 1200 a.- 9111 Der: 1104 lQ.25 .ul2l9ll ) l2.IJ) MIr lIII5 !lIll S.JJ Q.l) 19.00 9JR' WJI 011. 12.25 Sl!lllIII5 1(JJS s.:JI 011.. ., , . ., , . . . . 9.62 Augll'99 I .... l1ItO I OIJJ 25.95 6.91 9:J1 14.(7 C8natI (0) 8J'5 Dec UII5 121.71 5.JI 011..,.,.. WD Aug8ltl) I 7.68 Q..6l ll7l 125 = lUI ..1 106 1"6.1l ~41 14JJ) 0cI1I06 15').45 5.44 0II1+r<n lOIIl Mar191'!ll I 1l1.O3 0 0 I 1 I 1 .. . , . . ,. , , . . . . t99 11.11l Marl102 I SJ7 l6.OO 5.QS 19.15 C8natI (N) 7.00 Dec lJQ6 5A4 9.11l Atitt I6IIll I nla 6.18 l6.OO nla nla a =.- W5 ..1 107 15').eo 5.46 0 0 1 1 1 1 ..,.,.. till ,u,:M!Q2 I nla 7.45 l6.OO nla nla IJIJ) 0cI1I07 lS6J:I 5.Sl ..,.,.. 9111 ,u,:M!Q2 J W5 MIr 1l1li 15593 5.S3 OII..,.,..dII .l2.SI 1tW~ J 7.62 9.25 ~ 16.5) a.-l4lII ,u, 1l1li ll5Al 5.S2 OII..,.,..dlI. llSO MorIllD J OIJJ 'l6.75 5.Jl l6.62 a =.- UJ5 0cI1IIII 149.17 5.S6 = OII..,.,..dlI. 14.25 Atitt Z1I'06 I Il.5D .. l IDII l4LIZ SilO OII..,.,..dlI. lQ25 Apr4lO9 I 6JO 9.41 2.7l 36JI4 Wl) ,u, lIDII ~ SilO 0II..,..,c115 lI1Sl _15110 I 7e , 11J H 2.6l 3!!.25 a.- l1l15 OcIlIDII l4laI 5.62 OII..,..,cm lll7 1oW2SIlD I 9.15 ..l IlD lli\II1 S6l OII..,.,..cm 95.45 7.81. 7.00 727 l3J5 U.25 MorWlO I 9s:J ,u, lIlD lJUJ S6l 0II..,.,..C04 ll1ll .... 29IU I &14 7.00 (7l 2l.25 a.-&J5 OcIlIlD 127J3 SIiI Crt..,.., lQII) 0:217114 1 Crt..,.., lQII) 7J2 Ul 8.3l 1200 = = 9.11l 1oW1I11 UIJ1 SIiI Fe6/'lll1 e- 8!D .u.lIll ~ S1l Crt..,.., WIl OcIlt:ID I ([6 7.49 lll5 lQ.25 IoWl5Il4 l46.96 SJ7 Crt..,.., lJ.!D "2713) I 46JO 7116 14IS 149 21141 ll25 ,u, 1115 1Sl27 5.Bl 011..,.., :D15 Aut6l2l I l4SI MIr l5I2l JS7. . 5.SD Crt..,.., IU2 0J8 sa Crt..,.., OcIl5I2l I 1.O6 8IIa) 166 8l.2S .... 9J5 .u.lIZI. l.4IL!I6 UO AutIlf22 I 9.44 aas 4.93 2Q:J) c...II 3. ,,;!:'/1i~. 5.SD 2!!~ !!! ~1If22 I .- ClMdllCO) ""01

~, s\-\ COL&: ~\ ~ ~~ O q J ; ; .. ~ .. _ . _ Y~· :wr..I'';' c \ r.~~"- "~. 0z ?~ ~S ('/~ ROBERT J. PELLATI ••' \:. f: .:: '.. COMMISSION SECRETARY /~S CO\J\~" VIA FACSIMILE

Mr. David M Masuhara Vice President Legal and Regulatory Affairs BC Gas Utility Ltd, 700 - 1111 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.c. V6E4M4

Dear Mr. Masuhara: Re: 1998 Rate of Return on Equity BC Gas Utility Ltd., Centra Gas Fort St. John Inc. Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. and West Kootenay Power Ltd.

