the Utilities Commission Act, RSBC 1996, Chapter 473
the Insurance Corporation Act, RSBC 1996, Chapter 228, as amended
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
2019 Basic Insurance Rate Design Update Tariff Amendments Application
D. M. Morton, Commissioner
on May 22, 2019
A. On May 10, 2019, by Order in Council No. (OIC) 222/19 and 226/19, respectively, the Lieutenant Governor in Council directed the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) to apply to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) by May 31, 2019 for approval of rate design amendments as set out in OIC 222/19 (the 2019 Rate Design Directive), and directed the BCUC to approve and set the changes to rates within 10 days of ICBC’s application;
B. On May 14, 2019, in accordance with OIC 222/19, ICBC filed with the BCUC its 2019 Basic Insurance Rate Design Update Tariff Amendments Application (Application). In the Application, ICBC submits that the Basic insurance Tariff (Tariff) rate design amendments set out in the Application are prescribed by the Government and are consistent with the legislative and regulatory framework in which ICBC and the BCUC operate, including government directives;
C. ICBC seeks approval of the amended Tariff pages in the 2019 Rate Design Directive, as provided in Appendix A of the Application, to be effective September 1, 2019. These Tariff amendments augment certain rate design amendments addressed in the ICBC 2018 Basic Insurance Rate Design Application, reviewed and approved in accordance with OICs 458/18 and 459/18 by BCUC Orders G-188-18 and G-244-18 issued on September 28, 2018 and December 17, 2018, respectively; and
D. The BCUC reviewed and considered the Application in accordance with OICs 222/19 and 226/19, and considers that approval is required as directed. The BCUC has not reviewed the Application for its regulatory justification.
NOW THEREFORE the BCUC orders as follows:
1. The Tariff pages attached in the 2019 Rate Design Directive are approved, effective September 1, 2019.
2. Pursuant to Directive No. 8 established by Order G-188-18, ICBC is directed to file annual reporting on the new rate design, starting December 31, 2021. ICBC is directed to incorporate the results and impact of the rate design amendments in this Application within that reporting.
DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 22nd day of May 2019.
Original signed by:
D. M. Morton