the Utilities Commission Act, RSBC 1996, Chapter 473
Just Energy (B.C.) Limited Partnership
Application for Renewal of its Gas Marketer Licence
under the Customer Choice Program
Blair Lockhart, Commissioner
October 30, 2023
A. Section 71.1(1) of the Utilities Commission Act (UCA) requires a person who is not a public utility and who performs a gas marketing activity for low-volume consumers to hold a Gas Marketer License issued by the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC);
B. The BCUC established Rules for Gas Marketers pursuant to subsection 71.1(10) of the UCA to assist the administration of Gas Marketer licensing. The BCUC reviews and updates the Rules for Gas Marketers from time to time, most recently on October 18, 2013 by Order A-12-13;
C. On August 30, 2023, Just Energy (B.C.) Limited Partnership (Just Energy), applied to the BCUC for renewal of its Gas Marketer Licence for the period November 1, 2023 to October 31, 2024. The application for renewal of its Licence to Market Natural Gas (Application) included payment of the $1,000 Application Fee and proof of security, pursuant to Sections 2 and 4 respectively, of the Licence Requirements;
D. In the Application, Just Energy requests that the BCUC hold the Application confidential on the basis that the contents are commercially sensitive; and
E. The BCUC reviewed Just Energy’s Application and relying upon the information and representations made by Just Energy finds that renewal of its Gas Marketer Licence, subject to certain conditions, is warranted.
NOW THEREFORE pursuant to section 71.1 of the UCA and Order A-12-13, the BCUC orders as follows:
1. A Gas Marketer Licence is issued to Just Energy for the period of November 1, 2023 to October 31, 2024.
2. Just Energy’s Application will be held confidential until the BCUC determines otherwise.
3. This Gas Marketer Licence is subject to the following conditions:
a. Just Energy must carry out the undertakings as provided in its Application for a Gas Marketer Licence and as set out in the Rules for Gas Marketers established by Order A-12-13.
b. Just Energy must comply with the Code of Conduct for Gas Marketers and Rate Schedule 36 of FortisBC Energy Inc.
c. Just Energy shall ensure that its employees, salespersons or other representatives of its products and services comply with the standards required of a Gas Marketer as set out in the Code of Conduct for Gas Marketers and Just Energy shall be responsible for any non-compliance of its employees, salespersons or other representatives of its products and services.
d. Just Energy must maintain the proof of security submitted to satisfy Section 4, Financial Qualifications, of the Gas Marketer Licence Requirements, in full force and effect for the duration of the Licence.
e. Just Energy must file with the BCUC, pursuant to item 10.0 of the Rules for Gas Marketers, the following information:
i. The most recent version of the documents submitted to satisfy Sections 6 and 7, Financial Statements, of the Gas Marketer Licence Requirements, for BCUC staff’s review and acceptance, in a timely manner;
ii. The most recent version of the documents submitted under Sections 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the Gas Marketer Licence Requirements for the BCUC’s comment and approval, as necessary, prior to commercial distribution and/or use; and
iii. Quarterly financial reports submitted by Just Energy (US) Corp that include at minimum the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement for Just Energy (US) Corp.
f. The BCUC may, at any time and without prior notice to Just Energy, amend or impose new terms and conditions on, suspend, or cancel the Gas Marketer Licence for reasons the BCUC, in its sole discretion, considers sufficient.
g. Just Energy must strictly adhere to its approved Third-Party Verification script as outlined in Article 33 of the Code of Conduct for Gas Marketers.
h. The Gas Marketer Licence and all copies of it shall remain the property of the BCUC. Just Energy will return these documents forthwith upon written request from the BCUC.
DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 30th day of October 2023.
Original signed by:
B.A. Magnan
Licence No. A-10-23 |
Just Energy (B.C.) Limited Partnership
is granted a licence for the purpose of providing advice to, or acting on behalf of, commercial customers purchasing gas directly in the Province of British Columbia subject to the terms and conditions contained in Commission Order A-10-23, which are set out in the reverse of the Licence.
Original signed by:
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– B. A. Magnan, Commissioner
This Gas Marketer Licence is subject to the following conditions: a. Just Energy must carry out the undertakings as provided in its Application for a Gas Marketer Licence and as set out in the Rules for Gas Marketers established by Order A-12-13. b. Just Energy must comply with the Code of Conduct for Gas Marketers and Rate Schedule 36 of FortisBC Energy Inc. c. Just Energy shall ensure that its employees, salespersons or other representatives of its products and services comply with the standards required of a Gas Marketer as set out in the Code of Conduct for Gas Marketers and Just Energy shall be responsible for any non-compliance of its employees, salespersons or other representatives of its products and services. d. Just Energy must maintain the proof of security submitted to satisfy Section 4, Financial Qualifications, of the Gas Marketer Licence Requirements, in full force and effect for the duration of the Licence. e. Just Energy must file with the BCUC, pursuant to item 10.0 of the Rules for Gas Marketers, the following information: i. The most recent version of the documents submitted to satisfy Sections 6 and 7, Financial Statements, of the Gas Marketer Licence Requirements, for BCUC staff’s review and acceptance, in a timely manner; ii. The most recent version of the documents submitted under Sections 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the Gas Marketer Licence Requirements for the BCUC’s comment and approval, as necessary, prior to commercial distribution and/or use; and iii. Quarterly financial reports submitted by Just Energy (US) Corp that include at minimum the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement for Just Energy (US) Corp. f. The BCUC may, at any time and without prior notice to Just Energy, amend or impose new terms and conditions on, suspend, or cancel the Gas Marketer Licence for reasons the BCUC, in its sole discretion, considers sufficient. g. Just Energy must strictly adhere to its approved Third-Party Verification script as outlined in Article 33 of the Code of Conduct for Gas Marketers. h. The Gas Marketer Licence and all copies of it shall remain the property of the BCUC. Just Energy will return these documents forthwith upon written request from the BCUC. |