the Utilities Commission Act, RSBC 1996, Chapter 473
Cambie Gardens Energy Limited Partnership Inc.
Stream A Registration of the Cambie Gardens Energy Thermal Energy System
T. A. Loski, Panel Chair
E. B. Lockhart, Commissioner
B. A. Magnan, Commissioner
on December 15, 2021
A. On November 9, 2021, Cambie Gardens Energy Limited Partnership Inc. (CGELP) filed with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) an application to register the Cambie Gardens Energy Thermal Energy System (CGE TES) as a Stream A TES (Application), in accordance with the BCUC Thermal Energy Systems Regulatory Framework Guidelines (TES Guidelines);
B. CGELP also requests that certain information contained in the Application be held confidential;
C. On August 27, 2014, the BCUC issued Order G-121-14 granting an exemption to a person, or the person's lessee, trustee, receiver or liquidator, who owns or operates in British Columbia a Stream A TES for the production, generation, storage, transmission, sale, delivery or provision of any agent for the production of heat or cold for compensation, with a capital cost less than a maximum threshold and greater than a minimum threshold, from sections 44.1, 45 and 59–61 of the Utilities Commission Act (UCA) for that specific TES. The exemption only applies if:
1. the person files information that allows the BCUC to determine that Order G-121-14 applies to the person’s specific TES; and
2. the BCUC determines that Order G-121-14 applies to the person’s specific TES;
D. On August 28, 2014, the BCUC issued Order G-127-14 approving the TES Guidelines and, on March 2, 2015, revisions to the TES Guidelines were approved by Order G-27-15;
E. On December 7, 2021, the BCUC issued Staff Questions and on December 13, 2021, CGELP filed its responses; and
F. The BCUC has reviewed the Application and is satisfied that the CGE TES meets the characteristics of a Stream A TES and is suitable for exemption.
NOW THEREFORE pursuant to section 88(3) of the UCA and by the advance approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council (Order in Council 400/14), the BCUC orders as follows:
1. In accordance with the TES Guidelines, the CGE TES is exempt from sections 44.1, 45 and 59–61 of the UCA.
2. CGELP must file with the BCUC an annual report for the CGE TES in accordance with Stream A annual reporting guidelines, as provided in Appendix B of the TES Guidelines.
3. Information which CGELP has filed on a confidential basis shall be treated as confidential by the BCUC, until the BCUC decides otherwise.
DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 15th day of December 2021.
Original signed by:
T. A. Loski,