Please find attached a revised page 1 to Appendix A of Commission Letter L-73-97. The revision is necessary as a result of three typographical errors contained in the original page I to Appendix A. Neither error affects the calculation of the rate of return on common equity.

DWFlssc Attachment

. ; y ,.-SIXTH FLOOR. 900 HOWE STREET. BOX 250 VANCOUVER. B.C. CANADA V6Z 2N3 TELEPHONE: (604) 660-4700 C:;)V:J BO TOLL FREE: 1-800-663-1385 FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 December 9, 1997

APPENDIX A to Commission L~tter No. L-73-97 Amended Page 1

Calculation of Allowed 1998 Rate of Return on Common Equity l. 10 Year Canada Bond Yield Forecast Average: (Consensus Economics, November 1997 Consensus Forecast)

2. Average of 3 and 12 Month Forecasts 3. Add Yield Spread Between 10 Year (7.0%, December 1, 2006) and 30 Year (9.0%, June 1,2025) Canada Bonds: 4. Equals Projected 1998 Yield on Long Term Canada Bond 5. Less BCUC Benchmark Forecast 6. Initial Adjustment Factor 7. Sliding Scale Adjustment Factor 8. Allowed 1998 Rate of Return Common Equity: Sliding Scale Benchmark Adjustment ROE Factor BCGas 12.25 -2.290 Centra-FSJ 12.625 -2.290 PNG 13.0 -2.290 WKP 12.5 -2.290 MiscCor/Amded ROE'98-Appdx A, p.l BeG

3 month Ahead 12 month Ahead (Feb. 1998) -lNov. 1998) 6.0 5.9

5.95 0.438 6.388 9.25 -2.862 -2.290 Initial Rounded 1998 ROE 1998 ROE 9.960 10.00 10.335 10.25 10.710 10.75 10.210 10.25

h ***************************************** *** ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT REPORT TX ***************************************** ACTY# ~lODE CONNECTION TEL CONNECTI ON I D *5713 TX EC~1 96695101 *5714 TX ECM 814034204111 *5715 TX ECM 815032307405 *5716 TX EC~1 96414949 BULL HOUSSER

:1:5717 TX ECM 812503641270 :1:5718 TX EC~1 96414949 BULL HOUSSER *5725 TX EC~1 812503567326 *5732 TX ECM 96880318 :1:5733 TX ECM 99816601 RBC DS WEST VAN :1:5736 TX ECM 94436904 *5738 TX ECM 96811523 :1:5739 TX EC~1 812503876018 *5740 TX ECM IIm£IJDW 99257006 *5741 TX ECM pi ..7 6 ' 96414949 BULL HOUSSER TUP 12109 12: 07 5746 TX ECM 94436904 BC6fl.a 5747 TX ECM AfI4'rtI/1 96234311 SR. \'P M&cs&'iI 5748 TX ECM ROE 96915863 PAlG- 5749 TX ECM . 812503641270 6JKP 5750 TX ECM ~13 812504804450 CC;-F~ 5752 TX EC~1 -96835317 ***************************************** *:1:* ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT REPORT RX ***************************************** ACTY# MODE CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID :1:5712 AUTO RX ECM 604 689 9943 :1:5719 AUTO RX F.C'M ~ - .

