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the Utilities Commission Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 473




Creative Energy Vancouver Platforms Inc.

Stream A Thermal Energy System Registration for 188 Keefer Street



BEFORE:               L. F. Kelsey, Commissioner

                                C. A. Brown, Commissioner

                                H. G. Harowitz, Commissioner                                    June 18, 2015

                                K. A. Keilty, Commissioner

                                D. M. Morton, Commissioner


O  R  D  E  R



A.      On April 17, 2015, Creative Energy Vancouver Platforms Inc. (Creative Energy) submitted an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for a low carbon Neighbourhood Energy System (NES) for Northeast False Creek (NEFC) and Chinatown Neighbourhoods in Vancouver. In this CPCN application, Creative Energy specifically noted they are pursuing an opportunity to establish a local node in Chinatown that can serve as a hub to capture and aggregate initial loads prior to a larger connection to NEFC. They specified the initial step in this proposed node is an on-site boiler plant at a new development located at Main and Keefer Streets, and that the initial plant will be the subject of a Stream A application;

B.      On June 3, 2015, Creative Energy filed a Stream A thermal energy system (TES) registration form for the on-site boiler plant at 188 Keefer Street;

C.      Creative Energy notes that the system capacity will be slightly oversized to facilitate future connections. Initial plant capacity is the size of the current plant that will serve 188 Keefer Street plus potentially additional buildings that meet the Stream A TES Guidelines; and

D.      The Commission reviewed the application and is satisfied the 188 Keefer Street TES meets the characteristics of a Stream A TES and is suitable for exemption from sections 44.1, 45-46, and 59-61 of the Utilities Commission Act.



NOW THEREFORE pursuant to section 88(3) of the Utilities Commission Act, and by the advance approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council (OIC 400) the British Columbia Utilities Commission orders as follows:


1.       In accordance with the Thermal Energy Systems (TES) Guidelines the 188 Keefer Street TES is exempt from sections 44.1, 45-46, and 59-61 of the Utilities Commission Act.


2.       Creative Energy Vancouver Platforms Inc. must file with the Commission, an annual report for the 188 Keefer Street TES project in accordance with Stream A annual reporting guidelines as provided in Appendix B of the TES Guidelines, with the first report to be filed on or before February 15, 2016.



DATED at the City of Vancouver, In the Province of British Columbia, this      19th           day of June 2015.

                                                                                                                BY ORDER


Original signed by:


                                                                                                                                D. Morton



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