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the Utilities Commission Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 473




An Application by Teck Coal Limited

for Registration as Responsible Entity for certain functions required

for Compliance with Mandatory Reliability Standards



BEFORE:               D.M. Morton, Commissioner                                      December 20, 2012



O  R  D  E  R



A.      Section 125.2 of the Utilities Commission Act (Act) assigns exclusive jurisdiction to determine whether a “reliability standard,” as defined in the Act, is in the public interest and should be adopted in British Columbia by the British Columbia Utilities Commission (Commission);


B.      Order G-123-09 approved the Registration Manual for entities subject to adopted Mandatory Reliability Standards and required that entities subject to the standards register with the Commission;


C.      The Registration Manual requires that the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) in its role as the Commission’s Administrator for the BC Mandatory Reliability Standards Program (BC MRS Program) review and recommend registration for all applicable Entities and allows 21 days for Entities to comment to the Commission on WECC’s recommendations;


D.      On April 20, 2012 WECC Recommended that Teck Coal Limited (Teck Coal) be registered for the function of Load Serving Entity (LSE) with the BC MRS Program;


E.       On May 7, 2012 Teck Coal objected to the recommendation of registration;


F.       On October 12, 2012, WECC requested Teck Coal submit the specifics of their dispute of registration;


G.     On October 26, 2012 WECC informed Commission staff that Teck Coal had not responded to WECC’s information request;


H.      On October 30, 2012, the Commission requested Teck Coal respond to WECC’s information request by November 13, 2012;

I.        On November 9, 2012, Teck Coal requested the Commission set aside WECC’s Recommendation of Registration until the MRS Inquiry process is complete;


J.        On November 14, 2012, the Commission denied Teck Coal’s request to set the Recommendation of Registration and requested Teck Coal provide further details substantiating their position objecting to Registration, with response due November 30, 2012;


K.      On November 30, 2012, Teck Coal responded to the Commission stating it would not proceed with its objection to WECC’s Recommendation of Registration.  Teck Coal also requested the Commission forebear from enforcing the existing MRS reporting functions with regard to Fording River, Greenhills and Line Creek Operations;


L.       On December 13, the Commission responded to Teck Coal stating the Commission would proceed to register them as a responsible entity as recommended by WECC and that they would not forebear from enforcing the existing MRS reporting functions for their operations;


M.    Commission staff considers WECC’s recommendation to register Teck for the function of LSE with the BC MRS Program is warranted.



NOW THEREFORE pursuant to section 125.2 (10) of the Act and in accordance with the Registration Manual, the Commission Orders that Teck be registered for the function recommended by WECC.



DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this      20th               day of December 2012.


                                                                                                                                BY ORDER


Original signed by:


                                                                                                                                D.M. Morton



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