s'r\ COI... U _ ~\ " A "7. BRiTiSH COLU~11BIA ~y Q;) ' '9:: ~. S !$ ~"9 ' A.. .~ :~:. ...~ UTILITIES COMi:lISSION t<.~;:, f / A ~ ~_;h ~ t:"" . "" . ..,. c;" C ~ . ~tf!" .:~<" 0 :,.l, .;-." ::$>"J. r-./. .""" Q:..~ - c?> ('/~ ,~ /~S CON'~ ORDER NUMBER U-G-16-80 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BRITISH COLUMBIA UTILITIES CO~LMISSION IN THE MATTER OF the Utilities Commission Act SBC 1980, c. 60 and IN THE MATTER OF an Application by West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited BEFORE: R. Smith, ) Deputy Chairman; ) D.B. Kilpatrick, ) Commissioner; and ) November 27, 1980 J.D.V. Newlands, ) Commissioner ) o R D E R vlliEREAS West Kootenay Power and Light Company, Limited ( t1 West Kootenay Power") applied November 25, 1980 under Section 57(1) of the Utilities Commission Act to increase its total borrowings by Term Loan from the Bank of Montreal from $32.0 million to $36.0 million, such funds to be used .~ finance a portion of the Company's capital expenditures for the balance of 1980, and 1981; and WHEREAS the Commission has approved prior borrowings from the Bank of Montreal by West Kootenay Power as follows: (1) Order No. G-26-75, dated June 26, 1975 $ 8.0 million (2) Order No. G-22-76, dated May 17, 1976, increase from $ 8.0 million to $11.0 million (3) Order No. G-25-77, dated June 30, 1977, increase from $11.0 million to $23.0 million (4) Order No. G-49-78, dated November 24, 1978, increase from $23.0 million to $27.0 million (5) Order No. G-38-79, dated October 11, 1979, increase from $27.0 million to $32.0 million; and ... /2 "",'.:"~-Y FiRST FLr)':::')r:\ 1~77 \t/2sr }-I;.\STlNGS Sri-itET \'~~.:C .. ~? 8C \'~~ C':~.:,':-;~ .,..:::....E;>HOi\~E TEl EX (l-! 5~SV3
WHEREAS the Commission has reviewed the Application and supporting material including the terms and conditions for the borrowings and approves the purpose thereof. NOW THEREFORE the Commission hereby grants approval under Section 57(1) of the Utilities Commission Act authorizing the total borrowings by Term Loan from the Bank of Montreal by West Kootenay Power of up to $36.0 million, and the extension of the term to January 2, 1982. DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, this A7 r:~lT1SI r I I t'Ui: IU 1 \1:Jli\ OHIII U L,i IIh.HH UTILITIES COMMISSION ORDER NUMBER U-G-16-80 2 ~~ day of November, 1980. Deputy Chairman
You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.