the Utilities Commission Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 473
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
Application for Large General Service Rate
Electric Tariff Supplement No. 82
BEFORE: L.F. Kelsey, Commissioner
C.A. Brown, Commissioner February 28, 2012
N.E. MacMurchy Commissioner
A. By Order G-213-11 dated December 13, 2011, the British Columbia Utilities Commission (Commission) approved British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority’s (BC Hydro) application for Tariff Supplement (TS) No. 82 as filed on September 19, 2011 and further revised by Paragraph 4 of the Order;
B. Paragraph 4 of Order G-213-11 included a provision to allow a customer’s application to address the electricity efficiency and/or greenhouse gas (GHG) effect of its capital investment when calculating eligibility threshold;
C. By letter dated December 22, 2011, BC Hydro advised the Commission that it would not be able to comply with the 20-day time limit to process the customer applications in abeyance, at least on the basis of a tariff supplement that accounts for the Commission’s directives regarding the revised eligibility threshold. In its letter, BC Hydro identified four issues that would require resolutions with respect to clarity and scope;
D. The Commission issued Letter L-2-12 dated January 5, 2012, and accepted for filing an interim TS No. 82 that would include neither the provision required by Paragraph 4 of Order G-213-11, nor the tariff language necessary to address the four issues identified in BC Hydro’s letter. The interim TS No. 82 is to expire on March 1, 2012, or upon re-issuance of a permanent TS No. 82, whichever is sooner;
E. By letter dated January 27, 2012, BC Hydro filed a letter with the Commission proposing to deal with the four issues it described in its December 22, 2011 letter. In addition, BC Hydro attached an amended TS No. 82 that is identical to the interim TS No. 82 pursuant to Letter L-2-12, with the exception that it includes the proposed language to resolve the four issues;
F. The Commission issued Letter L-7-12 dated February 10, 2012, stating that BC Hydro’s proposed language in TS No. 82 that is attached to its letter, reflects the Commission’s thinking and intentions. Letter L-7-12 invited Interveners to comment on BC Hydro’s letter and proposed language in the amended TS No. 82 by February 17, 2012, and BC Hydro to make reply submission by February 24, 2012;
G. Only one Intervener, the B.C. Sustainable Energy Association and the Sierra Club of British Columbia (BCSEA), responded. BCSEA expressed support for BC Hydro’s proposed language;
H. By letter dated February 24, 2012, BC Hydro requested that the Commission approve TS No. 82 as amended by BC Hydro’s January 27, 2012 letter as final.
NOW THEREFORE pursuant to sections 58-61 of the Utilities Commission Act, the Commission Panel directs BC Hydro to file with the Commission for approval, the amended Tariff Supplement No. 82 as attached to its January 27, 2012 letter as expeditiously as practicable.
DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 29th day February 2012.
Original signed by:
L.F. Kelsey