the Utilities Commission Act, RSBC 1996, Chapter 473
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
for the Lower Mainland Reactive Power Reinforcement Project
A. K. Fung, KC, Panel Chair
A. C. Dennier, Commissioner
on January 24, 2024
A. On November 22, 2022, British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) filed an application with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) pursuant to section 45 and 46 of the Utilities Commission Act (UCA) seeking a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for the Lower Mainland Reactive Power Reinforcement Project (Application);
B. In the Application, BC Hydro proposes to install reactive power compensation equipment at the Meridian, Ingledow, McLellan and Clayburn substations and stop using the Burrard Synchronous Condenser Station to manage reactive power on BC Hydro’s transmission system;
C. On December 15, 2022, by Order G-363-22, the BCUC established a regulatory timetable for a review of the Application;
D. BC Hydro filed the following exhibits on a confidential basis (Confidential Exhibits) during the proceeding:
• Exhibit B-1-1, BC Hydro submitting the Application including confidentially held Chapter 4 and Appendices F, G, H, J, K and L;
• Exhibit B-1-3, BC Hydro submitting confidential Application – Errata;
• Exhibit B-3-1, BC Hydro submitting responses to BCUC Request for Information including confidentially held attachments 1 to 8;
• Exhibit B-7-1, BC Hydro submitting confidential responses to BCUC IR No. 1;
• Exhibit B-8, BC Hydro submitting confidential responses to BCUC confidential IR No. 1;
• Exhibit B-9-1, BC Hydro submitting confidential responses to Intervener IR No. 1;
• Exhibit B-12-1, BC Hydro submitting confidential responses to BCUC IR No. 2;
• Exhibit B-13, BC Hydro submitting confidential responses to BCUC Confidential IR No. 2;
• Exhibit B-14-1, BC Hydro submitting confidential responses to Intervener IR No. 2; and
• BC Hydro submitting its confidential reply argument.
E. By Orders G-8-23, G-127-23, G-173-23, G-208-23, and G-265-23 the BCUC established further and amended regulatory timetables, to include among other things, a BCUC workshop, two rounds of information requests, and final and reply arguments; and
F. The BCUC has considered the evidence and submissions filed in this proceeding and makes the following determinations.
NOW THEREFORE for the reasons set out in the Decision issued concurrently with this order, the BCUC orders as follows:
1. BC Hydro is denied a CPCN for the Lower Mainland Reactive Power Reinforcement Project.
2. BC Hydro is directed to file within 90 days of the date of this decision, its contingency plan to manage the need for reactive power on its transmission system in the interim.
3. The Confidential Exhibits shall be kept confidential until the BCUC determines otherwise.
DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this 24th day of January 2024.
Original signed by:
A. K. Fung, KC