the Utilities Commission Act, RSBC 1996, Chapter 473
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
F2017 to F2019 Revenue Requirements Application
D. M. Morton, Commissioner / Panel Chair
D. J. Enns, Commissioner
K. A. Keilty, Commissioner
on March 22, 2016
A. The British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) filed on February 26, 2016 with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (Commission), pursuant to section 9(1) of Direction No. 7 to the Commission (Direction No. 7), sections 58 to 60, 89 and 90 of the Utilities Commission Act, and section 15 of the Administrative Tribunals Act, an application for approval of an interim refundable rate increase of 4.0 percent effective April 1, 2016 (Interim Rates Application);
B. In the Interim Rates Application, BC Hydro submits that on the basis of its most recent (October 2015) load and revenue forecasts and financial projections BC Hydro would need a rate increase of 9.7 percent effective April 1, 2016 to have the opportunity to recover its forecast F2017 revenue requirements during the fiscal year; however, pursuant to section 9(1) of Direction No. 7, BC Hydro’s rates for F2017 must not be increased by more than 4.0 percent on average;
C. BC Hydro also advises that its October 2015 forecasts do not account for the impact to forecast industrial load resulting from recent declines in prices for the commodities certain BC Hydro industrial customers produce, the impact to forecast liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility load resulting from recent developments including an announcement to delay a LNG facility final investment decision, and additionally, they do not account for the Government of British Columbia’s February 5, 2016 announcement of a program to allow mining companies to defer a portion of their electricity payments, to help mines remain in operation;
D. BC Hydro submits that these changes have a material impact on the projections underpinning its revenue requirements, and that directionally the recent developments will reduce forecast loads and revenues and increase the forecast revenue shortfall, other things being equal. BC Hydro indicates that it is updating its forecasts however this information will not be complete until summer 2016;
E. In the circumstances BC Hydro proposes to submit a complete revenue requirements application covering the F2017 to F2019 fiscal years of BC Hydro (F2017 to F2019 Revenue Requirements Application) in summer 2016, and seeks approval to increase its rates by 4.0 percent, on average, effective April 1, 2016 and on an interim and refundable basis pending the Commission’s review and decision on the complete F2017 to F2019 Revenue Requirements Application;
F. BC Hydro requests that the Commission issue its order by March 28, 2016 to allow BC Hydro time to update its billing system to reflect the decision; and
G. The Commission has considered the Interim Rates Application and determines that approval of interim rates is warranted. Following the filing of the complete application, the Commission will establish further process for the review of the F2017 to F2019 RRA, including the process to follow for those parties who wish to participate in the proceeding.
NOW THEREFORE pursuant to sections 58 to 60, 89 and 90 of the Utilities Commission Act and as set out in the Reasons for Decision attached as Appendix A to this order, the Commission orders as follows:
1. The 4.0 percent interim increase in rates is approved for BC Hydro effective April 1, 2016, to be applied as set out in Appendix D of the Interim Rates Application and reflected on the rate schedules filed with the Interim Rates Application in Appendix E.
2. The rate schedules set out in Appendix E of the Interim Rates Application are accepted for filing.
3. The rates approved by this order will remain interim and subject to refund with interest at BC Hydro’s weighted average cost of debt until further order of the Commission.
4. BC Hydro must provide customers with notification of the interim rate increase as soon as is practicable.
5. BC Hydro must provide a copy of this Commission order to all parties who participated in the F2012 to F2014 Revenue Requirements Application proceeding.
DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 22nd day of March 2016.
Original signed by:
D. M. Morton
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
F2017 to F2019 Revenue Requirements Application
BC Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) filed on February 26, 2016 with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (Commission), pursuant to section 9(1) of Direction No. 7 to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (Direction No. 7), sections 58 to 60, 89 and 90 of the Utilities Commission Act, and section 15 of the Administrative Tribunals Act, an application for approval of an interim refundable rate increase of 4.0 percent effective April 1, 2016 (Interim Rates Application);
In the Interim Rates Application BC Hydro submits information that on the basis of its most recent (October 2015) load and revenue forecasts and financial projections, BC Hydro would need a rate increase of 9.7 percent effective April 1, 2016 to have the opportunity to recover its forecast F2017 revenue requirements during the fiscal year.
Legislative framework
In 2014, the Province of British Columbia issued Order in Council No. 095/2014 which established a new regulatory framework regarding the Commission’s oversight of BC Hydro’s rates through Direction No. 6 and Direction No. 7. Direction No. 7 applies to Commission regulation going forward including the F2017 revenue requirements. Section 4 of Direction 7 requires the Commission to ensure that in regulating and setting rates for BC Hydro that those rates allow the utility to collect sufficient revenue in each fiscal year to provide reliable electricity service, meet its financial obligations, comply with government policy directives and achieve an annual return on deemed equity. A copy of Direction 7 is attached as Appendix B to this order.
Section 9(1) of Direction No. 7 requires that BC Hydro’s rates for F2017 must not be increased by more than 4.0 percent on average (rate cap) and the Commission must order BC Hydro to defer to the Rate Smoothing Regulatory Account portion of the F2017 revenue requirement that is forecast not to be recovered by the rate cap. Section 10 of Direction No. 7 requires that the deferral account rate rider remain at 5 percent.
Regulatory process
The Commission reviewed BC Hydro’s Interim Rates Application and supporting material to determine if sufficient evidence was provided to support the expected revenue deficiency of 9.7 percent based on an October 2015 load forecast. The Commission performed its review in a similar manner to its review of BC Hydro’s 2004/05 and 2005/06 revenue requirements that are described on page 2 of Letter No. L-13-04:
The Commission does not grant interim increases merely as a convenience to the utility. The Commission considered the comments concerning process made at the pre-hearing conference but determined that it continues to be appropriate, in this instance, for the Commission to follow its practice of granting the requested interim relief under Section 89 without a process or further input from participants. The Commission considered that BC Hydro had put forth prima facie evidence that the relief should be granted and the Commission notes, particularly, that the interim award is subject to refund, with interest, after a hearing. As noted by participants at the pre-hearing conference, the Commission cannot and should not fully examine all the issues in a utility rate application prior to granting interim relief. While a number of intervenors supported a limited process with respect to the interim, it was also emphasized that it is important to BC Hydro customers to have as much notice as possible as to the interim rates to be approved by the Commission.
Commission decision
The Panel approves the 4.0 percent interim increase in rates for BC Hydro effective April 1, 2016, to be applied as set out in Appendix D of the Interim Rates Application and reflected on the rate schedules filed with the Interim Rates Application in Appendix E. BC Hydro has provided evidence that the revenue requirements are expected to require a F2017 rate increase of 9.7 percent and Direction No. 7 limits any F2017 rate increase to 4 percent. The Panel considers this to be sufficient prima facie evidence to justify an interim rate increase of 4 percent without further process.
Following the filing of BC Hydro’s complete application, the Commission will establish further process for the review of the F2017 to F2019 RRA, including the process to follow for those parties who wish to participate in the proceeding. The interim rate increase is refundable with interest at BC Hydro’s weighted average cost of debt and any excess revenue deficiency over the 4 percent increase is to be transferred to the Rate Smoothing Regulatory Account.