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the Utilities Commission Act, RSBC 1996, Chapter 473




British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority

Public Electric Vehicle Charging Service Rates




A. K. Fung, KC, Panel Chair

E. B. Lockhart, Commissioner


on September 29, 2023





A.      On July 28, 2023, British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) applied to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) for approval of the BC Hydro Public Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Service Rates Application (Application) pursuant to sections 58 to 61 and 90 of the Utilities Commission Act;

B.      By Order G-219-23 dated August 17, 2023, the BCUC established a regulatory timetable for the review of the Application, which includes public notice, intervener registration, one round of information requests to BC Hydro, intervener evidence if any, a streamlined review process, and oral arguments;

C.      By letter dated September 29, 2023, the BCUC provided information regarding the Streamlined Review Process and addressed the format of final arguments; and

D.      The BCUC considers that the establishment of an amended regulatory timetable is warranted.


NOW THEREFORE the BCUC establishes an amended regulatory timetable, as set out in Appendix A of this order.



DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this            29th         day of September 2023.




Original signed by:


A. K. Fung, KC





British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority

Public Electric Vehicle Charging Service Rates







Date (2023)

BC Hydro responses to IR No. 1

Monday, October 16

Notice of intervener evidence

Tuesday, October 17

Intervener submissions on SRP scope

Thursday, October 19


No Intervener Evidence

Intervener Evidence

Intervener evidence

Not Applicable

Thursday, November 9

IR No. 1 on Intervener evidence

Friday, November 24

Intervener evidence IR No. 1 responses

Friday, December 8

BC Hydro rebuttal evidence, if any

Friday, December 15




Streamlined Review Process*

Monday, October 30

Tuesday, October 31

If necessary,
Wednesday, November 1

Monday, January 15

Tuesday, January 16

If necessary,
Wednesday, January 17

Letters of comment deadline

Wednesday, November 1

Wednesday, January 17

BC Hydro written final argument

Wednesday, November 8

Wednesday, January 24

Intervener written final argument

Thursday, November 23

Wednesday, February 7

BC Hydro written reply argument

Thursday, December 7

Thursday, February 22

* Information regarding the Streamlined Review Process is set out in Exhibit A-5.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.