the Utilities Commission Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 473
An Application by FortisBC Energy Inc.
for Approval of Rate Treatment of Expenditures
under the Greenhouse Gas Reductions (Clean Energy) Regulation and
Prudency Review of Incentives under the 2010 – 2011 Commercial NGV Demonstration Program
BEFORE: L.F. Kelsey, Commissioner October 18, 2012
A. On May 14, 2012, the Lieutenant Governor In Council approved the Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Clean Energy) Regulation, B.C. Reg. 102/2012 (the GGRR);
B. On August 21, 2012, FortisBC Energy Inc. (FEI) applied (the Application) to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (the Commission), pursuant to sections 59 to 61, and 90 of the Utilities Commission Act (the Act), for approval of deferral accounts and the accounting and rate treatment methodology for the three prescribed undertakings established by the GGRR;
C. FEI also seeks an order from the Commission that past natural gas vehicle (NGV) incentive expenditures totaling $5.6 million (the 2010‐2011 Incentives), as described in Section 7 of the Application were prudently incurred and can be recovered through rates from FEI’s non‐bypass natural gas customers;
D. In the Application, FEI proposes that the 2010‐2011 Incentives be considered within the $62 million expenditure cap that is established in section 2(1)(c) of the GGRR;
E. The Commission has determined that the Application should be reviewed in three phases:
Phase 1 – “Prescribed undertaking 1: Vehicle Incentives or Zero Interest Loans”;
Phase 2 – “Prescribed Undertaking 2: CNG Stations & Prescribed Undertaking 3: LNG Stations”;
Phase 3 – “Prudence of Past Incentives” and associated cost recovery.
F. Commission Orders G‐125‐12 and G-127-12 established a Streamlined Review Process to hear Phase 1 and Phase 2 matters. A Regulatory Timetable is necessary to review Phase 3 of the Application.
NOW THEREFORE the Commission orders Phase 3 of the Application review will proceed by way of a written hearing following the Regulatory Timetable attached as Appendix A to this Order.
DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 18th day of October.
Original signed by:
L.F. Kelsey
FortisBC Energy Inc.
Application for Approval of Rate Treatment of Expenditures
under the Greenhouse Gas Reductions (Clean Energy) Regulation and
Prudency Review of Incentives under the 2010 – 2011 Commercial NGV Demonstration Program
Action |
Date (2012) |
Commission and Intervener Information Requests – Phase 3 |
Wednesday, November 7 |
FEI Response to Information Requests – Phase 3 |
Friday, November 23 |
FEI Final Submission – Phase 3 |
Friday, November 30 |
Intervener Final Submission – Phase 3 |
Friday, December 14 |
FEI Reply Submission – Phase 3 |
Friday, December 21 |