*** START TIME USAGE T. PAGES RESULT 12108 15: 46 00'34 2 OK 12/08 15:48 00'32 2 OK 12/08 15:49 00'48 2 OK 12108 15: 50 00'45 2 NG 2 ##757

12/08 15:52 01'29 4 OK 12108 15: 58 01'21 4 OK 12/09 08:51 01'01 2 OK 12/09 10:15 11' 43 16 OK 12/09 10:27 00'59 3 OK 12/09 11: 15 01'42 6 OK 12109 11: 42 00'28 1 OK 12/09 11: 47 06'04 29 OK 12109 11: 59 01'16 4 OK 01'28 4 OK 12/09 13:56 00'31 1 OK 12109 13: 57 00'46 2 OK 12/09 13:58 00'37 2 OK 12109 13: 59 00'56 2 OK 12109 14: 04 00'42 2 OK 12/09 14: 06 00'43 2 OK *:t:* 1 START TUIE IU SAGE T·I PAGES I RESULT I , .., ... ".., . ~ ~ - I


Mr. Craig P Donohue Manager of Regulatory Affairs Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. & Pacific Northern Gas (NE) Ltd. 1400 - 1185 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. V6E4E6

Dear Mr. Donohue: Re: 1998 Rate of Return on Equity BC Gas Utility Ltd., Centra Gas Fort St. John Inc. Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. and West Kootenay Power Ltd.

Please find attached a revised page 1 to Appendix A of Commission Letter L-73-97. The revision is necessary as a result of three typographical errors contained in the original page 1 to Appendix A. Neither error affects the calculation of the rate of return on common equity.

Yours trul y ,

DWFlssc Attachment

SIXTH FLOOR, 900 HOWE STREET, BOX 250 VANCOUVER, B.C. CANADA V6Z 2N3 TELEPHONE: (604) 66D-4700 BC TOLL FREE: 1-800-663-1385 FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 December 9, 1997

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L·73·97 Amended Page 1

Calculation of Allowed 1998 Rate of Return on Common Equity 1. 10 Year Canada Bond Yield Forecast Average: (Consensus Economics, November 1997 Consensus Forecast) 2. Average of 3 and 12 Month Forecasts 3. Add Yield Spread Between 10 Year (7.0%, December 1, 2006) and 30 Year (9.0%, June 1, 2025) Canada Bonds: 4. Equals Projected 1998 Yield on Long Term Canada Bond 5. Less BCUC Benchmark Forecast 6. Initial Adjustment Factor 7. Sliding Scale Adjustment Factor 8. Allowed 1998 Rate of Return Common Equity: Sliding Scale Benchmark Adjustment ROE Factor BCGas 12.25 -2.290 Centra-FSJ 12.625 -2.290 PNG 13.0 -2.290 WKP 12.5 -2.290 MiscCor/Amded ROE'98-Appdx A, p.l BCG

3 month Ahead 12 month Ahead (Feb. 1998) (Nov. 1998) 6.0 5 , . 9 5.95 0.438 6.388 9.25 -2.862 -2.290 Initial Rounded 1998 ROE 1998 ROE 9.960 10.00 10.335 10.25 10.710 10.75 10.210 10.25

***************************************** *** ACTIVITY ~lANAGEMENT REPORT TX ***************************************** ACTY# MODE CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID *5713 TX ECM 96695101 :1:5714 TX ECM 814034204111 *5715 TX ECM 815032307405 *5716 TX ECM 96414949 BULL HOUSSER *571 7 TX EC~l 812503641270 *5718 TX ECM 96414949 BULL HOUSSER *5725 TX ECM 812503567326 *5732 TX ECM 96880318 *5733 TX ECM 99816601 RBC DS WEST VAN *5736 TX EC~l 94436904 *5738 TX ECM 96811523 :1:5739 TX ECM 812503876018 *5740 TX EC~l IIm€1J DED 99257006 *5741 TX ECM pi 1.')6 ' -96414949 BULL HOUSSER TUP 12/09 12:07 5746 TX ECM Apporrill 94436904 BC6fJ.a 5747 TX ECM 96234311 SR. VP M&cs6::1i 5748 TX ECM ROE 96915863 PA..IG- 5749 TX ECM . 812503641270 tAJKP 5750 TX ECM ~13 812504804450 c. C; -F'S:J 5752 TX EC~I L..- 96835317 ***************************************** *:~* ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT REPORT RX ***************************************** ACTY# MODE CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION 10 :\:5712 AUTO RX ECM 6 --04 689 9943 :\:5719 AUTO RX P'CM .

