the Utilities Commission Act, RSBC 1996, Chapter 473
Creative Energy Vancouver Platforms Inc.
Fuel Cost Adjustment Charge Change Application
B. A. Magnan, Panel Chair/Commissioner
R. I. Mason, Commissioner
on December 17, 2018
- On December 4, 2018, Creative Energy Vancouver Platforms Inc. (Creative Energy) filed with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) an updated Fuel Cost Adjustment Charge (FCAC) application (Application), seeking approval of an FCAC of $26.00 per thousand pounds steam (M#), effective December 1, 2018;
- Pursuant to the BCUC’s decision and accompanying Order G-167-16 regarding Creative Energy’s 2016-2017 Revenue Requirements Application and Rate Design for NEFC Hot Water Service (2016-2017 RRA), the Application includes the forecast Fuel Charge Stabilization Account (FCSA), a 12-month fuel expense forecast of $22,246,312 and a 12-month load forecast of 1,131,035M#;
- On December 11, 2018, Creative Energy requested approval of an interim commodity rate of $19.75/M# in the event the approval sought in the Application would require a public consultation process (Interim Commodity Rate Addendum);
- By Order G-167-16, dated November 18, 2016, the BCUC established the process by which the FCSA is managed;
- In its decision and accompanying Order G-205-18, dated October 25, 2018, the BCUC directed Creative Energy to file for approval of the amortization period for the FCSA at the time it files the FCAC rate change applications with the BCUC in the format directed in the 2016-2017 RRA decision;
- By Order G-213-18, dated November 8, 2018, the BCUC approved an FCAC of $13.75/M#. The BCUC further directed Creative Energy to file a quarterly report with a review of the FCSA balance, the appropriate amortization of the FCSA and if required, a request to change the FCAC, in the format directed in the 2016-17 RRA; and
- The BCUC has reviewed the Application and the Interim Commodity Rate Addendum with respect to Orders G-167-16 and G-205-18 and considers that a regulatory process is warranted.
NOW THEREFORE pursuant to sections 59 to 61 and 89 to 90 of the Utilities Commission Act, the BCUC orders as follows:
1. No determination on the Application and the Interim Commodity Rate Addendum is made at this time and the Panel will determine if the request made in the Application and the Interim Commodity Rate Addendum is warranted at a later date.
2. A public written hearing process is established, in accordance with the Regulatory Timetable as set out as Appendix A to this order.
3. Creative Energy is directed to publish on its website the Application and the Interim Commodity Rate Addendum, this order and the regulatory timetable, and to provide a copy of the same to all customers and parties who participated in the 2018-2022 Revenue Requirements Application (2018-2022 RRA) and the City of Vancouver, by December 21, 2018.
4. Members of the public are invited to make submissions on the Interim Commodity Rate Addendum by the date established in the regulatory timetable, attached as Appendix A to this order. Submissions must be filed in the Letter of Comment Form available at the BCUC website.
DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 17th day of December 2018.
Original signed by:
B. A. Magnan
Creative Energy Vancouver Platforms Inc.
Fuel Cost Adjustment Charge Change
Action |
Date (2018) |
Creative Energy notice of Application and Interim Commodity Rate Addendum to customers and registered parties in the 2018-2022 RRA |
Friday, December 21 |
BCUC Information Request No. 1 to Creative Energy on Interim Commodity Rate Addendum |
Friday, December 21 |
Intervener Registration |
Friday, December 28 |
Action |
Date (2019) |
Creative Energy responses to BCUC Information Request No. 1 |
Friday, January 4 |
Submissions on Interim Commodity Rate Addendum from interveners and members of the public |
Wednesday, January 9 |
Further Process |
To be determined |