the Utilities Commission Act, RSBC 1996, Chapter 473
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
Electrical Explosion Incident – Marine Building, Downtown Vancouver
M. Jaccard, Commissioner
on September 21, 2023
A. On February 24, 2023, an explosion and fire occurred in an underground electrical vault (Vault No. 73) owned and operated by the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro). Vault No. 73 is part of BC Hydro’s distribution network that supplies power to BC Hydro customers in the Vancouver downtown core and is located on the 300 block of Burrard Street;
B. By Order G-192-23, dated July 21, 2023, BC Hydro was directed to, among other things, submit an independent third-party report investigating the root cause of the February 24, 2023 incident (Third-Party Report) and supporting deliverables to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) by the following deadlines:
Action |
Date (2023) |
Progress Report No. 1 prepared by the third-party consultant detailing its progress on the preparation of the Third-Party Report |
Friday, September 29 |
Progress Report No. 2 prepared by the third-party consultant detailing its progress on the preparation of the Third-Party Report |
Tuesday, October 31 |
Third-Party Report |
Thursday, November 30 |
C. By letter dated September 19, 2023, BC Hydro requested an extension to the filing deadlines; and
D. The BCUC has reviewed BC Hydro’s extension request and considers the following determination is warranted.
NOW THEREFORE the BCUC orders that the filing deadlines for the Third-Party Report and supporting deliverables set out in Directive 2 of Order G-192-23 are varied as follows:
Action |
Date (2023) |
Progress Report No. 1 prepared by the third-party consultant detailing its progress on the preparation of the Third-Party Report |
Friday, October 13 |
Progress Report No. 2 prepared by the third-party consultant detailing its progress on the preparation of the Third-Party Report |
Tuesday, November 14 |
Third-Party Report |
Thursday, December 14 |
DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 21st day of September 2023.
Original signed by:
M. Jaccard