*:\::\: START TIME USAGE T. PAGES RESULT 12108 15: 46 00'34 2 OK 12108 15: 48 00'32 2 OK 12108 15: 49 00'48 2 OK 12108 15:50 00'45 2 NG 2 ##757 1210815:52 01'29 4 OK 12108 15: 58 01'21 4 OK 12109 08: 51 01'01 2 OK 12109 10: 15 11' 43 16 OK 12109 10: 27 00'59 3 OK 12109 11: 15 01'42 6 OK 12109 11: 42 00'28 1 OK 12109 11: 47 06'04 29 OK 1210911:59 01'16 4 OK 01'28 4 OK 12109 13: 56 00'31 1 OK 12109 13:57 00'46 2 OK 12109 13: 58 00'37 2 OK 12109 13: 59 00'56 2 OK 12109 14: 04 00'42 2 OK 12109 14: 06 00'43 2 OK :~** \ START TDIE \ USAGE T.\ PAGES I RESULT I , ., /00 . ~ . - I

~\~'A COl.u~ Q ~J ~ ~ .•• _ ~• c , r.::-.. ~n..~' .". ~ 0z ?:~ ~S ROBERT J. PELLATT ('/~ .~ ~~ !: .:: '" COMMISSION SECRETARY /~S CO~~'\ VIA FACSIMILE

Mr. Robert H. Hobbs Director Regulatory Affairs and Corporate Secretary West Kootenay Power Ltd. 1290 Esplanade PO Box 130 Trail, B.c. VIR4LA

Dear Mr. Hobbs: Re: 1998 Rate of Return on Equity BC Gas Utility Ltd., Centra Gas Fort St. John Inc. Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. and West Kootenay Power Ltd.

Please find attached a revised page 1 to Appendix A of Commission Letter L-73-97. The revision is necessary as a result of three typographical errors contained in the original page 1 to Appendix A. Neither error affects the calculation of the rate of return on common equity.

Yours truly,

DWFlssc Attachment

. . .L, ~ Ir/. -p SIXTH FLOOR. 900 HOWE STREET. BOX 250 VANCOUVER, B.C. CANADA V6Z 2N3 <:00 TELEPHONE: (604) 660-4700 BC TOLL FREE: 1-800-663-1385 FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 December 9, 1997

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L-73-97 Amended Page 1

Calculation of Allowed 1998 Rate of Return on Common Equity 1. 10 Year Canada Bond Yield Forecast Average: (Consensus Economics, November 1997 Consensus Forecast)

2. Average of 3 and 12 Month Forecasts 3. Add Yield Spread Between 10 Year (7.0%, December 1, 2006) and 30 Year (9.0%, June 1,2025) Canada Bonds: 4. Equals Projected 1998 Yield on Long Term Canada Bond 5. Less BCUC Benchmark Forecast 6. Initial Adjustment Factor 7. Sliding Scale Adjustment Factor 8. Allowed 1998 Rate of Return Common Equity: Sliding Scale Benchmark Adjustment ROE Factor BCGas 12.25 -2.290 Centra-FSJ 12.625 -2.290 PNG 13.0 -2.290 WKP 12.5 -2.290 MiscCor/Amded ROE'98-Appdx A, p.1 BeG

3 month Ahead 12 month Ahead (Feb. 1998) (Nov. 1998) 6.0 5.9

5.95 0.438 6.388 9.25 -2.862 -2.290 Initial Rounded 1998 ROE 1998 ROE 9.960 10.00 10.335 10.25 10.710 10.75 10.210 10.25

# ********************************** *** ACTIVITY ~lANAGE~lENT REPORT n ***************************************** ACTYi:I MODE CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID :1:5713 TX ECM 96695101 *5714 TX ECM 814034204111 *5715 TX ECM 815032307405 *5716 TX ECM 96414949 BULL HOUSSER

*5717 TX ECM 812503641270 :1:5718 TX ECM 96414949 BULL HOUSSER :~5725 TX ECM 81250356i326 *5732 TX ECM 96880318 *5733 TX ECM 99816601 RBC DS WEST VAN *5736 TX ECM 94436904 *5738 TX ECM 96811523 *5739 TX ECbI 812503876018 *5740 TX ECM fXiJ.. 99257006 IIm£IJ *5741 TX ECM pi "-:6 ' 96414949 BULL HOUSSER TUP 12109 12:07 5746 n ECM 94436904 5747 n ECM AfpoatA f!,CCtflc 96234311 SR. "P M&CS f.!I: 11'/ 5748 n ECM ROE. 96915863 PIJG- 5749 n ECM , 812503641270 t.JKP 5750 TX ECM ~13 812504804450 Ct; -F'S:J 5752 TX ECM '-- 96835317 ***************************************** *** ACTIYITY MANAGE~IENT REPORT RX *****************************************


* ****** :1:*:1: START TIME USAGE T. PAGES RESULT 12/08 15:46 00'34 2 OK 12/08 15:48 00'32 2 OK 12/08 15:49 00'48 2 OK 12108 15: 50 00'45 2 NG 2 ##757

12108 15: 52 01'29 4 OK 12108 15:58 01'21 4 OK 12109 08: 51 01'01 2 OK 12109 10: 15 11' 43 16 OK 12109 10: 27 00'59 3 OK 12109 11: 15 01'42 6 OK 12/09 11: 42 00'28 1 OK 12109 11:47 06'04 29 OK 12/09 11:59 01'16 4 OK 01'28 4 OK 12109 13: 56 00'31 1 OK 12109 13:57 00'46 2 OK 12109 13: 58 00'37 2 OK 12/09 13:59 00'56 2 OK 12109 14: 04 00'42 2 OK 12109 14: 06 00'43 2 OK , :!:**

'0\"\ .CJOl. u ~\ ~ ~~ ~ .. Q] ~l.l.· _.:~ VA 'Y ~ G;..~4J S ROBERT J. PELLATT </~ ;:. \) t: ",:.; COMMISSION SECRETARY /~8 CO~~\ VIA FACSIMILE

Mr. Marcel Reghelini Manager Regulatory Affairs & Rates Centra Gas British Columbia Inc. 1675 Douglas Street PO Box 3777 Victoria, B.c. V8W3V3

Dear Mr. Reghelini: Re: 1998 Rate of Return on Equity BC Gas Utility Ltd., Centra Gas Fort St. John Inc. Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. and West Kootenay Power Ltd.

Please find attached a revised page 1 to Appendix A of Commission Letter L-73-97. The revision is necessary as a result of three typographical errors contained in the original page 1 to Appendix A. Neither error affects the calculation of the rate of return on common equity. Yours truly,

DWEIssc Attachment

;.. -SIXTH FLOOR, 900 HOWE STREET. BOX 250 VANCOUVER, B.C. CANADA V6Z 2N3 e:,Oj TELEPHONE: (604) 660-4700 BC TOLL FREE: 1-800-663-1385 FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 December 9, 1997

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L·73·97 Amended Page 1

Calculation of Allowed 1998 Rate of Return on Common Equity 1. 10 Year Canada Bond Yield Forecast Average:

(Consensus Economics, November 1997 Consensus Forecast)

2. Average of 3 and 12 Month Forecasts 3. Add Yield Spread Between 10 Year (7.0%, December 1, 2006) and 30 Year (9.0%, June 1,2025) Canada Bonds: 4. Equals Projected 1998 Yield on Long Term Canada Bond 5. Less BCUC Benchmark Forecast 6. Initial Adjustment Factor 7. Sliding Scale Adjustment Factor 8. Allowed 1998 Rate of Retum Common Equity: Sliding Scale Benchmark Adjustment ROE Factor BCGas 12.25 -2.290 Centra-FSJ 12.625 -2.290 PNG 13.0 -2.290 WKP 12.5 -2.290 MiscCor/Amded ROE'98-Appdx A, p.l BeG

3 month Ahead 12 month Ahead (Feb. 1998) (Nov. 1998)

6.0 5.9

5.95 0.438 6.388 9.25 -2.862 -2.290 Initial Rounded 1998 ROE 1998 ROE 9.960 10.00 10.335 10.25 10.710 10.75 10.210 10.25

. ••• :t:*.:t::t:.***:t:* •••• :t: ••• :t: •••••• :t:*** •••• **. *~::t: ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT REPORT TX :t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t:*:t::t::t::t::t::t: ACTY# MODE CONNECTION TEL CONNECTI ON I D :t:5713 TX ECM 96695101 *5714 TX ECM 814034204111 *5715 TX ECM 815032307405 *5716 TX ECM 96414949 BULL HOUSSER

*5717 TX ECM 812503641270 :1:5718 TX ECM 96414949 BULL HOUSSER *5725 TX ECM 812503567326 *5732 TX EC~l 96880318 *5733 TX ECM 99816601 RBC DS WEST VAN *5736 TX ECM 94436904 *5738 TX EC~I 96811523 *5739 TX ECM 812503876018 *5740 TX ECM IItnE/JDEJ) 99257006 :1:5741 TX ECM pi /"'16 ' 96414949 BULL HOUSSER TUP 12109 12: 07 5746 TX ECM AffdaiA 94436904 BC(111o 5747 TX ECM 96234311 SR. \'p M&CS~I/ 12109 13:57 5748 TX ECM ROE. 96915863 PA./G- 5749 TX ECM . 812503641270 6JKP 5750 TX ECM ~l3 812504804450 C C; -F:;;:J 5752 TX ECM ~96835317 :t::t:*:t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t: :t.*:t: ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT REPORT RX :t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t.:t::t::t::I::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t::t.:t::t::t.:t.:t: ACTY# MODE CONNECTI ON TEL CONNECTION ID IS TART TIME IU SAGE T·I PAGES I RESULT *5712 AUTO RX ECM 604 689 9943 .5719 AUTO RX R('M ~- .

:t::t::t: START TIME USAGE T. PAGES RESULT 12/08 15:46 00'34 2 OK 12/08 15:48 00'32 2 OK 12/08 15:49 00'48 2 OK 12108 15: 50 00'45 2 NG 2 ##757

12108 15: 52 01'29 4 OK 12/08 15:58 01'21 4 OK 12109 08: 51 01'01 2 OK 12/09 10:15 11' 43 16 OK 12109 10: 27 00'59 3 OK 12/09 11: 15 01'42 6 OK 12/09 11: 42 00'28 1 OK 12109 11:47 06'04 29 OK 12/09 11: 59 01'16 4 OK 01'28 4 OK 12109 13: 56 00'31 1 OK 00'46 2 OK 12/09 13:58 00'37 2 OK 12/09 13:59 00'56 2 OK 12/09 14:04 00'42 2 OK 12109 14: 06 00'43 2 OK :l::t:~: \'9/('\0 . ~ - - I

<2>~ COI.{J ~\ ~ ~<$) Q ~ J ~.a. .. ' m •• _. ~ G;.~.4J ~ <'/_ , ) : . ::. . . .. , . ROBERT J, PELLATT COMMISSION SECRETARY /~8 CO~~" VIA FACSIMILE

Ms. Darlene M. Barnett Senior Vice President Marketing and Customer Services

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 17th Floor, 333 Dunsmuir Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5R3

Dear Ms. Barnett: Re: 1998 Rate of Return on Equity BC Gas Utility Ltd., Centra Gas Fort St. John Inc. Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. and West Kootenay Power Ltd.

Please find attached a revised page 1 to Appendix A of Commission Letter L-73-97. The revision is necessary as a result of three typographical errors contained in the original page 1 to Appendix A. Neither error affects the calculation ofthe rate of return on common equity. Yours truly,

DWFlssc Attachment

J : . ,.. II'''{ j? SIXTH FLOOR, 900 HOWE STREET, BOX 250 VANCOUVER, B.C. CANADA V6Z 2N3 . ." , .:: <: r O _ J TELEPHONE: (604) 660-4700 BC TOLL FREE: 1-600-663-1365 FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 December 9, 1997

APPENDIX A to Commission Letter No. L·73·97 Amended Page 1

Calculation of Allowed 1998 Rate of Return on Common Equity 1. 10 Year Canada Bond Yield Forecast Average: (Consensus Economics, November 1997 Consensus Forecast)

2. Average of 3 and 12 Month Forecasts 3. Add Yield Spread Between 10 Year (7.0%, December 1,2006) and 30 Year (9.0%, June 1,2025) Canada Bonds: 4. Equals Projected 1998 Yield on Long Term Canada Bond 5. Less BCUC Benchmark Forecast 6. Initial Adjustment Factor 7. Sliding Scale Adjustment Factor 8. Allowed 1998 Rate of Return Common Equity: Sliding Scale Benchmark Adjustment ROE Factor BCGas 12.25 -2.290 Centra-FSJ 12.625 -2.290 PNG 13.0 -2.290 WKP 12.5 -2.290 MiscCor/Amded ROE'98·Appdx A. p.l BCG

3 month Ahead 12 month Ahead (Feb. 1998) (Nov. 1998) 6.0 5.9

5.95 0.438 6.388 9.25 -2.862 -'2.290 Initial Rounded 1998 ROE 1998 ROE 9.960 10.00 10.335 10.25 10.710 10.75 10.210 10.25

***************************************** *** ACTIVITY ~IANAGEMENT REPORT TX ***************************************** ACTY# MODE CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID *5713 TX ECM 96695101 *5714 TX ECM 814034204111 *5715 TX ECM 815032307405 *5716 TX ECM 96414949 BULL HOUSSER

*5717 TX ECM 812503641270 *5718 TX ECM 96414949 BULL HOUSSER :1:5725 TX ECM 812503567326 *5732 TX ECM 96880318 :1:5733 TX ECM 99816601 RBC DS WEST VAN :1:5736 TX ECM 94436904 *5738 TX ECM 96811523 *5739 TX ECM 812503876018 *5740 TX ECM I1m£IJDEi2 99257006 *5741 TX ECM 96414949 BULL HOUSSER TUP 12109 12: 07 5746 TX ECM ;~;jA' 94436904 f!,C61la 5747 TX ECM 96234311 SR. \'P M&CS&:I/ 5748 TX ECM ROE 96915863 PI./G- 5749 TX ECM . 812503641270 tvKP 5750 TX ECM ~13 812504804450 c. r; -F'S:! 5752 TX ECM L.- 96835317 ***************************************** *** ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT REPORT RX ***************************************** ACTY# MODE CONNECTION TEL CONNECTI ON 1D IS TART TIME IU SAGE T. IP AGES I RESULT *5712 AUTO RX ECM 604 689 9943 *5719 AUTO RX R('M ~- .

:1:*:;: START TIME USAGE T. PAGES RESULT 12/08 15:46 00'34 2 OK 12108 15: 48 00'32 2 OK 12108 15: 49 00'48 2 OK 12/08 15:50 00'45 2 NG 2 ##757

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